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Mottled Syngonium Care – A Must-Read Guide

Mottled Syngonium Care – A Must-Read Guide

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Mottled Syngonium is an arrow-shaped vining plant that is very easy to maintain. The plant is native to tropical rainforests of the West Indies, Central and South America, and Mexico. 

The plant is well-known for its unique leaves that range from being dark green to light cream green in color.

Mottled Syngonium is part of the family of Araceae. Other common names for the plant are Syngonium Podophyllum and Arrowhead Ivy. The plant can be conveniently grown indoors on your balcony.


Mottled Syngonium Care

To grow your Mottled Syngonium well, add peat-based compost mixed with some commercial potting mix. Water the plant regularly by testing the soil and when the top inch of it feels dry. A temperature range between 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit (15-29 degrees Celsius) is ideal.



Mottled Syngonium is a vine that will thrive in conventional potting mix. The plant is very sensitive to root rot; therefore, choose a soil medium that is well-draining. 

You can also use clay or terra cotta pots that already have holes at the bottom for good drainage.

Your plant will grow best without any problems in soil that contains organic matter and is slightly acidic but should drain well. 

The soil should be properly fertilized, having a pH from 5.5 to 6.5 to help the plant thrive.

To make your own potting mix, you will need peat-based medium and commercial potting soil mixed together in equal parts. 



Mottled Syngonium has a slight resistance to drought, but the plant will prefer regular watering for development. 

When the plant is growing actively during summer and spring, water it only when the top inch of the soil feels dry. If you put your finger into the ground, and the top inch feels dry, your plant is thirsty and needs water.

It is recommended to keep adding water until you notice it running down from the drainage holes. 

Nevertheless, during the dormant phase of Mottled Syngonium, the growth is slow, and you won’t have to water it frequently.

Yet do not let the soil completely dry out. During the winter season, water it every two weeks, while in summer, apply water every week.



Mottled Syngonium is quite adaptable to the amount of light it needs and tolerates. It will perform excellently when placed in bright to slightly low light settings.

However, if grown indoors, it will thrive in a place receiving bright light.

Plant placed in the dark becomes untidy, leaves begin to lose color and turn yellow, and there is less leaf growth. If you notice any of these warning signs on your plant, move it to a brighter location immediately.

It is advised to expose the plant to bright light in stages so that the leaves don’t burn because of sudden exposure to light.



Mottled Syngonium is indigenous to the tropical and subtropical environment and thus needs warm conditions to thrive. 

Temperatures below the 50 degree Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) mark is very dangerous for your plant.

Too cold indoor temperatures cause damage to your plant and even death. 

The optimum temperature range for your indoor Mottled Syngonium is between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 29 degrees Celsius).

Avoid placing Mottled Syngonium near vents and heating systems where the air is dry and harmful for your plant.



Mottled Syngonium is native to tropical regions of South and Central America and thus needs a good amount of humidity. 

When they are cultivated indoors, you must create an area that’s humid enough for the plant.

You can easily build a humid environment for your plant by misting the leaves with some water twice or thrice per week. 

Another option would be to place your container on a tray containing stones that’ll create a humid place for your Mottled Syngonium.

Lastly, you can also use heating mats and humidifiers near your plant. 



Mottled Syngonium is not a heavy feeder, and so you won’t have to be stressed about fertilizing all the time. It will work just fine and grow healthy even without being fertilized for a short period of time.

During the active growing season, that is, spring through summer, you must apply fertilizer to your plant every month.

 On the other hand, you won’t have to apply fertilizer during the dormant winter season since the growth has ceased.

An all-purpose houseplant fertilizer that has been slightly diluted is suitable for Mottled Syngonium. It is best to fertilize the plant when you water since it will make the absorption easy. 

For healthy growth, apply a slow-release granular fertilizer during the spring season. Always follow the direction for the application mentioned on the package to avoid burning or killing your plant.



Like every other houseplant, spring and summer are the ideal seasons for repotting your Mottled Syngonium. As the houseplant is in active growth, it has enough energy to recover from the transplant shock it might face.

It will be great if you repot it 6 weeks before the winter season as it does not prefer to be disturbed during the dormant season. 

In addition to that, repotting in summer will allow the roots to adjust themselves fast.

Next, choose the pot you want your plant to be repotted in. You can use a pot the is slightly bigger than the current pot since the plant is going to expand. 

Also, don’t forget that there should be drainage holes at the pot’s bottom.

Mottled Syngonium likes fertile soil that is well-draining and airy. The optimum soil mix should contain ¼ coco coir, ½ potting mix, and ¼ pumice and charcoal. 

Repot your Mottled Syngonium into the new soil medium and water it thoroughly, making sure you place it somewhere that receives bright light. 

You can repot overly grown Mottled Syngonium every 2 years.



In order to keep Mottled Syngonium growing, keep pruning it on a regular basis. You can do this by pinching the new growth on the plant, as it helps in the development of a healthier and bushier plant.

