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Philodendron Grazielae Care Tips that Will Get You Results

Philodendron Grazielae Care Tips that Will Get You Results

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The Philodendron grazielae plant is another Philodendron climber. It originates in warm climates where you can find it climbing trees in the rainforest.

When you go to pot your new Philodendron grazielae, use well-draining soil. Indirect sunlight and average watering practices work best. You won’t have to stress over this plant much.

This plant, like most Philodendrons, have fat heart-shaped leaves. These leaves vary in size but stick around the medium-sized mark.

They grow towards the sky and climb mossy poles in a classy manner. They look gorgeous in the rainforest and just as gorgeous in your home.

You can also use a plant pot or even a hanging basket to show off your new Philodendron.

The Philodendron grazielae plant is simple to care for. We’re going to show you how easy it can really be.

Want to know how much light this plant needs? Want to know what plant diseases to be on the lookout for? We’ve got all the answers.



Philodendron Grazielae Plant Care Essentials



For a Philodendron grazielae, you need well-draining soil. This type of soil is often the requirement for Philodendron plants.

Well-draining soil helps to prevent you from over-watering your plant. Instead of holding onto excess water, that water drains right on through.

Over-watering is very dangerous. Root rot is the biggest danger that comes from too much hydration.

We can’t emphasize enough that avoiding root rot is the best for any plant.

All that excess water stops oxygen from penetrating your plant’s soil. This means no oxygen is getting to the roots, which is as important as water is to a plant.

This causes the roots of your plant to rot and decay. It’s hard to stop the rotting process once it’s started. And once the rot has spread throughout the roots, you can’t save the plant.

Not only does it prevent over-watering but well-draining also prevents under-watering a plant. Under-watering can also cause several problems.

Here’s a great well-draining soil recipe for your Philodendron grazielae:

  • sphagnum peat-moss
  • crushed limestone
  • perlite



Your Philodendron grazielae plant needs adequate sunlight to thrive. This light lends a helping hand with the photosynthesis process.

But you have to avoid direct sunlight. Direct sunlight causes discoloration and scorches the plant leaves.

These Philodendrons are used to having canopy protection from the sun hitting them.

It’s easy to achieve indirect sunlight for your Philodendron grazielae plant. Place your plant near an east or north-facing window. If you indeed place it in an east-facing window, you will need to be careful that does not receive direct sunlight.

The best way to prevent direct sunlight to get through to your Philodendron is to hang sheer curtains between your plant and the window

If you use artificial lights, set your plant a few inches from the actual light. It will still get all the light it needs to grow.



A Philodendron grazielae doesn’t have any special water needs. A healthy plant needs an average amount of water.

You want to water the Philodendron on a regular basis. Having a routine can keep you from both under-watering or over-watering the plant.

Despite having a routine, you always want to check a plant’s soil before you water.

You can do this by sticking your finger into the soil until your knuckle hits the top.

It should be dry to the bottom of your finger before you make the decision to water. Otherwise, hold off for another day or two.

You’ll notice that you need to water your Philodendron grazielae less during the winter. The cold air works with your soil to maintain moisture for a longer time.



For a healthy Philodendron grazielae, the room it’s kept in needs to be at a certain temperature range. The room temperature should range between 70F (21C) and 80F (70C).

Avoid freezing temperatures around this Philodendron plant.



Moderate to high humidity for a Philodendron grazielae keeps it happy.

It doesn’t have to have humidity to survive. But humidity promotes lush, deep green leaves.

In most cases, plant lovers have to create humidity for their plants. It won’t get the moisture from the air inside a home.

The most common method for creating humidity is using the pebble tray method.

First, you have to fill a tray full of round and smooth pebbles. It’s okay if the pebbles pile a little above the tray.

Next, fill the tray with warm tap water. The water level should sit right beneath the pebbles and should never cover them.

All you have to do now is place your Philodendron’s plant pot on top of the pebbles. So, when the water evaporates, it’s easier for the moisture to reach your plant.

Another common method involves you spritzing down the leaves with water. You only need a clean spray bottle filled with soft tap water.

Like with the pebble tray method, the water evaporates. All that moisture that’s created goes straight to your Philodendron grazielae plant.



You don’t have to fertilize a Philodendron grazielae plant. But using fertilizer when caring for this plant gives it a nice boost in growth and health.

The Philodendron can’t take full-strength fertilizer. It burns the roots if you’re not careful.

Instead of pouring full-strength fertilizer on your plant, try a half-strength fertilizer.

The Philodendron grazielae plant needs fertilization once a month during the warmest months.

When the cold months hit, you can slow down to once every two or three months.



