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Hoya Krimson Princess Care – My Best Tips!

Hoya Krimson Princess Care – My Best Tips!

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Have you caught the Hoya bug yet, or are you planning to buy your first Hoya? If so, my Hoya Krimson Princess care guide covers all aspects of growing this Hoya plant.

Hoya Krimson Princess

Hoya Krimson Princess or Hoya carnosa ‘Rubra (latin Hoya carnosa ‘Krimson Princess’) is a variegated variant of the ever popular Hoya carnosa.

The plant is native to Thailand, India, China, and Indonesia.

It belongs to the Apocynaceae family (Dogbane family) and is part of the Hoya genus.

Hoyas are perennials and epiphytic vining plants known for their ropey vines. They do look great in regular pots as well as in hanging baskets.

They are often grown for their waxy leaves (hence the nickname wax plant) and their beautiful, scented flowers. 

Now, without further ado, let us look closely at how to take good care of your princess. 


Species Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Queen'
Synonyms Hoya Krimson Queen, Hoya carnosa ‘Rubra‘
Family Apocynaceae
Genus Hoya
Growth Climbing, trailing
Height 4.0 feet
Width 3.0 feet
Soil Well-draining soil. Peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite.
Watering Every 10-14 days
Light Bright indirect
Temperature 61.0
Humidity 50.0
Fertilizer 0.0
Propagation Stem cuttings
Toxicity Non-toxic to cats and dogs as well as humans


How Not To Kill Your Hoya Krimson Princess
Hoya Krimson Princess Photo Credit: @wanderingwhittles on Instagram

Hoya Krimson Princess Care Instructions

Hoya Krimson Princess care needs bright filtered light or indirect light, favorable in (or near) an east-facing window. Regarding the right choice of soil, aim for a chunky mix that includes perlite and pumice, as well as peat moss. Keep temperatures between 61°F (16°C ) and 95°F (35°C), and water your Krimson Princess once the soil becomes dry to the touch. For best results, keep the humidity at 70-80%. During the growing season, feed your Hoya once a month using an organic fertilizer.


Choose a well-draining soil mix for your Krimson Princess as you would for most other houseplants. If you do your soil mix, use a combination of peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. I always use an equal ratio of these ingredients, and this has served my Krimson Princess and me very well so far. 

One thing to mention is that the chunkier, lighter, and more airy your soil mix ends up, the better.

The key takeaway here is that you should aim for soil that is both airy and well-draining.

Some great ingredients that you can use to enrich your regular houseplant potting soil are:

  1. Coarse sand: Makes sure the soil doesn’t get too compact
  2. Coconut husk: Prevents suffocation of roots. Enables oxygen to get to plant roots
  3. Clay Balls: Adds chunkiness and makes the soil mix airy
  4. Orchid bark: Chunky pieces help to ensure airflow to roots
  5. Peat moss: Keeps humidity, softens the soil, improves drainage
  6. Orchid bark: Ensures airflow to the roots
  7. Vermiculite: Good for moisture retention, adds aeration, helps added fertilizer release

Don’t have all of these great ingredients at your disposal?

That’s fine. Mixing some of these ingredients will ensure a good soil quality that prevents root rot and other plant diseases.


Hoya Krimson Princess needs bright indirect light or bright filtered sunlight. An east-facing window is optimal. You can always use a plant grow light if the ideal conditions in front of a window cannot be met or if you have a specific place where you want to put your plant.

It is important to note that variegated plants need more sunlight than the non-variegated versions as the variegation does not help the plant to photosynthesize.

So, whenever you are having a plant with some variegation, grant it a bit more sunlight than you would give to its non-variegated counterpart. 

If you want your Hoya Krimson Princess to grow vigorously, provide sufficient light. Don’t expose it to direct sunlight, though, as this will scorch the leaves. 

A plant growing in half or even full shade in nature will not necessarily grow well in a shaded area in your house as the sun outdoors is much stronger than in any place.

So, nothing is all too surprising here, as bright, indirect sunlight is what most houseplants would prefer. 


Hoyas are plants with woody stems and thick, succulent-like leaves. They are fairly drought-tolerant, and so is our Krimson Princess.

So, how much water does your Krimson Princess need?

Well, it depends on various factors. Depending on your exact location and the environment that you are living in, the watering requirements for your Krimson Princess might vary drastically. 

This is why statements like “Water your plant three times a week” don’t make a lot of sense because what is true for plant owner XY might not be true for plant owner XYZ, even when we talk about the watering needs of the same plant. 

