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Anthurium Wendlingerii Care — All There Is To Know

Anthurium Wendlingerii Care — All There Is To Know

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Some anthurium varieties are admired for their blooms, while others are loved for the foliage. 

Today’s plant is 2 in 1 as it offers both features. The Anthurium Wendlingeri might be rare, but it’s worth the discussion. 

This plant is distributed in Panama and Costa Rica. It was initially described in the year 1965 and falls in the category of velvet-leafed pendent Anthuriums. 

It was described by a Brazilian botanist named Graziela Barroso

This plant is not commonly grown by hobbyist gardeners. Most records indicate its cultivation by special plant collectors or research centers. 

The long showy leaves are deep green and trail downwards. For this reason, it looks lovely as a hanging plant. 

The trailing foliage of this plant resembles that of Anthurium Pseudospectabile and Anthurium Pendens. 

The shape of the flower on these varieties helps differentiate them. The spadix on A. Pendens is slightly curved, but the spadix of A. Wendlingeri is spiral-shaped. 

The foliage also varies because the leaves on A. Pendens are more green with a matte surface. 


Anthurium Wendlingerii Care

Plant the Anthurium Wendlingerii in soil with orchid bark, charcoal, and perlite. Keep day temperatures around 85 degrees Fahrenheit for the best results (29 degrees celsius). The optimal humidity level is 80%. Fertilize sparingly once a month during the growing season with a fertilizer rich in nitrogen.



This plant will thrive in a soil mix created with orchid bark, perlite, and charcoal. If you want to display this showy plant in a hanging basket, create a soil mixture using perlite, peat moss, and vermiculite. 

All three should be used in equal parts. Adjust the quantity of each ingredient to create a loose but well-draining soil mixture.

You can also use a moss-lined hanging basket for this variety. The most critical feature about the growing medium of this plant is the drainage. 

You can use a commercial orchid mix, but it’s better to enhance the drainage using charcoal or pumice. 

pH should be 5.5 – 6.5 after all anthuriums are acid-loving plants. Adding compost to the soil mix can do wonders for the soil’s nutritional value.



The most difficult part of caring for an Anthurium Wendlingeri is the watering. These are moisture-loving plants, but they do not tolerate the roots sitting in soggy dirt. 

If your soil stays waterlogged for a long period, it encourages bacteria growth which eventually causes root rot. 

We have written a detailed guide about root rot causes, symptoms, and treatments. Understanding root rot is a must for every plant owner because that’s how anthuriums are killed commonly. 

Every simple issue in your garden, if ignored, can lead to root rot and the demise of your Anthurium Wendlingeri. 

The watering habits of your plant will change depending on the pot’s material. The good news is Anthuriums are not very demanding in terms of pots. 

They will thrive in any pot with a drainage hole that can prevent overwatering. 

Anthurium Wendlingeri growing in a terracotta pot needs more water than the one in a ceramic pot. This is because the terracotta pot has a porous surface. 

Terracotta pots are better for plants prone to overwatering. Make sure you use the unglazed version of the terracotta pot. 

You have to water this plant when the top layer of the growing medium is dry, which takes about one week. 

You should check the growing medium of your plant once every week to make sure it never goes bone dry because that’s not how anthuriums grow in nature. 



If you want this variety to reach the maximum size, you have to grow it under bright filtered sunlight. 

This plant despises direct sunlight, but it can handle partial sunny spots where the morning sun is available. This plant can also adapt to a partially shaded location. 

You can also opt for artificial lights but make sure they are placed at an appropriate height above the plant. 



This plant will perform best in daytime temperatures nearing 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius). This plant can handle cold temperatures of up to a minimum of 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). 

You can also grow it in a hanging basket in the porch, entryway, or balcony in USDA hardiness zones 11 or higher. 



This anthurium, like many others, needs a humid and moist atmosphere to grow. 

Keep your Anthurium Wendlingerii at 80% humidity or more for the best growing conditions. 



The Anthurium Wendlingerii will appreciate light doses of fertilizer once a month throughout the growing season in spring and summer.

Ideally, you should have added compost or a starter fertilizer while planting the Anthurium Wendlingeri. 

But if your plant is growing slowly, you can use a fertilizer designed for acid-loving houseplants or anthuriums later on in the growing season. 



This plant is sensitive to mishandling; therefore, repotting should be done carefully without damaging the delicate roots. 

If you’re not too sure how to start repotting, read the guide about how to repot Anthuriums in this blog.

A common misconception about these plants is that they like being root-bound. 

Keeping the plant in a tight space for a long time means it will have stunted or slow growth, mainly because it has no room to spread and grow. 

For this reason, repot the Anthurium Wendlingerii after two to three years.

You should consider the maximum size of this plant when choosing the pot type and size. It’s safe to go one size up whether you are using a pot or a hanging basket. 

First, gather the materials required for repotting. Prepare the soil mixture, get a new pot, gloves, and sterilize your tools. 

Remove the plant from the current pot. Water the plant on the previous day to make this process easier. 

Gently tap the sides of the container if your plant is growing in a floor planter. In the case of hanging baskets, simply remove the soil around the plant. 

Untangle the roots and remove any smelly or soft roots that show symptoms of the disease. It’s the best time to inspect your plant for root rot. 

Shift to the new pot and keep the plant regularly moist after repotting but do not fertilize for the first few weeks. 



Pruning can be performed at any time of the year to remove sick or discolored leaves from the Anthurium Wendlingeri. 



