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Pink Dragon Alocasia Care — All You Need to Know

Pink Dragon Alocasia Care — All You Need to Know

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No design element will make as bold of a statement in your space as a tall, lush-potted Alocasia Pink Dragon.

Standing about four feet tall, this houseplant will not only serve as a focal point but it will also add a tropical jungle-like vibe in your living area. 

The best part is, it’s easy to care for, having very few requirements when it comes to maintenance.

With just a little TLC, this tropical plant will transform your home in ways you’d never thought of. 


Pink Dragon Alocasia Care

The Pink Dragon Alocasia fares best when it’s grown in a fast-draining, well-aerated and rich potting mix. Place it in a brightly-lit spot to promote faster growth. Water just enough to keep the mixture moist but not soggy and maintain a temperature of 18°C and humidity level of 70%. 



The ideal potting mix for Pink Dragon Alocasia is one that is well-draining but also able to retain nutrients and a decent amount of moisture to keep the roots hydrated. The potting soil also needs to be loosely packed to allow free flow of air and water. To achieve these traits, add in substances like perlite, peat moss or chicken grit.

The Pink Dragon Alocasia thrives when it’s grown in porous soil with excellent drainage capability. The best potting mixture is one consisting of equal portions of regular potting soil, perlite and peat moss. 

These ingredients enable the mixture to retain just the right amount of moisture but also drain the excess water properly. Although the alocasia’s roots prefer slightly moist soil, they don’t do well in water-logged or very damp conditions. 

Getting the growing medium right is crucial to ensure that the Pink Dragon develops healthily. If the soil retains a lot of moisture, it won’t be long before its tuberous roots start rotting and decaying. 

Blending in peat moss and perlite enriches the soil with the right nutrients without an excess amount of moisture. 

Another compound that I like to incorporate is poultry grit, especially when I don’t have access to perlite. Made up of minuscule stones and particles, the chicken grit enables water and air to flow more easily through the potting mixture. 



Place your Alocasia Pink Dragon in a bright sunny spot to support foliage growth. An east- or west-facing window works best. But, a south-facing window can also work if you find ways to filter the sun’s rays. 

The Pink Dragon thrives when it’s placed in a bright and sunny room. A decent amount of sunlight is necessary for the variegated leaves to grow. 

However, very intense or direct sunlight is not recommended as it will scorch the foliage. 

In that regard, the most suitable spot for your Alocasia is on an east- or west-facing window. A south-facing window can also work but you’ll have to take a couple of precautions to shield your plant from direct sunlight. These include:

  • Filter the light passing through by hanging a sheer curtain on the window.
  • Placing your Alocasia a few feet from the window. This lets it bask in the sun without being necessarily hit by the harsh rays.
  • Installing a window film or tilt, which also helps to filter light.



Never go overboard with watering, as the Pink Dragon Alocasia is quite sensitive. Proceed with watering only when the potting mix’s top few inches dry out. 

The Pink Dragon is a little fussy when it comes to watering. It’s crucial that you wait until the top 2 to 3 inches of soil completely dry out before watering.

Based on this approach, you’ll only have to water about two to three times per week, and even less frequently in winter. 

Watering more than the plant needs can lead to various fungal diseases. But at the same time, you don’t want to underwater it as it will become dry and droopy. 



When growing your Pink Dragon, choose a spot that stays warm for the most part. This plant thrives in temperatures ranging from 18 to 30°C (64 to 86°F). Be sure to distant it from vents and AC units as intense guts of hot or cold air can damage its foliage. 

If you’re trying to figure out the best temperature for your Pink Dragon, start by considering its natural habitat. 

On that note, the Alocasia is a tropical plant, meaning it prefers warmer temperatures. Specifically, it thrives in temperatures ranging between 18 and 30°C (64 to 86°F). 

Keep it away from vents, so it doesn’t get blasted with cold. Similarly, don’t place it too close to a window or door, especially one that is opened frequently. 

