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What Does an Overwatered Poinsettia Look Like? — The Answer

What Does an Overwatered Poinsettia Look Like? — The Answer

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Poinsettias are tropical plants, more commonly as the Christmas Rose.

But even though they’re around during the holidays, they’re actually tropical plants that like a lot of heat and water.

But even though poinsettias like lots of water, too much of it can be bad for their health.

This begs the question…

What does an overwatered Poinsettia look like?

An overwatered Poinsettia often exhibits wilting or yellowing leaves. To verify if overwatering is the issue, check the soil’s moisture level. If the plant is wilting and the soil feels wet to the touch, overwatering is likely the cause.

Poinsettias die more often from overwatering than underwatering, so getting the water levels just right is important. But don’t worry; we’ll tell you exactly how to identify if your Poinsettia is being overwatered.

Symptoms of Overwatering in a Poinsettia

If your Poinsettia looks unhealthy, it could be overwatering that’s causing the problem.

Wilting is one of the most common signs of a dehydrated plant. But did you know that wilting can also be a sign of overwatering? 

This is a tricky one because when people see a plant wilting, they tend to give it more water.

So, to find out if your plant is wilting due to overwatering or underwatering, feel its soil. If the soil is dry then you need to give your plant some water. 

But if the soil is wet and your plant is wilting, then this is a sure sign that it’s being overwatered.

Another symptom of overwatering can be found on the leaves of your Poinsettia. Are they all green and healthy, or are some brown and yellow? 

If your Poinsettias leaves are discolored and falling off, this is also a sign of overwatering. 

Overwatering will deplete the oxygen in the soil. Thus, your plant won’t be able to absorb the nutrients it needs, and it may suffocate.

Other signs you should look out for on the leaves are small white spots or blisters. These are signs of edema. And this happens when your plant absorbs too much water.

And finally, if your Poinsettia is showing signs of root rot, this is inevitably due to overwatering. Root rot takes hold when the soil is constantly damp, which happens in severe overwatering cases. 

How to Save an Overwatered Poinsettia

In severe cases of overwatering, if root rot has taken hold, for example, your plant might not recover. But in milder instances, you can take some simple steps to revive your plant.

To save an overwatered Poinsettia, the first thing you should do is stop watering it. Let the soil dry out before you water it again. The next thing to check is whether your pot offers adequate drainage. Poinsettias are often sold with decorative wrapping, which could be holding the water in.

So remove the wrapping and make sure that the pot has drainage holes.

If there are no drainage holes, the soil will be too moist, making the perfect conditions for root rot.

The next thing you should do is move your Poinsettia to a warm, sunny place. A Poinsettia needs around 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day. 

Poinsettias like bright, indirect light so sitting them close to a sunny window in the house is ideal. If your plant lacks enough sunlight, the soil will take much longer to dry out.

If your plant is more severely affected, if you suspect root rot for example, then you’ll have to take more drastic action to save your plant.

In this case, you need to take it out of its pot and look at its roots. If any of the roots look unhealthy brown, these need to be removed. And you should do a root wash

When you put the plant back in its pot, make sure that you thoroughly clean the pot first. This will remove any fungus and bacteria and prevent reinfection.

And when it comes to repotting your Poinsettia, consider that they like well-draining soil, such as peat-based ones.

It’s also worth noting that some pots are more breathable than others. Terracotta pots are breathable, so they gradually let air in and moisture out.

Ceramic and plastic pots aren’t breathable, so the moisture stays in the pot for longer.

Also, consider the size of your plant and make sure you put it in the right-sized pot. If the pot is too big for the plant, it’s easy for moisture to accumulate in the soil.

Poinsettia Watering Tips

Never leave your Poinsettia sitting in a saucer of water. Although they’re tropical plants and they enjoy moisture, they don’t like to be constantly damp.

You should check your plant and its soil daily for the first few weeks. This way, you’ll have a clearer idea of how long the soil takes to dry out and when you need to water it. 

As a rule, you should water your Poinsettia when the top inch of soil is dry. Or try feeling the weight of the pot.

If the pot is fairly light, then your plant needs water. But if it feels quite heavy, this means plenty of water is left in the pot.

Alternatively, you can leave a toothpick or stick of bamboo in the soil to gauge the water content of the pot. 

Pull the stick out before watering. If the stick is wet, then your plant doesn’t need water. But if it’s dry, then it’s time to give your plant a drink. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Overwatered Poinsettia

How can I tell if my Poinsettia is being overwatered?

The most common symptoms of an overwatered Poinsettia are yellowing/brown leaves. Poinsettias will also wilt in severe cases of overwatering.

What can I do if my Poinsettia has had too much water?

The first thing you should do is stop watering it until the soil has dried out a bit. Then make sure that it’s positioned in a bright, sunny space, next to a window for example. In severe cases of overwatering, you might have to perform a root wash to save your plant.