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Philodendron Lehmannii Care – Great Tips!

Philodendron Lehmannii Care – Great Tips!

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Philodendron Lehmannii is yet another stunning variety of Philodendrons that is known for the elongated foliage it bears. 

The plant has long, gorgeously green, and glossy leaves that won’t go unnoticed placed in any spot of your home.

Philodendron Lehmannii belongs to the Araceae family. It is among the plants that need minimal care and will reward the owner with leaves he will please for a long time.


Philodendron Lehmannii Care

Plant your Philodendron Lehmannii in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil, in a spot where it receives bright but indirect sunlight, maintaining the area’s temperature between 55 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 32 degrees Celsius). Water when the top 3-inches of soil feels dry and keep the humidity at around 40% to 50%.



It cannot be easy to choose the proper soil for your Philodendron Lehmannii, particularly if you are a new gardener. 

It’s important to pick the right soil for your Philodendron because it can affect its growth.

If you want to understand your Philodendron Lehmannii’s soil needs, consider the following points. These will assist you in making an accurate decision when picking a soil mix.

  • Well-draining
  • Nutrients-dense
  • Should be able to keep the needed dampness.
  • Allows for proper ventilation

Philodendrons thrive in peat-based soil that drains effectively and retains sufficient moisture for the plant. 

Ensure there’s plenty of organic material. You can use one part coco peat, 1-part potting soil, and 1 part compost to form a well-draining soil.



Retain optimum soil moisture throughout the spring and summer by only leaving the top third of the soil to dry out between watering. 

Check the heaviness of the pot to verify; if it’s still heavy since you last watered, then it is not appropriate to irrigate again.

Decrease this somewhat during the winter months to imitate its dormant phase and to avoid overly damp soil. 

Also, because the compost’s roots are sensitive to fluctuation in temperature, avoid pouring cold water right into it.

Relatively slow development, yellow or brown borders that may spread to the leaf’s interior, and a progressive deterioration in health are all signs of this. 

If you’re going to utilize water from the tap, let it sit for at least 24 hours to enable the fluoride to sink and the container to heat up.



For good development, a sunny, indirect site is ideal for your Philodendron Lehmannii. 

During the fall and winter seasons, add an hour of early or evening sun to maintain the plant happy during the colder months.

Sun-scorch signs include pale-yellowed leaves, crunchy brown areas, and slowed development in Philodendron Lehmannii that get too much light.

On the other hand, lack of light will lead to slower or extended growth, the development of fungus on the soil, and a higher chance of root rot.

Note that the amount of sunlight your plant gets will determine how frequently you must hydrate it.



Philodendron Lehmannii is a tropical plant, and hence it will not withstand cold temperatures for a very long time. 

Exposing it to an extremely cold environment will only kill your delicate plant.

The ideal temperature range suggested for Philodendron Lehmannii is between 55 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (12 to 32 degrees Celsius). This scale is perfect for both indoor and outdoor Philodendron Lehmannii.

Maintain the temperature at around 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit (18-21 degrees Celsius) at night. 

During the day, one should keep the temperature between 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 29 degrees Celsius).



Offer moist air throughout the year, particularly during the winter when the heaters are on. Make a pebbles dish by laying it on a bed of pebbles in a dish of water to increase humidity.

Furthermore, spray off the leaves once a month to nourish them and remove any thin coating of dirt out of its pores. 

Maintain a small zone of humidity all around leaves by keeping the tray filled up with water.

The ideal humidity level for Philodendron Lehmannii is at around 40 to 50 percent.



The best and most successful fertilizer for your Philodendron Lehmannii is the well-balanced one, having an NPK ratio of 20:20:20. Spring through fall are the optimum times to fertilize your Philodendron.

The most vital thing to remember is to fertilize your Philodendron every month. Be careful and do not over-fertilize your Philodendron because this will harm it.

Your Philodendron Lehmannii will develop bigger and more brilliant leaves if you use a good fertilizer.