Propagating the Philodendron grazielae plant is simple to do.

There are two ways to propagate any Philodendron plant. You can propagate these plants using stem cuttings or using the air layering method.

Read below for more details on the step-by-step processes.



A Philodendron grazielae plant can be anywhere between one and a half feet to three feet in height.

The leaves can grow between two inches and five inches in length.



The first time you need to re-pot a Philodendron grazielae is after a year or two. These plants grow slow.

Always check the drainage holes of the plant pot. If you start to see roots poke through, it’s time to re-pot the plant.

When you do re-pot it, make sure you use a plant pot that’s only a bit bigger than the one before it.

Philodendron roots get stressed out when there’s too much room to stretch. They like more compact areas to grow in.


Philodendron Grazielae Propagation Steps

First, you can propagate the Philodendron grazielae plant using the stem cutting method. You plant your stem cutting into the soil and let it grow.

Second, you can choose to try the air layering method. You create a brand new plant from the wound on another plant.

You don’t need anything special to try either method to propagate your plant.


Propagating your Philo Grazielae using stem cuttings

The very first step is to get your Philodendron grazielae stem cutting ready to go. Not any stem cutting will do. You need to cut the stem cutting right below a leaf node.

It helps to have at least two leaves attached to the cutting. And the stem cutting needs to be at least three inches in length. You’ll need sterilized pruning shears to get your stem cutting.

Try sterilizing your pruning shears with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Now you’re ready to get your stem cutting.

Once you have your stem cutting, it’s time to cure it. To cure a stem cutting, you let it sit out in a warm room for at least a week. This allows the cut end of the stem cutting to callous over. There are several benefits to having the end callous over. The biggest benefit being that it makes it easier for the stem cutting to root.

As you wait for the stem cutting to callous, you can get your plant pot (or hanging basket) ready. Make sure you’re using well-draining soil in a plant pot with drainage holes. You’ll never have to worry about over-watering with this combination.

A week is up and it’s time for you to plant your calloused stem cutting. You can use your finger to make a hole that’s close to a perfect fit for your cutting. Place your finger into the soil until your big knuckle hits the top. You can set your stem cutting into this hole and pack soil around it.

Most of the time, the packed soil will hold your stem cutting upright. But if this fails, you can tie the stem cutting to a straw to keep it growing straight up.

You now only have to wait for your stem cutting to grow into a beautiful new Philodendron grazielae. Care for it like you would if it was a mature plant already. It needs the proper amount of sunlight and water.


Propagating your Philodendron grazielae using the air layering technique

The air layering propagation method involves wounding your original plant. You need to create this wound towards the top of your Philodendron grazielae plant. This makes it easier to remove from the original plant later on.

You’re going to need a sterilized knife to create this wound. The best way to sterilize your knife is by using isopropyl alcohol. The wound needs to be around two inches in length and two inches in depth.

Some plant wounds won’t stay open alone. You can remedy that by sticking a toothpick through the top and bottom of the wound. Position the toothpick right and you won’t have to deal with this at all.

This next step involves wet sphagnum peat-moss. Make sure this sphagnum peat-moss is moist. It needs to stick to the wound and stem. Take a handful of the peat-moss and smear it across the stem’s wound.

It helps to use hormone rooting compounds if you want your Philodendron to grow faster.

Next, take plastic wrap and wrap it around the wound and the stem. Make sure you don’t wrap it too tight because the peat-moss needs some breathing room to develop roots. Duct tape holds the plastic wrap to the stem while you wait for those roots to grow.

While you’re waiting, you can go ahead and get the plant pot ready. This plant pot should have drainage holes at the bottom. Ensure you use the correct type of soil.

It takes a few weeks but roots will start to grow from the sphagnum peat-moss. Once the roots are around three or four inches in length, it’s time to remove the wound from the stem. Again, you need a sterilized knife to do this.

Now that you’ve removed the wound, you need to remove the plastic wrap. Always be careful doing this because you don’t want to ruin the brand new fragile roots.

You can plant the new Philodendron in the plant pot. You have to submerge the roots in the soil all the way. Again, be cautious when dealing with roots.

Now you get to take care of your new Philodendron grazielae plant as you do the original. It has the same requirements to thrive and to grow.


Common Problems with the Philodendron Grazielae

It’s a possibility that you’re going to come across a few plant pests when caring for a Philodendron grazielae.

This specific Philodendron plant only attracts a few plant pests.

The first plant pest you might find infesting it aphids. Aphids hide under the leaves of a plant.

They suck the sap from the plant using the veins on the leaves. When the sap flows through the aphid’s body, waste is left behind as a sugary honeydew substance.