Always wear gloves while you perform this task since there is a sap excreted by the plant that can irritate your skin. Wash your hands right after pruning.




Stem Cuttings

Propagating Mottled Syngonium is very easy. Since it is a vining plant, you take the cuttings from stems of mature plants.

Start the process of propagation by taking several cuttings using a sharp knife or shears. Be sure that the stem cuttings have few nodes and, if possible, some leaves on each stem.

Now insert these cuttings in a vase filled with water for further growth. Another option is to cultivate the cuttings in a pot that contains potting mix same as used for the mother plant. 

Your plant will begin to develop new roots within a week then you can transfer it to the ground.



Another option for multiplying your Mottled Syngonium is through the division of the mother plant. If you dig out the plant from the soil, you will notice that the plant has multiply root clumps.

This is specifically common in older and matured plants that have developed multiple offsets. Using a sharp knife, carefully separate the offsets from the mother plant. 

Do not cause any damage to the mother plant, or else it will stop growing.

Add the organic potting mix in a pot and insert your divided offsets into it. Water the plant regularly. 



It is quite rare for your indoor Mottled Syngonium to bloom since it does not receive its native growing environment. 

It will produce more flowers in its natural habitat and outdoors once the plant reaches maturity. 

The blooms of the plant develop within the spathe on the spadix, which is quite similar to Philodendron and Peace Lily in color. 

If you prune the plant constantly just to keep it bushy, then remember this plant won’t produce any blooms.



Mottled Syngonium grows to a height of about 3 to 6 feet (0.91 to 1.82 cm) and spreads as wide as 1 to 2 feet (0.3 to 0.6 cm).  It thrives best in zones 1o through 12 of the USDA hardiness zoning.

The leaves develop a heart shape initially and, on maturing, look more arrow-shaped. 

Young leaves of Mottled Syngonium are very green, but the color begins to fade away as it matures. The color is close to being light green with some shades of silver and white.

If you want the plant to climb, try adding a moss pole or trellis for extra support.


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Common Problems for Mottled Syngonium

Below are the pests that might attack your Mottled Syngonium:


Spider Mites

If you see little white, fly-like bugs flying around Mottled Syngonium when you shake it, you surely have a spider mites’ infestation. 

The mites are a prevalent insect that impacts Mottled Syngonium that are developed indoors and are usually triggered in low humidity environments. 

A spider mite issue should be treated immediately because the mite sucks the juice out of the plant and can easily diminish it to death if it remains unattended. 

If left untreated, the bugs will spread to other plants, causing problems for them.

You can avoid the development of spider mites by increasing the humidity around the plant by misting the foliage on a weekly basis. 

Another option to kill or avoid spider mites is to spray your plant frequently with insecticidal soap.



Another pest for Mottled Syngonium is mealybugs. Just like spider mites, they develop on the indoor plant that has low humidity level.

Mealybugs being very similar to scale insects, suck the important juices out of your healthy plant. This will make your plant weak and droopy if the pest is not treated immediately.

Mealybugs gather around the foliage and stems of your newly developed plant and feed in groups. If you do not treat the infestation right away, it will affect other plants also. 

Avoid the infestation of mealybugs by keeping your plant humid. You can do this by misting the foliage of the plant several times a week. Furthermore, you can use rubbing alcohol to treat the mealybugs. 

In case the infestation is severe, throw away the whole plant to avoid the pests from infecting nearby plants.


Tips for Growing Mottled Syngonium

  • Do not place the plant in a dark location as it will hinder the growth of the healthy plant.
  • Keep your plant humid by misting its leaves with water.
  • Prune Mottled Syngonium on a regular basis to promote bushier growth.
  • Keep your plant safe from pest infestation by spraying the plant with fungicides frequently.


Frequently Asked Questions about Mottled Syngonium Care


Why are the leaves of my Mottled Syngonium turning yellow?

The main reason your Mottled Syngonium leaves are turning yellow is that it is not receiving enough water. Other causes are soggy and wet soil. If you think there is no watering problem, then the plant might be suffering from nitrogen deficiency. Add fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen.


Is Mottled Syngonium poisonous to animals and humans?

Each and every part of Mottled Syngonium is toxic for your pets and you since it contains calcium oxalate crystals. It will cause severe problems if ingested, like irritation and swelling on the tongue. Milky sap is excreted from the stems of the plant that causes irritation to your skin. 


What causes the drooping of leaves on Mottled Syngonium?

Dry soil and lack of water most commonly cause droopy leaves in your Mottled Syngonium. You can examine the soil by inserting your finger, and if more than 1 inch of topsoil seems to dry, your plant is experiencing drought. Keep watering your plant regularly when the top inch feels dry to touch.



This stunning plant can be grown indoors at your home, workplace, and gardens. The plant does not demand a lot of care but produces colored leaves that complement everything around them. 

The unique arrow styled of the leaves will add beauty and attraction to any place. Take good care of Mottled Syngonium with the instructions in this article about water, soil, and light.