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Philodendron Joepii Care – Best Care Secrets Revealed!

Philodendron Joepii Care – Best Care Secrets Revealed!

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(image credits, IG: aroidbby)

You are reading this article to get to know more about Philodendron joepii and Philodendron joepii care.

Philodendron Joepii

It is said that Philodendron joepii is nearly extinct in the wild. Joep Moonen discovered it in eastern French Guiana during an ecological tour of the Mararoni River.

Intrigued by the oddly-shaped leaves, he assumed insects had chewed them. He discovered only one additional plant after an exhaustive search.

Philodendron Joepii Care

Philodendron joepii thrives well in medium, indirect light but tolerates lower indirect light. The Joepii need to be watered every 1-2 weeks. The frequency of watering must be doubled with increased light. Home temperatures of 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 23 degrees Celsius) are the best.

When you look for signals, you can say exactly what your Philodendron joepii wants. That is why even novice owners find it fairly simple to grow and care for the plant.

The rare South American plant is known not only for its air-purifying properties but also for being a lovely natural decoration.

I have got this rare plant at a very high price from a gardening enthusiast. I have spent the last few months caring for this expensive plant, and this guide will give you care tips to nail Joepii plant care.

Species Philodendron joepii
Synonyms Philodendron x joepii
Family Araceae
Genus Philodendron
Growth Herbaceous evergreen
Height 4 feet
Width 5 feet
Soil Rich soil. Keep it damp but well-draining
Watering Every 7-10 days
Light Bright indirect
Temperature 65.0°F - 75.0°F (18.3°C - 23.9°C)
Humidity 60.0% - 80.0%
Fertilizer Every 14 days in sping and summer
Propagation Stem cuttings, air-layering, seeds
Flower Spathe and spadix. Elongated spadix flowers with a pale green coloration
Toxicity Toxic to cats, dogs, and humans
Description Philodendron joepii is a tropical plant characterized by its weirdly shaped, tri-lobed green glossy leaves.

Philodendron Joepii Plant Care


It is important to grow a Philodendron Joepii in uniformly damp soil. This encourages the roots of the plant to breathe in fresh oxygen continuously. But ensure the potting soil is damp and not soggy using potting soil that is loose and airy. Otherwise, root rotting may begin to occur.

Sometimes people are too lazy to water their Philodendron Joepii, so they opt for rich soil. However, that is not a good option because the plant does not get enough water. This way, you are depriving your plant of oxygen.

With the Joepii, a traditional potting ground does not fit well. I prefer to grow my Philodendron in loose soil, which, like the peat, perlite, and orchid mixture, is fast-draining.

Charcoal and gravel are also present in this mixture. This blend helps conserve the soil’s pH between 4.5-7.5, which is considered optimal for a Joepii plant.


The root structure of the Philodendron species is built to collect water in the rainiest seasons. The plant can get water from its environment even under dry weather conditions by concentrating its energy on absorbing moisture close to its roots.

In my experience, watering it after 1 or 2 weeks is great. You can change this frequency based on your plant’s behavior.

In winter, tropical plants such as the Philodendron Joepii require less water. In the colder months of the winter season, dew and fog are essential supplements.


The Philodendron Joepii is very rarely found in the Southern American region. Most rainforest plants battle for the perfect amount of light, which is why most Joepii are climbers.

These plants must grow toward the light, so they usually climb against something. That is why I prefer to grow mine near a tall totem. I highly recommend growing yours close to a wet wall. This sort of wall must be covered with moss and sphagnum-filled wiring.

When put indoors, keep it near the east or west-facing quarters. This way, your plant will be protected during the strong mid-day heat. Keep the plant far from the edge of the window or behind a curtain that’s not too thick if you have a room facing south.

Since most rainforests are dark, with your Philodendron Joepii, it is reasonable to believe that direct light is not the way.

Do not consider placing it permanently under low-light. The trick is to place it where the light is bright but partially shaded. I put mine behind a sheer curtain so that the light mellows.


Philodendron Joepii is a tropical plant, so it does not like cold temperatures. That’s why I strongly recommend not constantly putting your Joepii in a room with air-conditioning running.

Typical temperatures for a Philodendron Joepii should not fall below 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12.75 degrees Celsius).

You should also grow your Joepii in temperatures below 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32.77 degrees Celsius).


For your Philodendron Joepii, humidity is known to be important. In most jungles, the humidity level is close to saturation.

Keep humidity at 60% or higher if possible. If the humidity is lower, your Joepii can take it, but the best results are achieved at higher humidity.

An alternative form, such as a humidifier, is highly recommended if you live in low-humidity areas. I also suggest surrounding your plant with some water-loving varieties.