It’s best to keep a close eye on your plant so you’re able to notice whether it’s being affected by any extreme changes in temperature. For instance, if it starts to droop or drop leaves, then you’ll know you need to adjust your thermostat. 



Invest in a humidifier or place your Pink Dragon close to other houseplants so as to raise humidity. Pink Dragon thrives in highly humid settings, preferably one with up to 70% moisture level. 

Just as in a tropical environment, this Alocasia likes high humidity levels of at least 60%. But if you can, aim for a 70% level. 

At the same time, think about where you place your houseplant and how this affects it. For instance, many homeowners don’t think about how appliances like air conditioning units affect their plants. 

Here’s the thing, the moving air that’s blasted from vents is dehydrating, so it strips your Alocasia of moisture. 

In addition, this air may also cause the cells inside the plant to freeze, and this would impede free flow of nutrients and water. When this happens, the leaves will slowly start to turn yellow, and the plant may eventually wilt. 



During peak growth, feed your Alocasia once every two weeks. Opt for an organic fertilizer as it’s safe to use around pets and kids. 

Although it’s not mandatory, it’s advisable to feed the Pink Dragon Alocasia, particularly during its growing season. 

Look for a suitable houseplant fertilizer, and apply it to your plant starting from spring until late summer. For faster growth, use half-strength fertilizer and apply once every 2 weeks. 

When it comes to type, you have two key options: chemical-based and organic houseplant fertilizers. While chemical-based varieties yield the same results, they tend to cause a buildup of excess salts, which can result in fertilizer burn. 

A safer alternative is to opt for an organic houseplant fertilizer, such as Jobe’s Organics All Purpose Fertilizer

It contains a mixture of healthy bacteria, archaea and Mycorrhizal fungi , which are all natural ingredients. It makes it safe not only for the environment but also safe to use around pets and kids.

It’s also well-balanced so it’s able to provide your alocasia with equal amounts of nutrients. 



Set aside ample space for your Pink Dragon Alocasia as it grows relatively tall, up to 4 feet high. But if its foliage starts blocking your view, don’t be afraid to prune it so as to keep its shape. 

The Alocasia Pink Dragon is one of those houseplants that requires a huge chunk of space. 

Under the right conditions, it can grow up to a height of 1.2 meters (4 feet) with a spread of about 80 cm. 

These dimensions make it an appealing plant to display in an indoor space. But if you don’t want it too bushy or too tall, you can prune it to your preferred height and spread. 

Once it reaches maturity, the Pink Dragon’s part of the attractive array of plants you can have. It has broad leaves, and deep veins that resemble a dragon’s scale; hence the name.

Interestingly, the undersides of the leaves are burgundy while the stems take on a gorgeous shade of pink. 



This Alocasia doesn’t mind being pot-bound. As such, you only need to repot a fully mature plant after one or two years. Younger Pink Dragon alocasias can be repotted more frequently, that is, every 6 to 12 months. 

Some plants prefer being root-bound, and luckily, the Pink Dragon is one of them. The good news about this is that you won’t have to repot it as often as other houseplants. 

One of the reasons for this is its high sensitivity to transplant shock so you should only repot when necessary. For a young Alocasia that is growing actively, repot once every six to twelve months. When it’s older, you won’t have to repot until after one to two years. 

A fully mature Pink Dragon only requires the top one to two inches of its potting soil to be changed each year. 

Pay attention to the pot’s size you transplant to. You don’t want to transfer it to one that is too big because then you risk root rot.

On the same note, transplant only in spring or early summer during its peak growth stage. 



Propagating this Alocasia is best done through division. Dig around the parent plant, gently remove its tuberous roots then divide them into smaller portions. You can then place each bulb into its own container if you wish to grow several of these plants. Water accordingly, then place it in a bright and sunny spot. 

