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Sansevieria Hahnii Care Guide – All You Need To Know!

Sansevieria Hahnii Care Guide –  All You Need To Know!

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The Sansevieria hahnii is a popular succulent due to its easy keeping as well as its appearance. 

This succulent is known by a number of common names. The most popular of which are Bird’s Nest Sansevieria, Dwarf Snake Plant, or Good Luck Snake Plant. 

The Bird’s Nest common name originated from the plant’s interesting appearance. The green mottled leaves of this Snake Plant grow to form a rosette that resembles a bird’s nest. 

This Sansevieria in particular is a cultivar that was originally developed in a nursery environment. 

The parent species of the Sansevieria hahnii is the Sansevieria Trifasciata. This species of plant originated and is native to various parts of Western Africa. 

So, better stay tuned and continue reading below to know more about how exactly to take care of this plant.



Sansevieria hahnii Care Guide

This succulent prefers light, well-draining soil and access to a moderate amount of light. You should only water your Sansevieria hahnii once its soil has dried completely. Light feeding is acceptable and should be done once per month. Humidity should ideally be 45% and temperatures between 60-85°F (15.6-29.5°C).



The Bird’s Nest Sansevieria, as with most succulents, prefers a light, well-draining soil. An airy type of soil is best. 

Succulent potting mixes are a great choice but you can easily mix your own soil too. 

A medium-quality, well-draining soil is perfect. It should, however, be amended with materials such as coarse sand, gravel, or perlite. 

Although, just about any light and airy material can provide a fair amount of drainage. 

These plants are not picky when it comes to soil pH levels. Sansevieria hahnii will tolerate a range of soil pH levels from slightly acidic levels to slightly alkaline levels. 



Sansevieria hahnii plants enjoy indirect but moderate to bright light. This is what they grow best in. 

However, Bird’s Nest Sansevieria are adaptable plants. They will happily adapt to conditions with low light or partial shade. 

Very dark areas should be avoided as the growth of these plants can become stunted. 

When kept in their ideal light conditions, these plants become encouraged to grow as well as bloom. Not only is their growth encouraged, but their foliage colors are also enhanced. 

What makes Bird’s Nest Sansevieria plants so popular in offices is that they do not require their light exposure to be natural. Fluorescent lighting works just as well as natural sunlight exposure. 



This plant is a succulent, and like most, it is drought-tolerant. This means that the Sansevieria hahnii does not need to be watered very frequently in order for it to thrive. 

You should always allow your plant’s soil to dry out completely before its next watering schedule. 

One of the most common, life-threatening problems with Sansevieria hahnii’s is root rot. This is a result of overwatering. 

It is always better to miss a day or two before the next watering than to overwater your plant if you are unsure. 

To avoid this situation, always check the soil before you water your plant to ensure it is ready for its next watering. 

If the top one and a half inches of soil is completely dry, it is safe to water your Sansevieria hahnii. If the soil is still slightly damp, do not burden your plant with more water!

Once you know it is safe to water your succulent, you can begin to slowly pour water in at the base of the plant. 

Continue to pour slowly until water starts to drain through the pot’s drainage holes for deep and thorough watering. After half an hour, the pot should have completely drained of excess water. 

Empty the drained water from the saucer as you should never allow your succulent to sit in the excess water. 

The frequency you need to water your succulent will depend on a few factors. These factors include your climate, the season, and what lightning conditions your plant is kept in. 

You should typically only need to water your Bird’s Nest Sansevieria once every week. In some cases, watering may only be necessary once every two weeks. 

In winter, watering is only necessary once a month. 



Bird’s Nest Sansevieria plants are best kept in temperatures that are between 60°F to 85°F or 15°C to 29°C. This is not as cold-hardy of a houseplant as most. 

However, it can tolerate temperatures of around 50°F or 10°C for short periods. Frost should be avoided and in some cases, extra heat may be required. 



Ideally, Sansevieria hahniis should be kept in humidity levels of between 40% and 50%. If the air around your succulent is on the drier side, a humidifier may be necessary. 

As a last resort, misting your Bird’s Nest Sansevieria’s foliage can be done to increase the surrounding humidity level. 

The mist sprayed should be quite fine. Big water droplets sitting on the plant’s leaves are undesirable and can cause problems. 



Bird’s Nest Sansevieria’s are not big eaters and therefore do not require very frequent or large feedings. Once a month when watering, plant food that is well-balanced can be added. 

Feeding during the time of watering aids in the dilution of the fertilizer. 

Strong fertilizers are not recommended for use. Rather use a weak, general plant food for your succulent. 

However, the ideal fertilizer to use is a low-strength one made especially for cacti.



The best way to propagate the Sansevieria hahnii is through division. Because this succulent typically spreads through the growth of rhizomes, the division is not a difficult task. 

To do this, take the plant from its container or pot and rid it of any excess soil. With a sharp and sterile knife, separate the rhizome by cutting the connecting roots. 

Replant the original Bird’s Nest Sansevieria and plant the divided rhizome in a pot of its own. Continue with your normal care routine. After a while, the rhizome will root and begin to grow as its own plant. 

Though propagation through division is feasible, the most common way still is through leaf cuttings. Propagating the Bird’s Nest Sansevieria with leaf cuttings entails cutting a leaf off of a healthy plant. 

