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Ivy Peperomia Care – Here’s What’s Important

Ivy Peperomia Care – Here’s What’s Important

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In today’s article, I am going to discuss Ivy Peperomia. The plant also goes by the name of Peperomia Griseoargentea.

It is an evergreen succulent houseplant that either forms rosettes or erects with trailing stems. The plant belongs to the Piperaceae family, which are primarily grown for their foliage and are native to the Jungles of South America.

To care for an Ivy Peperomia, provide them bright indirect light and water them moderately during summers. Monthly fertilization is usually enough for these plants with daily misting.

Peperomia Ivy plant leaves are heart-shaped with dark green leaves that grow up to 1.5 inches. The leaves have a corrugated surface, which tends to look almost black at the base.

The leaf-stalk is red or pink, which may have white flowers with spikes on it during summers and autumn. Though not very colorful, the flowers remind one of Anthuriums and Lilies.

The Ivy Peperomia is a wonderful addition to a room decoration as it can be placed on one’s office desk or table. The plant has a perennial life cycle because of which it lasts long for about 3 to 5 years.

How Not To Kill Your Ivy Peperomia

Basic Plant Care for Ivy Peperomia


Well-drained rich soil with a slightly acidic or neutral pH is good for Ivy Peperomia. I place my Peperomia in peat-based soil. However, placing it in a mixture of perlite and peat works as well. Peat soil is non-renewable. Therefore, using coco-coir is better as it is environmentally friendly with a fair amount of aeration and drainage.

Peperomia’s thrive well with the addition of orchid bark in the soil. Using charcoal also helps as it absorbs impurities from the soil and improves its drainage.

To improve the soil, I add worm compost as it is rich in nutrients. Sometimes I mix these three above mentioned ingredients in equal ratio to create my own customized soil.


When watering Ivy Peperomia, make sure that the soil remains moist. It should not be too wet as the plant is semi-succulent; however, it must not be kept too dry either. Water the plant well and wait for some time until the soil is dry at least 2 inches at the top.

You may use your finger to check if the texture of the soil is dry enough before watering it again.

Normally, the Ivy Peperomia need watering once a week in summers and about two to three times a month in winter. Having a wet, soggy soil can be problematic in the long run; therefore, moderation is the key.


An important aspect of Ivy Peperomia is that it loves bright rooms. However, it does not appreciate direct sunlight. The direct light easily burns the leaves of the plant.

The Peperomia plant prefers living in bright but indirect light under a shade. I prefer using artificial lights like ‘growing lights’ or fluorescent bulbs. If your plan is to place your Ivy Peperomia near a window, try putting it in the North and East direction.


Ivy Peperomia is native to South America, which normally has warm temperatures. Therefore, this plant does not do well in cold temperatures. They ideally prefer temperatures ranging from 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius) to 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius).

Placing your plant in temperatures under 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) could potentially harm it. Therefore, I place my plants in warmer spots during the colder months.


Ivy Peperomia does not thrive well under humid conditions. Average indoor humidity is more than enough for this Peperomia species.

They are very breathable plants that enjoy the open air.  That is why, during propagation, I cover the plant carefully to ensure there is enough room for them to breathe openly.


Just like water, Ivy Peperomia does not need too much fertilizer. The fertilizer can be added during the seasons of spring and summer. For the healthy growth of the Peperomia, I prefer using diluted fertilizers at half strength.


The Ivy Peperomia has small roots and likes living in tight pots. This feature of the Peperomia gives me ample time before the next repotting.

I would not suggest repotting at all unless one sees the roots coming out of the drainage holes. If I note that this is happening, I repot during the spring season as this a good time.

Take the Ivy Peperomia from its current pot and brush off excess soil from the roots. Next, carefully plant the Peperomia in a pot that is one size bigger than the previous one.

Repotting will stimulate growth and a greener look on your Ivy plant.


Over time, the Ivy Peperomia may require some pruning as it starts to look spindly and untidy. If your plant starts to look so, pruning during the spring season is advised.

The pruning may be done by removing the ends of the shoots and pinching off the leaves. Not only will the plant look neat, but new leaves and stems will also grow as well.


I propagate my Ivy Peperomia during the spring season while I am repotting the plant. You may propagate the plant using two methods; using the seeds or cuttings. The more popular method is using the stem cutting as the seeds are slow to grow.