According to the University of Kentucky, this honeydew substance creates sooty mold.

One of the biggest downsides to sooty mold is that it attracts other pests like ants.

Ants will do more damage to your Philodendron grazielae plant than the aphids will.

Though stealing the sap from your plant isn’t great, aphids don’t make much of a difference in the amount that’s taken.

At least, not enough to usually kill a plant and not as much as other plant pests take.

Soft-bodied scale bugs are a fan of this Philodendron plant. Brown scales are the most common species of scale pests you’ll come across.

Brown scales also feed off the sap inside of your plant. These insects have become a bigger plant problem as of recent due to climate change.

Brown scales’ mouths pierce through, sucking up all the important nutrients and water.

Those nutrients and the water in the sap are meant to move throughout the entire plant by special cells.

All this plays into the photosynthesis process. Without the proper nutrients and hydration, a plant can’t go through photosynthesis.

The most common pest for any Philodendron plant is the mealybug. Mealybugs are plant pests covered in a cotton-like substance.

This cotton-like substance is their armor against outside dangers. But this substance is also what informs plant lovers there’s an infestation in the first place.

Like most plant pests, mealybugs harm your plant by stealing its’ sap. How bad they hurt your plant depends on how big the infestation gets before treatment.

Unfortunately, mealybugs reproduce fast. Before you know there’s an issue, you might have a large infestation on your hands.

There are several natural ways to treat plant pests. One of our favorite methods is to use all-natural neem oil.

You mix neem oil with water into a spray bottle. All you have to do is spray down your plant with this combo.

Neem oil is a heavy oil. One of the ways the oil kills most plant pests is by suffocating them within minutes of application.

Then, all you have to do is wipe your Philodendron grazielae plant down for dead pests.


Tips for an Unhappy Philodendron Grazielae

It doesn’t take much to keep a Philodendron grazielae plant happy. With a little love and attention, your plant will thrive.

But hiccups happen and plants struggle. Here are some problems you might come across with your Philodendron grazielae.


Your Philodendron Grazielae Has Yellow and Droopy Leaves

A Philodendron grazielae plant with yellow and droopy leaves has been over-watered.

The lack of oxygen getting to the roots is causing the discoloration of the leaves.

You should always check the moisture of the soil before you water your Philodendron.

To check the soil, stick your finger into the soil up to your knuckle. The soil needs to be dry to the tip of your finger.

You can also look at it through math. If 25% or more of your Philodendron grazielae plant’s soil is dry, it’s time to water it.

Sometimes the soil is too drenched in water. When this happens, you have to switch out the soil for fresh soil.

Otherwise, it may take too long for the soil to dry. Your plant will continue to get sicker. Avoid letting the Philodendron sit in standing water.


Your Philodendron Grazielae’s Leaves are Wilting

Wilting leaves in a Philodendron grazielae plant is a sign of under-watering.

Under-watering sends your plant into dehydration mode. The lack of hydration shrivels up the leaves. So, they wilt.

Even though over-watering is the biggest danger, under-watering is dangerous as well.

Luckily, it’s easy to bring a Philodendron grazielae back from being under-watered.

Check the soil with your finger to be on the safe side and then go ahead and water your Philodendron.


Varieties of Philodendrons

Philodendron plants are some of the coolest tropical plants you can bring into your home.

Here are only a handful of the fun Philodendron species out there.


Philodendron domesticum

This Philodendron plant is nicknamed “Elephant Ear”. This is due to the gray and silver the leaves mature into. It’s also called the “Silversword Philodendron”.


Philodendron bipennifolium

The Philodendron bipennifolium has leaves shaped like fiddles or even shaped like horses. It originates from the tropics of South America.


Philodendron selloum

This Philodendron is more like a miniature tree you can place in your dining room. It doesn’t grow much bigger than five feet in height and width.


Philodendron verrucosum

The Philodendron verrucosum plant originates from Ecuador. It creates beautiful leaves that feel like velvet beneath your fingers. The yellow veins stand out against the lush green.



Philodendron Grazielae FAQ


Is the entire Philodendron grazielae plant toxic?

Yes, the entire Philodendron grazielae plant is toxic. Both the stem and leaves are covered in calcium oxalate crystals. These crystals can irritate the throat of both humans and pets.


Does the Philodendron grazielae plant have vines?

Yes, the Philodendron grazielae plant has vines. It’s a climber. It helps to get a mossy pole ready for when your Philodendron starts to grow taller.



The Philodendron grazielae plant is a fantastic addition to your tropical houseplant collection. It can climb to amazing heights if given the chance.

We hope this article guides you with caring for your Philodendron grazielae plant.