So, how do I know when to water my Krimson Princess?

A good tip is to use the famous index finger test. This lets you easily determine if water should be applied to your Hoya. Stick your index finder 1-2 inches into the soil (2.5-5 cm). If it is still wet, do not water. If it is dry to the touch, give it a drink. 

Also, during the growing season (spring and summer), your Krimson Princess will generally need more water than in the off-season (autumn and winter). That said, it makes sense to reduce watering during colder months. 

Another good rule is never to water your Krimson Princess when the soil is still humid.

When you give your Hoya a drink, water it thoroughly so that the water is flowing through the drainage holes of the pot.

Drainage holes are an absolute must for a healthy Hoya.


The Hoya Krimson Princess prefers temperatures between 61°F (16°C ) and 95°F (35°C). They don’t enjoy sudden temperature changes and can’t cope with temperatures too cold. 

So, they are not frost-tolerant. If you keep your Hoya outside, bring it inside before the first frost. 


Hoyas thrive in high-humidity environments between 70-80%. Most households won’t be able to meet the high humidity requirements of this gorgeous hoya right out of the box. 

But that’s nothing to worry about too much, as you can use one of the following hacks to crank up the humidity level:

  • Place a pebble tray beneath your plant pot and fill it with water. Water evaporation will directly go to your plant and increase the humidity around the plant.
  • Use a humidifer
  • Group plants with similar needs together, as this increases humidity for all of your plants in that cluster

Now, some houseplant enthusiasts might encourage you to mist the leaves of your Krimson Princess regularly. This is yet another tip that you will often come across when higher humidity levels are desired. 

However, we are NOT in favor of this method, as misting the leaves just doesn’t produce the desired results. It might help to improve the humidity short term but fails to deliver in the long run.

What’s more, in some cases, misting your plant causes more harm than good. 

That said, high humidity levels are perfect for your Hoya. But that doesn’t mean your Hoya won’t do well enough in lower humidity levels.

The higher the humidity, the better. No need to be obsessed about it, though!


Make sure you are using a fertilizer that is high in potassium and phosphorous. Ensure that the (K) value in NPK is low as succulent-like plants such as our Hoya Krimson Queen only need small amounts of potassium. 

I choose organic fertilizers whenever possible.

If liquid synthetic fertilizer is used, remember always to use it diluted at half-strength of what is indicated on the package for your houseplant to avoid any adverse effects. 

Also, always err on the side of caution when fertilizing. Overfertilizing can kill your plant. Underfertilizing, on the other hand, is often not a huge issue. In fact, many houseplant owners don’t fertilize their houseplants at all. 

That said, here’s my recommendation for you:

During growing season (spring and summer), fertilize your Krimson Queen about once a month, using an organic fertilizer.

In autumn and winter, reduce or even pause fertilizing your Princess. Your Hoya will have reduced needs for nutrients during these seasons. This holds for most houseplants, whether we are talking Hoyas or other houseplants such as Philodendrons or Monsteras.

Hoya Krimson Princess Propagation

Propagate your Hoya Krimson Princess via stem cuttings. Taking cuttings is easy and gives you a lot of growing options. Once you make a cutting, it mainly comes down to your preference and the availability of different growing mediums.

As far as stem cutting propagation goes, you can root your cuttings directly in soil, root it in water or use another propagation medium such as perlite or peat moss.  

The best season to propagate your Hoya Krimson Princess is spring or summer.

Winter propagation is also possible, but we generally don’t recommend it, as success rates are lower and it takes much more time. 

For your convenience, I added a handy step-by-step guide for you to follow to propagate your Hoya Krimson Princess successfully:

  • Select a cutting that is not too woody and still young (never take a cutting with blooms!). Ensure your cutting has at least 1-3 leaves, speeding up the propagation process.
  • Have your pruning shears or a knife ready. Sterilize your tool using rubbing alcohol and put it under an open flame for a few seconds to ensure no bacteria, virus, fungal issue, or contamination can be caused on the cut.
  • Cut below a node by doing a diagonal cut. This type of cut will help the cutting take in more humidity and prevent the cut piece from rotting.
  • Dip your cutting in rooting hormone or cinnamon. This step is optional (will speed up the propagation process considerably, though)
  • Prepare your rooting medium of choice. If you choose water, make sure the water is at room temperature. I recommend distlled water for this purpose.
  • Make sure the node of the cutting is in touch with the rooting medium
  • Make sure that none of the leaves of your cutting is in touch with the soil, water, or sphagnum moss, as they might rot.
  • Use a high-humidity environment (use a humidity dome or a plastic box to increase humidity) 
  • Use a heat mat to make sure that the cutting remains warm
  • Make sure your cutting is in a well-light place. Direct sunlight needs to be avoided, though.
  • Replant the cutting into soil (always use a fresh pot and fresh soil) once you see roots forming that are at least a couple of inches long.