Propagation by Stem Cutting

  • Take the healthy Ivy Peperomia from the pot and divide it into small pieces. Each piece must have 2-3 leaves attached.
  • Sterilize a sharp knife and cut the lower area of the stem near a node.
  • Next, place the stems on a flat surface and wait for the callus to form over the cuts.
  • After the formation of callus, you may plant the cutting in moist, rich soil, under warm temperatures.
  • Press the soil evenly with your fingers and let the roots grow.
  • Make sure not to cover the plant completely, or it won’t be able to breathe due to excessive humidity. Excessive humidity can hurt plants like Ivy Peperomia, which are succulents or semi succulents.

Propagation by Seeds

  • The soil bed for the seeds needs to be dug over beforehand so that the soil gets time to settle.
  • Next, cover the dug soil with plastic or a double layer of fleece to eliminate weeds and help warm the soil in early spring.
  • Only unfold the bed when you’re about to sow. To level the surface, use a rake, and create a crumble-like tilth. Then clean up any weeds and debris left behind.
  • Place a cane or stake through the bed and drive it gently into the floor. This will create a straight drill (shallow depression), whose depth on the seed packet must be provided. The drills should be placed as per the instructions on the seed packet.
  • As an alternative, draw drills with a small hoe or a rake’s corner.
  • Before sowing, add water to rows. Generally, this is better than watering on top of the sown seeds.
  • Scatter the seed thinly into the bottom of the drill. Do not be too optimistic, as plants will need thinning as per the required spacing on the seed packet. Small seeds typically have to be placed a finger width apart.
  • Next, use a rake to cover the seeds gently with soil and then fill the drill back up again.
  • Place a marker in the soil at one end, so that you do not forget where the row is and what you have sown.
  • Place a single layer of fleece over the patch.
  • Next, using a spade, drive the fleece’s edges into the ground to ensure that it doesn’t float away.

Under heavy rain, packing down some soils will create a cap of hard compacted soil that dries to a crust from which seeds cannot emerge. Prevent this by using potting media such as peat-free multipurpose compost to cover the seeds.

It is important to note that regardless of how careful a person might be, there is always a small chance that you will lose some leaves and stem during the propagation process. The plant is fragile, especially when it’s too dry. Therefore, don’t concern yourself over it too much and give it time to rejuvenate again.


Apart from its silver-green leaves, the Ivy Peperomia does not have any flowers on them. However, their stems come in red or deep purple and can grow into varying lengths.


The Ivy Peperomia is evergreen, which is not affected by any seasons provided proper conditions are given.

The Ivy Peperomia does not grow too tall in size and remains at the height of 7 to 11 inches. Their short height is helpful in moving things around the house, which is why they are adored as the perfect in-house plants.

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Dreamy peperomias for both #peperomiatuesday and #terrariumtuesday This open terrarium environment seems to be perfect for these two peperomias, especially the one in the first pic. It grew laterally, conforming to the shape of the container (as a sidenote, I can’t identify this one for sure, the pink stems are throwing me off – I think the other one is a griseoargentea ‘Pink lady’) #peperomia #peperomiagriseoargentea #syngonium #sellaginella #fittonia #fittoniaalbivenis #openterrarium #terrarium #houseplants #indoorjungle #houseplantsofinstagram #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #greenthumb #plantaddict #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantesdinterieur #plantesvertes #plantes #plantstagram #indoorplants #plantlover #instaplant #lesplantescestlavie #livingwithplants #plantlife

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Common Problems for Ivy Peperomia

Following are some problems that your Ivy Peperomia can go through if you do not provide it the optimum conditions for growth:


This is a common problem in Ivy Peperomia. If the soil you are using is not draining properly, it is susceptible to becoming waterlogged. Roots in waterlogged soil die from lack of oxygen. Furthermore, dying roots cannot provide nutrients and water to the plant.

There are several cases where the condition is often misdiagnosed as pest infection. However, one must remember that pest damage rarely causes the roots to become damaged. Certain fungal infections can develop instead.

To avoid overwatering, water less frequently, but for longer periods. Adding organic matter like compost helps to keep the soil drained.

Gray Mold

Also known as Botrytis Cinerea, this is a fungal disease that runs rampant in gardens if it is damp. Even during cold and mildly cold weather.

Disease symptoms appear as spots on leaves and stems. The spots can become grayer and worse, especially if the humidity increases.