Philodendrons need frequent repotting due to their very rapid growth habit, which prevents the plant from being root-bound once it outgrows its pot. 

Another purpose of repotting Philodendron Lehmannii is to change out the planting material, which will keep the plant robust and beautiful. 

The optimal time to repot Philodendron Lehmannii is in the early summer season.

Because Philodendron Lehmannii is toxic, make very sure you’re wearing protective gear and a long-sleeved shirt prior to getting any other equipment. 

If the surface of your skin happens to come in contact with the plant’s sap, it can lead to irritation. You’ll also require a sharp blade or trimming clippers, as well as a new container.

Pick a pot that is 2 inches larger than where the plant currently is. You would not want to overestimate the container as it will make watering the plant difficult. 

When you’re repurposing a previous container, make certain it’s cleaned to prevent the disease from spreading to your newly transplanted plant.

Ensure the presence of drainage holes at the base of the container, which is required to enable extra water to exit. Philodendrons prefer damp soil; however, too wet a soil leads to root rot.

After you’ve removed Philodendron Lehmannii from the pot, loosen the soil surrounding the roots as carefully as you can. 

Examine the roots for signs of disease. Roots that are soft or unhealthy should get cut away. The roots of healthy plants are white or tan in color.

If the roots are densely grouped in a ball, you’ll have to break them up by cutting four vertical cuts from top to bottom to release the ball and promote new root development.

Once you’ve completed these steps, add about an inch of new planting mix at the base of the container.

Fill the pot with soil mix and gently compress the Philodendron into the container to remove any leftover air bubbles. Water the soil until it begins to flow through the drainage holes. 

Upon watering, the soil may sink a little, but you can compensate by adding extra soil.

You can prune back Philodendron Lehmannii with poor growth to 4 inches when transplanting them. That will promote a faster growth rate. 

Pruning Philodendron before transplanting is not necessary if it is healthy.



To promote a healthier growth environment, trim yellow or decaying leaves as well as plant waste. Prune always with sterile shears or scissors to limit the risk of fungal or bacterial illnesses.

Always avoid cutting into yellowed tissue, as this can lead to more harm from illnesses or infectious diseases.

Make neat cuts because too-damaged scars might startle the plant, resulting in slowed development and poor health.





To propagate using seeds followings steps need to be followed:

  • Start the process by soaking the seeds in lukewarm water for a whole day or overnight.
  • Next, prepare your soil mix by combining compost, sand, and perlite for drainage.
  • Insert the seeds at a depth of about half-inch into the potting mix—thoroughly water it maintaining moist soil and draining the excess water.
  • A sunny, indirect location with temperatures above 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius) is essential for good germination.
  • Put the container in a clear bag to maintain a consistent humidity level and soil moisture for a longer period.
  • New growth can take three to four months, so don’t toss any seeds that don’t germinate until this time has gone.
  • Once the seedlings have produced their second leaf, remove the bag, and divide them into their individual 3cm containers.


Stem Cuttings

  • The ideal plant for stem cuttings is those around the main growths. It would be best to strive for pair of nodes: one at the base for root growth and one at the top for vegetative growth.
  • To avoid the spread of infection, make a very good cut and eliminate the lower half of the leaves.
  • Place the cuttings in water for rooting to get a successful plant. Remember to replace the water every week or so, and once the roots are 3 cm long, you can transfer it into a pot.
  • Always use a potting mix that is well aerated, fluffy in texture, and contains perlite. Use a container that is 3 inches in size and has bottom drainage holes.
  • Add a layer of the potting mix into the pot and insert your cuttings at the center. Then fill the rest of the pot covering the cuttings. However, do not the leaves get submerged into the soil.
  • In a clear bag or box, put the potted cutting. It will begin to lose stored water extremely fast due to the absence of roots. Using lock-lids or tubs will lock in the humidity, and the rates of respiration and evaporation will significantly reduce in a secluded atmosphere.
  • Every so often, open the bag for airflow. Check the soil is constantly moist but not overly wet.
  • Keep it in a location where it receives indirect bright light and temperature is around 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius).
  • The roots will begin to develop before the foliage does. When you notice a few tiny leaves appearing, remove the pot from the plastic bag.
  • Provide consistent and adequate care to the plant and will soon get bigger and bushier.
  • After four months, you can shift it to a bigger pot as it will expand further.