Also, patience is key. It usually takes a couple of weeks for your cuttings to root.

Once you replanted your cuttings into the soil, care for your Hoya babies just as you do for the mother plant. 


Hoya Krimson Princess is a vigorous grower that grows well if conditions in light, watering, temperature, humidity, nutrients, and soil composition are met.

When grown indoors, a mature Hoya Krimson Princess can reach 59 to 79 inches (1.5-2 meters).

In the wild, a length or height of 20 feet (6 meters) for a Hoya is not uncommon.

The petioles of the Hoya Krimson Queen are between 0.4 and 0.6 inches long (1 and 1.5 cm long). 

Leaves are thick and fleshy and are 1.6-2 inches long (4-5 cm). Due to their waxy texture, Hoyas are commonly referred to as Wax plants


Whenever I go to a garden center or some other place that sells houseplants, I am always surprised to see that most plant pots sold do not come with drainage holes. This is a big no no. 

You need to make sure that the pot you are using has at least one drainage hole. If your pot does not have drainage holes, excess water can’t escape the pot and your Krimson Princess will be in big danger of root rot. And believe me, you don’t want that!

My recommendation for Hoya Krimson Princess is to go for a terracotta pot. Terracotta pots are awesome because they take in extra moisture and allow for oxygen exchange to the roots.

Repot your Hoya Krimson Princess frequently. Once or twice a year should do. 

When repotting, always make sure to use fresh soil. 

Hoya Krimson Princess Flower

An inflorescence on a Hoya Krimson Princess consists of up to 30 tiny flowers that build a round cluster of sweetly scented flowers.

One of the biggest reasons why hoyas are so hyped is certainly the beauty of their flowers. But getting a Hoya to flower is not an easy task. And a great deal of patience is necessary as well. 

When you see such a Hoya bloom for the first time, you almost think it is fake as it looks too great to be true.

This is why Hoyas are often referred to as “Wax plants.”

Hoya Krimson Princess vs. Krimson Queen

The main difference between the Hoya Krimson Princess and the Hoya Krimson Queen is that the Princess has variegation at the center of the leaf. The Queen has white-creamy variegation along the leaf edges. The Princess has pink stems, more delicate, thinner leaves and grows shorter. The Krimson Queen has brown stems, grows faster, and gets taller.

Hoya Krimson Princess Toxicity

The Hoya Krimson Princess is not poisonous. However, they produce milky white sap that is toxic. Hoya plants are not toxic to cats and dogs but can make them sick when plant parts are ingested.

Keep your pets away from these plants whenever possible. 

Hoya Krimson Queen Pests

Hoyas are very prone to pest infestations. 

So, what are some of the pests you might need to deal with when caring for your Krimson Princess? The usual suspects, I would say. 

Here they are: Mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, scale, and thrips are the most common pests to attack your Hoya Krimson Princess. Pest infestations are a real bother. It is, therefore, best to take as many preventative measures as possible so that you won’t have to deal with these pesky pests in the first place. 

Preventative Measures

Use Neem Oil or a few drops of dishwater soap and rubbing alcohol diluted in water. Spray this onto your plant every 2-3 weeks using a spraying bottle. This way, the leaves and stems of your Hoya plant are protected from pests.

How to Get Rid of a Bad Pest Infestation

Once pest infestations get bad and you find hundreds of bad insects on your Hoya, the general methods are no longer working. To get rid of large pest infestations, use systemic insecticide. An alternative is beneficial nematodes. Beneficial nematodes are good bugs that you can use against bad bugs. They are predator bugs that will eat the common plant pests.

In my experience, it is best never to let infestations get out of hand. Initially, it is easy to pluck scales or squish a few mealybugs with your fingers. But once they are in large numbers, they reproduce exponentially.

The worst thing is that the larvae of these insects are often very small and white. The eggs hatch in the soil in most cases. So even if you eliminate every pest on and under the leaves and on the stem, they will be back after 2-3 weeks.

