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Sansevieria Samurai Care Secrets Revealed!

Sansevieria Samurai Care Secrets Revealed!

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Sansevieria Samurai is a perennial succulent often referred to as Samurai Dwarf because it is indeed very tiny. 

Its botanical name is Sansevieria ehrenbergii.

Sansevieria Samurai is native to the arid regions of tropical Africa and parts of Asia. 

As with all Sansevierias, Sansevieria Samurai care is pretty straightforward.

Let’s have a look at how to care for this beautiful succulent.

Sansevieria Samurai Care

Place the Sansevieria Samurai in bright, indirect light and use fast-draining soil. Water every 1-2 weeks in warm seasons, less in winter. The ideal temperature is 15-29°C (60-85°F). Humidity between 40-60% is optimal. Fertilize monthly in the growing season.


Soggy soil is the Sansevieria Samurai’s worst nightmare. Like other succulents of its kind, the Sansevieria Ehrenbergii stores water in its leaves. 

For your Sansevieria Samurai to thrive, it should be potted in sandy soil that is porous and fast-draining. A potting mix for succulents that is gritty would work well. This soil mix allows drainage while still being sturdy enough to support your plant. 


This is a plant that loves the sun. Bright light brings out the best in your Sansevieria Samurai. However, this is a fighting plant that can tolerate almost any conditions. 

From full sun to deep shade, your Sansevieria ehrenbergii will adapt to it all.

This plant’s ideal position would be in shaded or semi-shaded areas if grown outdoors in tropical regions. When kept indoors, the Sansevieria Samurai prefers bright, indirect light. 

You will likely experience an increased growth rate when keeping your Sansevieria Ehrenbergii in its ideal light. 


Keeping your Sansevieria Samurai happy is an easy task. The key to a healthy, happy Sansevieria ehrenbergii is not overwatering. 

This drought-tolerant plant requires only water every 1 to 2 weeks. During winter, watering should be done monthly. Before subjecting it to more, it is better to check if your Sansevieria Samurai needs water. 

You should allow your Sansevieria ehrenbergii’s soil to dry completely before watering. Thorough and infrequent waterings are ideal. 

It is best to deeply water your Sansevieria Samurai. Stop when water starts to drip through the drainage holes. Give your Sansevieria Ehrenbergii time to drain completely then discard the water collected in the saucer. 

Do not let the pot stand in water. The Sansevieria Samurai will get root rot when left in excessively wet soil. 


This bold plant is forgiving and can tolerate fluctuating temperatures. In general, the Sansevieria ehrenbergii does well in temperatures that are comfortable for humans. 

Average to warm temperatures of  15°C to 29°C (60°F to 85°F) are preferred. Your Sansevieria Ehrenbergii will begin experiencing damage from temperatures below 10°C (50°F).

Hardy but not indestructible, leaving a Sansevieria Samurai in wet soil and exposed to extreme cold is fatal.

Frost is better avoided. Indoor, cold drafts are also something to keep your Sansevieria Ehrenbergii away from.


The Sansevieria Samurai will face no harm in lower humidity levels, but 50% or higher is preferred. During hotter weather, a bit of extra humidity is appreciated. 

On a hot day, place your Sansevieria Ehrenbergii’s pot over a watered pebble tray. This trick will raise the air humidity around your plant. 


The Sansevieria dwarf has a fairly low fertilizer requirement.

During the growing season is the best time to feed your Sansevieria Samurai. Fertilizing is only required once per month during this time. Spring and Summer are the seasons of active growth for this plant. 

A balanced liquid succulent fertilizer or water-soluble fertilizer is ideal. A watering session should be replaced by fertilizing so as not to overwater your plant. Fertilizing should be skipped altogether in the winter months. 


Propagating your Sansevieria ehrenbergii is no challenging task. Various propagation methods are available, the easiest of which is through division. 

Other viable methods of propagating your Sansevieria Samurai are through leaf and rhizome cuttings and offsets.


Like others in its genus, the Sansevieria Ehrenbergii is a slow-growing plant. Warmer climates, such as Spring and Summer, are when the plant actively grows. During winter, however, growth slows down dramatically. 

The leaves of the Sansevieria Samurai grow to be long and tend to curve as they extend outwards.

Unlike other plants, the Sansevieria ehrenbergii’s leaf development starts in the middle of it. Due to it growing from the bottom up, the tips of the leaves are often known to brown. 

The leaves of a mature, full-sized Sansevieria Samurai can reach up to 1.5m (5ft) in length and up to 8cm (3.5in) wide. 

Miniature or dwarf cultivars of the Sansevieria Ehrenbergii are much smaller and compact. They only grow to between 10.2cm (4in) and 15.2cm (6in) tall and are about as wide too. 

Rightfully nicknamed the Blue Sansevieria, this plant’s leaves fashion blueish-green coloring. Redish brown and white coloring features along the edges and tips of the Sansevieria Ehrenbergii’s leaves. 

Although rare, the Sansevieria Samurai does bloom. Flowers produced by this plant appear uniquely in spiraling clusters.

The coloring can sometimes vary from grayish-white to grey-green with a purple tinge. Interestingly, the Sansevieria Ehrenbergii’s flowers only open at night. 

It is rare for Sansevieria plants to experience growing problems. The only issues come from overwatering and excessively cold temperatures. The Sansevieria Samurai is not cold-hardy and will experience a rapid decline. 

The leaves of the Sansevieria Samurai dwarf are much smaller and compact. Even though they are small, they still grow the same fan or blade-type formation.

These stubbier variations are available in either variegated coloration of the leaves or pure green.