The most important part of effective propagation is cleanliness. 

Using filthy tools will bring harmful infections to the cutting and its mother plant because you’ll be cutting into sensitive tissue.



Philodendron Lehmannii is known for its foliage and does not grow showy blooms.



Philodendron Lehmannii is an exotic plant that grows long green leaves having deep depressions. 

The leaves of the plant can grow anywhere from 0.8 to 1.3 feet (0.2 to 0.3 meters) long.


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Common Problems for Philodendron Lehmannii


Curled and Scorched Foliage

Insufficient water and excessive sunlight exposure may cause curled foliage and brown leaf margins of the plants. 

Philodendron Lehmannii thrives in bright, indirect light, and the ones that haven’t become accustomed to the intense light will display symptoms of sun scorch and distress.

Winter sun is fine as long as you monitor the soil moisture regularly, but once summer arrives, you must avoid it completely.



Lower-leaf yellowing is a clear indicator of over-watering, the reason for insufficient light. 

Although Philodendrons can thrive in shadier environments, one should lower watering to avoid root rot.

Gardeners don’t understand that a plant’s root structure also requires oxygen; air rises and escapes the potting mix when the soil is moist. The roots will eventually collapse due to a shortage of available oxygen in the days ahead.

Before you water the plant again, check the weight of the pot; the heavier the pot good is the soil moisture.


Dry Soil Mix

Use a wooden stick to lightly poke the soil in several spots if your specimen is in a dark setting. You must strive to put the soil between both the plant’s bottom and the pot’s rim.

Not doing so could result in damaging the lower part of the container. To prevent the manure from becoming too dry, keep the pores exposed for a few days prior to covering it.

The subtle movement in the soil’s composition will simulate the activities of smaller organisms and provide oxygen to the soil, minimizing the chance of root rot. 

It would be best to do this every month or when you notice the potting mix is drying out rapidly.


Low Humidity Level

Low humidity can lead leaf ends to brown and have yellow haloes. 

Even though this will not harm your Philodendron Lehmannii, you should enhance the area’s wetness to prevent the new shoots from developing these signs.

While the heaters are on, mist or wash the leaves and establish a humidity tray to ensure a controlled atmosphere for your Philodendron Lehmannii.


Brown Cataphyll

The tanning of the cataphyll should not be a reason for worry because it is a completely natural phenomenon that occurs in all houseplants. 

Using a sterile pair of scissors or pulling it away by hand, discard the brown area once it has become dry and crackling.


Tips for Growing Philodendron Lehmannii

  • Grow it in a spot receiving indirect bright light.
  • Always disinfect your pruning tools before using them to avoid the spread of diseases.


Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Lehmannii Care


What kind of fertilizer does Philodendron Lehmannii prefer?

Philodendron Lehmannii will prefer a well-balanced organic fertilizer, preferably a fertilizer having an NPK ratio of 20:20:20. Fertilize when the plant is growing actively to get optimum results.


Is pruning necessary for Philodendron Lehmannii?

Pruning is beneficial for your plant as it promotes rapid growth and makes the plant look neat. Always prune the dead, yellow leaves to keep the plant clean and beautiful.



Philodendron Lehmannii is a tropical plant that requires very little care. Provide it with the necessary attention, and it will reward you with stunning big leaves.

Bright light, frequent watering, and optimum temperature are all that it needs when growing. 

The plant can be placed anywhere in your garden, office, or even the dining area to add a bit of greenery.