If you are growing this plant from seeds or young seedlings, remember that the seedlings are delicate and can die even before the plant establishes. 

Leave the seedlings in their original pot until they are 3 inches long to prevent transplant damage. 

Fresh seeds from the fruit will not take long to germinate. Pay attention to the watering, light, and temperature needs of Anthurium Wendlingeri until the leaves are 8 inches long. 

This is considered as the established or maturity point of this plant. After this, the plant will survive with the usual care mentioned in this article. 

The safest way to propagate this plant is via root division. You have to carefully remove the Anthurium Wendlingeri from the pot. Make sure no leaves or roots are damaged while doing this. 

After pruning any unhealthy roots, divide the root ball of your anthurium into several small sections. You can create as many sections as you like as long as there are a few healthy leaves and roots attached. 

Shift these sections to new nursery pots filled with rich, well-drained potting mixture. 

You can also propagate using stem cuttings from the mother plant. You will not have to disturb the root system in this method. 

In fact, your cutting will grow its own root system within few weeks. Take cuttings when the plant is healthy and actively growing. 

Cuttings taken in dormant season rarely root, and you will end up wasting the precious leaves. Plant these cuttings in new pots based on the size of the cutting. You should also use a fresh potting mixture. 

Avoid contact of lower leaves with the soil surface. Else the foliage will start rotting. 

Water your cuttings regularly, and they will soon show signs of new growth. On average, this takes 4-6 weeks.   



This plant has one of the most unusual inflorescences among anthuriums. 

The spadix is straight initially, but it grows in a corkscrew shape with a long pointy tip at the end. This inflorescence also lasts longer compared to the other Anthurium varieties. 

The peduncles can grow 15 inches (40 cm) long. The spathe is in shades of purple and green. Whereas the spadix is grayish-white or greenish-white. 

If you are lucky, you will get the chance to see the bright red fruit of this plant. This fruit contains seeds that can be collected to produce a new Anthurium Wendlingeri. 



If you follow the instructions given above, this plant will surely grow fast. It will put out new leaves every 8-10 weeks. 

The rippled dark-colored foliage has a velvety surface. These long leaves will shine under the sun with their glittery surface.

The pendant leaves of this plant also have pleats on the surface. The leaves are slightly curved at the end when your Anthurium Wendlingeri’s still young. 

But the mature version of this plant has long and flat leaves. 

The ultimate size of the leaves will depend on where the plant was collected from. It can achieve a maximum leaf size of 5.5 feet (1.5 m) and a width of 5 inches (12.7 cm). 

As a houseplant, it produces 3.9 ft (1.2m) long leaves. Some of the variants of this plant also produce short narrow leaves, so do not worry if yours doesn’t reach this size. 

You might be growing the shorter version of the Anthurium Wendlingeri. 


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Common Problems for Anthurium Wendlingeri



Anthurium Wendlingeri is prone to any pests that feed on foliar plants. These include mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites. 

This plant is also infected with snails and slugs. You can get rid of them using diatomaceous earth or slug pellets. 

Coffee grounds are a natural repellent for snails and slugs. You can spread them on the potting soil to deter these squishy animals. 

Do not let the water remain on the foliage and always water in the morning. 

For other pests, simple remedies like neem oil, horticulture oils, or liquid soaps work best. 

You can start the treatment with strong garden hose water stream. This will remove a large population of eggs and adults from your plant. 

Later spray the plant with the chosen solution for several weeks. Make sure the bottom sides are not missed. 

To read more about these leaf-eating pests, check our articles about mealy bugs, spider mites, and aphids


Tips for Growing Anthurium Wendlingerii

  • Avoid planting this variety in a windy location in the outdoor garden because it cannot handle strong winds.  
  • The delicate foliage is prone to tearing due to mishandling, so relocate, repot or propagate this plant carefully. 
  • Make sure the pot has one or two drainage holes to avoid the pooling of water at the bottom of the pot. The fleshy roots of anthuriums can easily start rotting in soggy soil, so drainage for the soil and pot is a must. 
  • This is an epiphytic plant that despises a heavy soil mixture. It will thrive in a growing medium with lots of air pockets. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Wendlingeri Care


What is the best location to grow the Anthurium Wendlingeri indoors?

This plant requires high heat and moisture to thrive. Therefore, the kitchen and bathroom are the best locations to grow it inside your house. 


How can you reduce the risk of transplant shock for Anthurium Wendlingeri?

Thoroughly watering your plant before repotting or propagation will reduce the risk of transplant damage. But this plant should be watered at least one day before the repotting. 


Can you use garden soil for growing Anthurium Wendlingeri?

Garden soil might be the cheapest option, but it’s not the healthiest option. Garden soil should not be used in any anthurium mix because its dense, has low air circulation, and has poor drainage. Correcting all these issues will be expensive and time-consuming, so better start with good quality soil. 


Why is bark recommended for this anthurium variety?

Bark is a chunky material meaning it will create lots of space for water and airflow within the soil. Another reason for using bark for anthuriums is its acidic nature because anthuriums need acidic soil. 



A warm greenhouse is the best location for this velvet leafed rare anthurium variety. The long leaves of this plant require lots of space to grow and for air circulation. 

This showy plant tops the wishlist of anthurium plant collectors. 

We hope that the instructions shared in this article are helpful for successfully growing the Anthurium Wendlingeri as a houseplant.