Also available is the dwarf cultivar, Banana, variation. The Sansevieria Ehrenbergii Banana plant grows leaves with a distinct banana-like shape. 


Samurai dwarf i is both an indoor and outdoor plant. Heavy clay pots are ideal as this plant is top-heavy. It is imperative that whatever pot you use for your Sansevieria Samurai has drainage holes. 

You will not often need to repot your Samurai Dwarf,  as it is a slow-growing plant. One of the reasons repotting may be required is if the plant’s growth is causing the pot to lean. 

If your Sansevieria Samurai is becoming crowded and rootbound, it may be time to repot. However, this plant takes well to being rootbound and is more likely to produce flowers. 

When choosing a new pot for your Sansevieria Ehrenbergii, it is best to go for a wide one. A wide pot will better support the long blades of your plant. 

You can count on your Sansevieria Samurai to tell you when it needs to be put in a new pot. A clay pot is best used as this will crack when your plant outgrows it. 

Sansevieria Ehrenbergii In-depth Propagation Guide

With such a unique look, who wouldn’t want to get their hands on some more of these plants?

The propagation of the Sansevieria Samurai is fairly quick and easy. There are a few methods of propagation available for you to try.

The easiest of all the methods of propagating your Sansevieria Ehrenbergii is through division. Plant division is quite simple. Excess soil should be dusted off the roots once removed from its pot or the ground. 

Your Sansevieria Samurai should then be easily separated into clumps. Each clump should have its own set of roots and a fan of leaves. These clumps can then be planted individually. 

Occasionally, the Sansevieria Ehrenbergii forms offsets. These offsets are separated easily from the parent plant. Replant the offset, but allow it some time to grow and form more complete roots. 

The other, more simple way to propagate your Sansevieria Samurai is through leaf cuttings. A healthy, mature leaf should be used when creating cuttings. Cut the leaf into parts of at least 10cm (4in). 

The cut end will need time to scab over to prevent rotting. This drying process may take a few days, but you can plant your cuttings once complete.

A succulent potting mix can be used for planting your Sansevieria Ehrenbergii leaf cuttings in. 

The cuttings should be pushed about 3cm (1in) into the soil. Until roots are set, the soil should be kept only barely moist. 

Common problems with Sansevieria Ehrenbergii

The most prominent problem with the Sansevieria Samurai is root rot. Root rot is a result of overwatering. This is a drought-tolerant plant, and it does not take kindly to being left in soggy soil. 

Other than that, the Sansevieria ehrenbergii has no serious problems with disease or pests. On the odd occasion, mealybugs or spider mites may attack your plant.

The simple solution to this is to keep your Sansevieria Samurai clean and free of dust. 

It is also advisable to keep this plant away from pets and small children. Members of the Sansevieria genus are known to contain saponins. Saponins are a substance that is toxic to pets and mildly toxic to children when ingested. 

Tips to keep Sansevieria Samurai problem-free

The Sansevieria Samurai is an easy-goer that rarely requires attention. The key to a happy plant is to maintain a minimal watering schedule. The Sansevieria ehrenbergii would rather wait a few more days for water than be given when it isn’t needed. 

Pests don’t concern this plant either. Every so often, your Sansevieria Samurai should be cleaned or dusted. This will keep mealybugs and spider mites away. A damp, soft cloth can be used for cleaning maintenance.

In the event pests gain access to your plant, a cotton ball dipped in alcohol can be used to remove them.  

Frequently asked questions about Sansevieria Ehrenbergii

What are the symptoms of ingestion?

The Sansevieria Samurai is a mildly toxic plant to humans and pets. This plant should be kept out of reach of cats, dogs, and young children to avoid ingestion. 

Symptoms linked to the ingestion of any part of the Sansevieria Ehrenbergii are mild. These symptoms include drooling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, mouth irritation, lethargy, and depression. 

What are the traditional uses of the Sansevieria Samurai?

The Sansevieria Ehrenbergii has many traditional uses. The leaves of the plant were used for fiber and to make rope. The fibers that come from the Sansevieria Ehrenbergii are tender and smooth. They are also known to have a long lifespan.

The liquid or juice was extracted from the leaves and used for treatments. The Sansevieria Samurai leaf juice was used for treating minor wounds. These wounds would include skin eruptions or sores. 

The fruit of the Sansevieria ehrenbergii was also known to be used to make beads. Sansevieria Samurai dwarf plants are also often kept for good fortune. 

How do I get rid of a spider mite infestation?

Usually, a bar of insecticidal soap can be used against spider mite attacks. You should do a small leaf test before applying this soap to your whole plant. In the case that your Sansevieria Ehrenbergii reacts negatively, try a different brand. 

Try looking for a non-pyrethrin insecticidal soap. These are known to work well. 

What properties does the Sansevieria Samurai have?

Sansevieria Ehrenbergii’s have fantastic air-purifying properties. It has the ability to produce oxygen. They are also known to have one of the best conversion rates with regards to the carbon dioxide conversion to oxygen. 

When should I prune my Sansevieria Ehrenbergii?

It is very seldom that a Sansevieria Samurai requires pruning. The only reason for pruning may be to remove portions or leaves that are unhealthy. Another reason to prune may be to removes flower stems. 


This succulent is an outstanding children’s plant. It is the perfect starter! The Sansevieria Ehrenbergii is very forgiving, therefore making it an ideal to learn how to care for plants. Children, however, shouldn’t be the only ones to have all the fun with these plants! 

The Sansevieria Samurai dwarf makes an awesome living decoration for all spots in your house! It is hard not to find something to love about this plant. This really is a must-have for all gardens and homes.