DIY – Pebble Tray

To preserve the humidity of your Philodendron Tenue, you may also try to create a simple humidity setup using a DIY technique. By having a homemade pebble tray, one can do this.

  1. Take a tray that is deep in the middle and fill it with water.
  2. Place the pebbles in the center and spread them in the tray.
  3. Fill the tray with the water.
  4. Place the plant inside the tray, ensuring it doesn’t touch the water.

A pebble tray is a good and easy home remedy. As the water evaporates, the moisture will remain around the plant.

Philodendron joepii Fertilizer

Fertilize Philodendron joepii every two weeks in spring and summer using a balanced liquid fertilizer. 

In their natural habitat, Philodendron Joepii survives by devouring dead vegetation, which decays around the roots. We sometimes end up making the mistake of sweeping the decaying matter out.

However, that’s not good for a Joepii, even if you think you are doing the right thing. You are depriving it of organic fertilizers by removing the rotting matter.

I generally prefer organic fertilizers over synthetic ones. To create my fertilizer, I use tea compost, seal kelp, and extracts from plants. They provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients.

Organic materials and fertilizers strengthen the texture of the soil, allow it to retain water longer, and increase the growth of healthy bacteria and fungi in the soil.

So, not only are they helping your plants, they are helping the soil. On the other end, synthetic fertilizers wear down the soil of their resources, which renders them counterproductive.

Depending on the season, fertilizers need to be given carefully. I would not suggest giving Joepii any fertilizers during winter as the plant is resting.

Similarly, too much fertilizer should be avoided in summer since it can cause mineral salts to accumulate.


If you want a healthier plant, you should perform periodic replanting. The repotting process enables you to provide the plant with extra space and potting mix with sufficient nutrients in a more appropriate growing environment. Understanding the advantages and follow the steps below:

  • The first step is to choose a larger pot. Do not go bigger than 1-2 sizes max, as otherwise. It will become difficult to water correctly. The new pot should have drainage holes as well.
  • To prevent soil loss and easy water filtration, use a coffee filter paper to cover the bottom.
  • Next, add some soil to the base layer. Ensure it’s just enough not to cause the plant to drop over.
  • Before repotting, thoroughly water the Joepii so that the root ball sticks together.
  • Next, instead of pulling the plant out, turn the pot upside down with your hands on the top.
  • Lastly, place your Philodendron Joepii in a centered and upright position in the soil.


Your Philodendron joepii may be pruning at any time of the year to remove damaged, dead or diseased sections.

Pruning to propagate your plant should be done in spring and summer, the main growing season.


  • It is easy to propagate climbing Philodendrons like Joepii from stem cuttings by putting them in a glass of water or sphagnum moss.
  • I use a rooting hormone to improve the chances of growth, but typically it is not necessary. Once a good network of roots in water has been created, I pot up the fresh specimen in a soil medium.
  • For propagation success, you should maintain the light and temperature requirements mentioned in this guide.
  • Root development often takes several weeks, so don’t be discouraged if your plant has no sign of growth.


Philodendron Joepii produces an inflorescence that consists of a spathe and spadix. These vary in shades of purple, green, and white.

These blooms open during the blooming seasons, such as April and May. The best time for pollination in the blooming phase is nighttime—these inflorescences are 12 inches long from the stem to the tip.


The plant has the most bizarre leaves that are tri-lobed. When you first look at the leaves, they look damaged or chewed, but that’s how these grow naturally.

The Philodendron Joepii is an exotic climber whose leaves grow 27 inches (70cm) long under optimum plant care. These leaves are lush green and have a slender part at the leaf joint with a pointed, broadleaf at the end.

The length of the petioles supporting the leaf blades can grow from 10 to 40 inches (0.2m to 1m).

Normally, this variety grows slowly indoors. You can try cultivation in a greenhouse for a faster growth rate.

Common Problems for Philodendron Joepii

Whether it’s pests or diseases, a stable and healthy Philodendron Joepii has almost no issues surviving through these problems.

Excessive watering is the cause of many Joepii problems without which they would normally survive for many years. Secondly,

I always say dim light does not mean indirect light. To make your Joepii bug resistant, give the plant indirect but bright light.


Found in warmer growing climates, the mealybugs are soft-bodied, wingless insects that often appear as white cottony masses on the plants’ leaves, stems, and fruit. They feed by embedding long sucking portions of the mouth, called stylus, into the plants and drawing the sap out of the tissue.

Damage is not often substantial at low levels of pests. However, larger numbers may cause leaf discoloration and curling as the plant loses strength.