Like other alocasias, the Pink Dragon grows from rhizomes. As such, the easiest way to propagate it is through rhizome division. Here’s how you should go about it:

  • Look for a small-sized shovel and use it to dig around the parent plant. Quick tip: dig in a circular pattern the root system won’t be damaged. 
  • Gently remove your Alocasia from the soil and divide its bulbs into sub-sections.
  • If transplanting to a garden, dig a hole for each bulb. Ensure the hole’s big enough to fit the circumference of the bulb as well as accommodate the root’s length.
  • Put your rhizomes in the hole and pat the dirt around it. 
  • Finally, transfer the pot to a warm spot and water as frequently as you need to, to keep the soil consistently moist. 


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Common Problems with Pink Dragon Alocasia

Although Alocasias are fairly easy to grow, it’s not unusual to find some attacked by pests and diseases. Here’s a rundown of the most common bugs and how you can tackle them.



These are tiny, flat, oval-shaped bugs that like to suck sap from the Pink Dragon. Due to their size, you won’t easily spot them with the naked eye. A better way to identify them is to look for a powdery or cottony white substance on your houseplants. 

If you wish to get rid of mealybugs from your Alocasia, dab them with a Q-tip soaked in rubbing alcohol. But if you don’t want to go to these extremes, you can also introduce natural predators like ladybugs and lacewing.


Spider mites

These are very small-sized spiders- about a millimetre long, and they have different colors; they could be tan, red or black. 

When they attack they create patterns of silvery dots on the surfaces of the leaves. If you look more keenly, you’ll be able to see miniscule delicate webs formed on the undersides of the leaves and the corners of the stem. 

Like mealybugs, these bugs feed on the Alocasia’s tissues and sap. They pierce the leaves’ cell walls and suck the sap. If the infestation is severe enough, the leaves will gradually lose their color and start to fall off. 

Regularly wipe down your plant to prevent their infestation. You’ll also want to ensure that you’re maintaining the appropriate humidity levels.

Spider mites thrive in environments with a dry atmosphere so increasing the humidity around your plant is a nice way to deter them. 


Scale insects

These pests are also very common among houseplants. They appear as minuscule, egg-shaped bugs that have a brown to tan shell-like cover. They love attacking the leaves’ undersides and near leaf joints. 

If there are just a few scale insects that have infested your Pink Dragon alocasia, then you can easily eliminate them by either picking them or dabbing them individually using cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol. 

For a full-blown infestation, arm yourself with a pesticide of your choice. I prefer to use natural pesticides like a homemade neem solution. This typically constitutes 5 ml of neem oil mixed with 2 ml of soap and 1 L of water. First mix the soap in water, and stir before you add in the neem oil. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Pink Dragon Alocasia


Is Alocasia Pink Dragon poisonous?

Yes, it is, since it has calcium oxalate crystals that has severe side effects if ingested. If you or your pet consumes any part of the plant by accident, your mouth and tongue will feel like they’re being pricked with tiny needles. In worst-case scenarios, the victim may experience painful irritation and speech impairment. So ensure that kids and pets won’t reach it. 


Is it normal that my Pink Dragon Alocasia is shedding leaves?

This incidence is not unusual if your alocasia is a newly-purchased plant. Shedding leaves is the plant’s way of acclimating to its new surroundings.  But, if you’ve already had your plant for a while, leaf drop can also be caused by over-or underwatering, inadequate light, and a deficiency of certain nutrients in the soil. 


Can Pink Dragon Alocasia really purify air?

Yes, it can. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we’ve had to spend more time indoors, which makes quality indoor air a priority. Luckily, Alocasias like the Pink Dragon are among several other plants that have been proven to have the capability to reduce indoor air pollutants. 


Wrap Up

Want to give indoor gardening a try? Start by choosing an easy-to-care-for plant like Pink Dragon Alocasia

While it’s not as fussy as other houseplants, you still have to ensure that you’re providing it with the right light exposure, watering as needed and maintaining the correct temperature and humidity levels. 

Stick to these basics, and this plant will reward you with beautiful foliage that’s sure to transform your home.