Quarantine New Plants

When a new plant arrives in your home, inspect it thoroughly for pests. Look at the leaves, the leaf undersides, the stems, and the petioles. Add neem oil and diluted dishwater soap to eliminate pests even if you cannot see any. Quarantine the new plant for three weeks before putting it to the rest of your collection.

At the beginning of my plant career, I neglected this suggestion. What happened is that whenever I brought a new plant home the bugs on it quickly spread over to the new collection. I know how hard it can be to wait as you want to display your new plant with the rest. But don’t do it straight away.


Mealybugs are cotton-like white insects. Often it looks like some dust has built up on the stems or leaves of your Hoya Krimson Princess. These pesky pests look to suck the sap out of your lovely plant. 

It is not always easy to spot these pests. Always check the underside of the leaves, as this is where mealybugs are often found.  Also, mealybugs are attracted by new growth. And the softer parts of the Hoya Krimson Princess are yet another easy target for these pests.

The good thing about these pests is that they are rather slow. The damage they do is often rather limited. 

Now, what can you do to get rid of Mealybugs?

Rubbing alcohol is the answer. Use a Q-tip and put some rubbing alcohol on it. Once the mealybugs get in touch with the alcohol, they are history. 

There are many more remedies for mealybugs control. 

For larger mealybugs infestations, soap-based sprays are recommended. Castille soap does a great job, here.

Put one tablespoon of natural Castille soap in one quart of water (~1 liter) and spray your Hoya Krimson Princess every two weeks until the mealybugs disappear for good.

Adieu, Mealybugs!

Spider mites

Spider mites are another plant pest that plant enthusiasts will most likely need to deal with at some point in their plant parenting career. 

Now, spider mites are a real nuisance, as they typically emerge in big numbers. What’s more, these little bugs are very small, so when they are spotted, it is often already too late. 

A telltale to identify a spider mite infestation on your Hoya carnosa Krimson Princess is the small webs these spider mites produce.

Just as mealybugs, spider mites often gather on the underside of leaves and nodes and they leave spiderwebs everywhere on your precious plant.

Still, identifying spider mites is not always that easy. This is why we recommend you to also have a look at our in-depth spider mites guide

Once you know that it is spider mites you are dealing with, you should take drastic measures. Immediately. 

The first measure to take would be to isolate your plant. You don’t want these pests to spread over and infest yet another of your lovely houseplants. 

Then, when your plant is isolated for good, it is time to go into battle. Equip yourself with neem oil, insecticidal sprays, create your soap-based sprays and use a cloth with diluted rubbing alcohol.

To avoid future spider mites infestations, your best bet is to increase the humidity, as these gnarly pests thrive in dry environments.

One way to increase the humidity is by placing your Krimson Princess in the bathroom, as this is usually the place with the highest humidity in any home. Another way to go about it is to simply use a humidifier.

Don’t give spider mites a chance!

Scale Insects

Scale is an armored yet pretty immobile insect. Not that they cannot move but they stay generally put. They love to gather on the stems of your Hoya Krimson Princess and it might look like your Hoya has some kind of damage on its stems. They are again a plant sap-sucking type of bug with a strong shell for protection.

Since the shell is protecting these buggers, any kind of pesticide or soap treatment will not be that effective. The best is to pluck them one by one. You can either use your fingernails – we totally understand if the idea grosses you out – or a dull knife.

Alternatively, you can grab a toothbrush to scrape them off the stems of your Hoya Krimson Princess. 

Make sure you get them all and you do not let any of them fall into the pot as they will reattach to the stems of your plant.

Use a Q-tip with alcohol, an insecticidal, or soap-based spray to finish them off.

Hoya Krimson Queen Diseases

The healthier your Krimson Princess is, the less susceptible to any pest infestation it will be.

When the plant is stressed, they are also more likely to be attacked by fungi, bacteria, or insects. Stress can arise from transportation, sudden fluctuations in temperature, drafts & many other causes.

Common diseases are root rot from overwatering and Septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici) caused by wet leaves.

The best suggestions here in my experience are to never water a plant when the soil is still wet. Especially not a Hoya that likes the soil to be on the drier side. I am also no fan of misting by hand as this can keep leaves dry for too long. If you do so ensure you have sufficient airflow. A fan can do wonders here.


Hoyas are hype. Especially Hoya Krimson Queen and our beloved Hoya Krimson Princess. Their sheer beauty will make any ambitious plant parent happy. Krimson Princess care is not difficult per se.