Feeding is usually followed by honeydew formation, which makes the plant sticky and promotes the growth of sooty molds.

Mealybugs are a common greenhouse pest that affects ornamentals plants like Philodendron Joepii. To protect my plants from getting further infected by these bugs:

  • I quarantined the infested one away from the rest of the other plants.
  • Next, I use a Q-tip to rub alcohol on the infected area.

I do not recommend using any synthetic plant medication to cure mealybug infection as these pests get used to the chemical nature easily.

Spider Mites

Spider mites often live on and reside underneath the leaves of the Philodendron Joepii. They live in colonies and feed by penetrating leaf tissue and sucking up plant nutrients. Feeding traces on the leaves show up as light dots. The leaves eventually turn yellow and can dry up and drop off.

If you find that spider mites have infested your Philodendron Joepii:

  • Isolate it from the rest of the healthy plants.
  • Next, if the damage isn’t too serious yet, you can prune off the infected leaves.
  • These leaves should be discarded outside the residence vicinity to avoid spreading in your yard.
  • Lastly, use natural spider mite control strategies such as neem oil or alcohol swabs to handle the rest of the plant.


The whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) is a sap-sucking insect common in indoor plants like tomatoes and Philodendrons. They are majorly found in dense crowds on the undersides of leaves. When infected plants are disturbed, great clouds of winged adults fly into the air.

By draining the juices from new growth, both nymphs and adult flies injure plants, causing growth retardation, leaf yellowing, and reduced yields. This makes the Joepii plants more fragile and disease susceptible.

Whiteflies secrete honeydew, just like aphids. Therefore, the leaves can become sticky or coated with a black soot mold. They are also responsible for many viruses transmitted among the Philodendron plants.

  • I highly suggest using hosepipes to remove the whiteflies from the leaves.
  • Next, use insecticidal soaps or natural oils like neem to kill predatory insects.
  • Lastly, keep a close eye on stressors like overwatering, underwatering, over-fertilizing, and under-fertilizing.


Approximately 4,000 aphid species are present all over the planet. Generally, low to moderate numbers are not detrimental to plants and seldom need monitoring. Extreme infestations, however, can cause leaves to curl, wilt, or yellow and hindered the growth of plants.

It should also be noted that generally, there is a decline in overall Joepii vigor. Several species, particularly viruses, are spread by these insects.

  • To clear my Philodendron of aphid attacks, I prune off the leaves, which they heavily infest.
  • Next, I use a bug blaster to reduce the pest numbers.
  • You can also apply 100% organic chemicals like Diatomaceous Earth, or DE, to permanently remove aphids.
  • Sometimes I mix neem with potassium soaps to form a spray that kills most insects on the first contact.


Thrips destroy plants by extracting their juices and scratching at fruits, flowers, and leaves. This is a common pest found on greenhouse plants like Philodendron Joepii. The leaves of plants will turn pale, splotchy, and silvery, then die. Upon heavy infestation, Joepii has been damaged such that it bents, discolors, and scars.

Thrips management is a garden maintenance concern:

  • You must reduce the locations where thrips can breed.
  • You should also remove plant debris while it is still on the ground and green.
  • Take note that thrips lay their eggs in the slits of live plant stems that they attack.
  • Lastly, vigilance is required to spot issues early and respond to them. Check your plants for damage or gathered clusters at leaf and stem joints.
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Tips for Growing Philodendron Joepii

Following are some tips to grow your Philodendron Joepii healthy:

  • In the winter, watering should be reduced as that is when most Philodendrons rest.
  • Terracotta pots or any pots with drainage holes are suggested when repotting, which provides the plant with more aeration and better drainage.
  • Potting mix with more organic matter is a wise choice as it prevents the moisture from getting lost.
  • Instead of synthetic fertilizers, one should always use organic ones as overuse of the former can cause acid build-up, which is poisonous to the plant.
  • If you are growing your Joepii in a dry region, then using a plastic covering helps prevent moisture loss.

Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Joepii

How do I know if my plant is a Pothos or a Philodendron?

The houseplants of Philodendron are frequently confused with pothos. Although the form of the leaves of these two plants is identical, the stems of the pothos are grooved, while those of the philodendrons are not. Fresh leaves of the philodendron emerge surrounded by a leaf sheath that gradually dries and falls away.


Philodendron Joepii grows without many issues indoors throughout the year; however, if the weather permits, they can occasionally stay outdoors, provided it’s in a shady location.

These plants are extremely rare, but the unique foliage is worth hunting for this unicorn plant. In addition, it is great to know that Philodendron Joepii is not too difficult when following the general care tips outlined in this article.