To prevent molding, before pruning, make sure that you disinfect the equipment after each cut. If you are growing your Ivy Peperomia indoors, use a small indoor fan to improve airflow. To improve spore formation, using copper-soap fungicides helps.


These are common pests found in gardening plants that feed on the sap of leaves and stems. Common symptoms of thrip infestation include splotches, discoloration, and twisted plant body.

They are extremely active pests that feed on a large group of insects. During the spring season, these pests lay eggs into the tissues of flowers, leaves, and stems after biting into them.

To get rid of thrips, remove any weed or grass which can act as an alternate host. Before propagating any plant, check for any thrip infestation.


These are soft-bodied insects that infect Ivy Peperomia by sucking on its sap. They settle on the plant as a mass.

In high numbers, these cause yellowing of leaf and, upon further damage, curling. When the mealybugs feed on the plant, it leaves behind the honeydew formation, which causes the plant to become sticky. This causes fungus to grow, resulting in sooty molds.

To control mealybugs spread, using a Q-tip, lightly dab the area with alcohol. These bugs are attracted to plants that grow on high-nitrogen soil and soft soil. Neem oil also prevents the growth of pests by acting as a repellant.


When these insects attack Ivy Peperomia, they cause the leaves to curl and turn yellow. Furthermore, there is the formation of tiny webs that give the plant a sickly and untidy look. As these insects are small in size, you may catch them by using sticky notes.

In garden settings, pest management is important to stop the spread of widespread contamination. They usually attack during hot weather conditions. An infected Ivy Peperomia can be treated with a miticide.

Cercospora Leaf Spot

This disease appears in the shape of a tanned spot on the leaf underside. The spots look similar to a condition called edema. Usually, it is hard to identify the cause of the disease.

The best method to control the disease is by spraying the underside of your Ivy Peperomia with spores.


This disease is caused by a virus that comes in the form of rings in dark pigmentation. The virus causes necrotic lesions to appear, which causes the infected leaves to fall off.

To control this disease, gather all the stems and plants of Ivy Peperomia, which have become infected. As this is a viral infection, there is no cure for it. However, we can prevent its spread. Sanitize all the tools that you may have used for gardening.

Light and Heat Stress

If your Peperomia has scorched foliage, it might be receiving too much sunlight or heat. Peperomia plants prefer indirect light. The leaves may start curling in the presence of high-intensity light.

Eastern or western-facing windows better suit the light requirements of Peperomia plants, as these typically do not receive the harshest sunlight that can kill plants.

Nutrient Deficiency and Toxicity

The deficiency of potassium and magnesium can make the Peperomia bottom leaves curl and turn yellow. You can solve this with a balanced ratio of liquid fertilizer, diluted to a quarter of its original concentration. Use it monthly to fix nutrient deficiencies.

However, only use fertilizer when all potential curling factors have been crossed out. Peperomia plants need small amounts of fertilizer and may quickly become over-fertilized, leading to more problems. Particularly toxicity due to nitrogen and phosphorus, which may affect the ability of the plants to absorb calcium.


There may be two reasons for Ivy Peperomia’s wilting. It could be either over-watering or not watering enough. To prevent overwatering, feel the soil before watering. And if you feel that you are adding too much water, then mist the plant instead.

If you notice that the plant is not standing up straight, it is probably not getting enough water. Water more often.

Tips for Growing Ivy Peperomia

Following are some tips to keep in mind when growing your Ivy Peperomia:

  • The plant is not temperature tolerant and needs a minimum of 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
  • If your plant does not grow tall enough, do not start overfeeding. This plant takes time to grow.
  • Make sure the plant does not stand on the water for too long.
  • Do not use concentrated fertilizers with this plant.
  • If you are propagating using the seedling method, slugs and snails can attack the seedlings.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ivy Peperomia

Why are the leaves of my Ivy Peperomia falling off?

Leaves of Peperomia fall off when it is being watered beyond their need. This causes roots clogging, resulting in slow or inefficient uptake of nutrients by the roots. Always check that the soil is dry up to two inches above the soil before watering it.

When is misting my Ivy Peperomia best?

Misting is best when the temperature and humidity aren’t too high. Especially during winter seasons, misting becomes even more important as the heaters are on, which can cause the plant to dry out quickly.

Read about Peperomia glabella care next.


Ivy Peperomia is a stunning semi-succulent plant with green leaves that are black at the base. They are easy maintenance, thereby not requiring a lot of time and attention. Their short height makes them perfect decorations to put on your desk or table.