This cut leaf should then be left for a day or two for the cut site to callous over. Once this has been done, simply insert the cutting into its preferred soil type. 

Care for it as you would a normal plant and after a few weeks, new roots should begin to grow from the cut site. 

Another way to propagate a Bird’s Nest Sansevieria is through seeds. However, this method is not commonly practiced. 



Bird’s Nest Sansevieria plants are relatively small and grow fairly quickly. They are not likely no grow any larger than about 1 foot or 30 centimeters. 

Because of its small stature, this plant is also known as a Dwarf Snake Plant. 

Sansevieria hahnii’s foliage grows to form a tight rosette shape. It has flat leaves only about 5 to 6 inches or 12.5 to 15 cm long and green in color. 

The leaves also display horizontal bands that are mottled and light green in color. The width of the leaves is generally only up to 3 inches or 7.5 cm. 

Typically, Bird’s Nest Sansevieria plants produce their flowers in the summer. However, some plants may be rather stubborn and not produce blooms, even if they are in the best of health. 

The flowers produced by this succulent are greenish-white and have a sweet fragrance. 


Potting and Repotting

Sansevieria hahnii’s are most commonly found growing in pots. However, this does not mean that is the only place they are capable of growing. 

These succulents are known to do well even when you plant them directly on the ground. Their speed of growth is admirable when planted outdoors as they cover the ground rather quickly. 

When grown in a pot or container, however, it is crucial that its size is adequate. It is an absolute necessity for the pot or container to have drainage holes in it. 

Bird’s Nest Sansevierias are not plants that enjoy excessive amounts of water. This is why they require a pot capable of draining along with a well-draining soil mix. 

Repotting Bird’s Nest Sansevierias is only necessary every few years. Most gardeners allow their Sansevieria hahnii plants to become rootbound as they only repot them once every two to five years.

Being root bound does not necessarily hurt the plant. In actual fact, these succulents do not mind being a bit root-bound. Some may even thrive in such conditions. 

Repotting your Bird’s Nest Sansevieria is as simple as removing it from its current pot or container and replanting it in a slightly larger one. 

Gently pull the roots from the soil and tap so the excess loose soil can be removed. After which, you can put the succulent in its new container and surround it with fresh soil. 

Water your newly repotting Sansevieria hahnii deeply and thoroughly to complete the process!


Common problems with Sansevieria hahnii

If these plants are cared for adequately, they are not likely to experience any major issues.

However, there’s always a chance of your Sansevieria hahnii being affected by pests or diseases. 



The most common pests to affect the Bird’s Nest Sansevieria are spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. 

Spider mites can be easily treated with insecticides. If the infestation has been bad and the leaves of your succulent have been damaged, they will need to be removed. 

Damaged leaves appear with areas of yellow to brown coloring. 

To fight back against mealybugs, which can generally be found on the undersides of leaves, is fairly easy. 

Aside from using an insecticide to combat an infestation, neem oil or rubbing alcohol can be applied to your plant’s leaves to kill off these pests.

Leaves that have been damaged by these insects also appear as yellowed or may even have dropped. As is the case with spider mites, these damaged leaves should be removed. 

Aphids feed on the leaves and stems of the Bird’s Nest Sansevieria. This results in yellowing leaves or leaf drop. 

It is always easier to prevent an infestation with need oil or water and dish soap mixtures than to fight back against one with insecticides.



The biggest disease problem these plants face is root rot. Root rot is typically a result of overwatering your plant.

This disease is the most common cause of the death of Sansevieria hahnii plants. It is, however, easily avoided. 

All that is required to avoid your Bird’s Nest Sansevieria succumbing to the effects of root rot is to water it properly. 


Tips to keep Sansevieria hahnii problem-free

The most useful tip to take note of where the care of the Sansevieria hahnii is concerned is to do with its watering. You should only ever water this succulent when it is necessary. 

Never water this plant for the sake of watering it. If you are unsure of where the plant needs to be watered rather don’t. 

Leave the Sansevieria hahnii for a few more days until you can be sure its soil is dry. Because this succulent is drought-tolerant, it would rather go without water than be left to swim in too much. 

Also, when watering your Bird’s Nest Sansevieria, do not water the plant’s foliage. Make sure to water your succulent at its soil. 

When you water a plant, you are supplying water for its root, not its leaves. Water droplets left to sit on your plant’s foliage may result in rotting. 


Frequently asked questions about Sansevieria hahnii


Is the Bird’s Nest Sansevieria considered toxic?

The Sansevieria hahnii is poisonous if it is chewed on or digested. It is mildly toxic to both animals and humans. Therefore, you should keep this plant away from children as well as pets. Consuming any part of this plant is likely to result in oral or throat irritations. Large quantities consumed may result in stomach pains, nausea, and diarrhea. Contact with the plant’s juices may also cause skin irritations and rashes. 



Both beautiful and easy-going where care is concerned, this Sansevieria is perfect for any living or working space. Their cute size makes them ideal for small or limited spaces. 

Their tolerance and adaptability mean even the newest gardeners can start their gardening career off strong! 

Thus, we can say that there’s no real reason for you not to get a Sansevieria hahnii. But, if you’re still undecided, you can choose from other Sansevieria varieties available.