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How to Grow Pothos in Water – The Proper Way

How to Grow Pothos in Water – The Proper Way

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One of the easiest houseplants to propagate, Pothos, commonly known as ‘Devil’s ivy,’ can be grown in water or soil.

The Pothos’ bright green, heart-shaped leaves can be trained to trail from where they are planted, and they make a lovely addition to your other plants.

Available in many varieties, the most common, golden pothos, have cream and gold striations against the dark green of the pothos leaves.

There is only one cultivar of Pothos (Epipremnum aureum), and horticulturalists have developed a dozen, or so, different varieties of pothos for you to enjoy.

Read on for easy instructions on how to grow pothos in water.

How to Grow Pothos in Water?

You start with a clean glass container, making sure to fill it with clean water. Add a tiny amount of liquid fertilizer. Snip a cutting from an existing plant’s root. Place the stem in the water-filled container, making sure 1-2 nodes are covered with water. Place in a north-facing window, and you will soon have the start of a new plant.

What your Pothos Needs to Grow in Water

A pothos needs very little to grow in water other than indirect light. Therefore, they will grow without the addition of fertilizer.

However, they will not be as prolific as a properly fed plant and will eventually die if not given proper nutrients.

Pothos will also need to be kept in a room with indirect sunlight, especially when you first place them in their containers.

This is because your plant can survive in low light, although the colors are maybe a little less vivid than a plant grown in the light.

If you put your plants in clean containers, fertilize them, and tend to their needs, you should have a new plant in a very few weeks.

Using an existing plant to propagate new ones and having the ability to grow them in water will allow you to fill your home with greenery for a very, very low cost.

Fertilizing Pothos Grown in Water

Fertilizing your water-grown pothos is important as water alone does not have the nutrients necessary to support the life of a plant.

You can add either liquid or granulated fertilizer to your pothos water in the amount indicated on the container and fertilize every four to six weeks.

However, take care not to overfertilize your plants as they can build up in the plant, become toxic, and make them sick.

Pothos will also require plenty of indirect sunlight. DO NOT let the water level fall below the new roots when growing your pothos in water.

The new roots are very tender, and exposure to air can dry them out and damage them.

The water in which you grow your pothos needs changing once every 2-3 weeks. Use clear containers or colored glass containers when growing pothos.

Clear containers will allow you to judge the quality of water your plant is in as well as its water level.

Be sure to remove your plant and clean the container at the first sign of algae growth, as it can affect your plant’s health.

Transplanting Water-Grown Pothos to Soil

You can definitely transplant pothos grown in the water into the soil, and this is how many gardeners grow new plants. They will propagate a plant in water and then plant in soil once its root system develops.

The pothos, however, can be left in water indefinitely if you give it the nutrients and light that it needs.

Of course, growing your plant in water is not as messy as growing in soil.

If you plant your pothos in the soil, let them dry out between each watering of your plant because even though you can grow your pothos in water, they do not like overly wet roots.

When planted in the soil, your plant can get root rot very quickly if the roots are too wet.

Either way, you grow your pothos plant in water or soil works, and for those who are not as attentive, growing your plant in water will ensure you never let it get too dry.

Well, it will if you add a little water along the way.

Pothos are trailing plants, so whether yours is planted in water or soil, facilitate the free fall of their stems by using planters that allow their stems to trail.

When planting in soil, plant your devil’s ivy in a hanging pot so that its tendrils can hang down.

Frequently Asked Questions about How to Grow Pothos in Water

Do I need a particular type of container to raise pothos in water?

You don’t need a specific container to grow your pothos in water. Jelly jars, large test tubes, fat jars, and skinny jars need to be clear vessels. The roots of your pothos are as interesting as their leaves and can add an interesting aspect to your plant collection.

Do Pothos plants have any special requirements?

Pothos is one of the hardiest houseplants you can have and requires very little care. The most significant risk of messing one up comes from over or underwatering plants in the soil or allowing the water level of your water-grown plants to become too low.

Read more about what plants grow in water next.