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Philodendron Saggitifolium Plant Care — Top Guide

Philodendron Saggitifolium Plant Care — Top Guide

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One of the most remarkable and unique Philodendron is the Philodendron Sagittifolium a tropical to subtropical plant with a particularly fast growth rate. 

The plant has huge leaves emerging from long vines that quickly climb supporting structures. With characteristics found in very few Philodendron, it is surely a rewarding experience to nurture it.

The Philodendron Sagittifolium plant vastly grows in rainy and humid regions of Mexico and Columbia. Other regions actively cultivating this plant include Venezuela and some parts of Brazil. 

When fully mature, the plant grows large green leaves and attains a height of about 3 to 4 meters (118 to 157 inches). 

These Philodendron species are highly fascinating and have extremely variable morphology. Its external structure, leaf shape, or bloom shape often differs from other types. 

Due to its numerous forms and shapes, the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant has several names.

Growing this luxurious-looking plant becomes progressively easier as you learn about its likes and dislikes. 

To ensure optimal growth of your Philodendron Sagittifolium plant, follow this care guide.

Philodendron Saggitifolium Plant Care

Place the Philodendron Sagittifolium under bright, filtered sunlight, preferably next to a north-facing window. Water it every few weeks when its soil’s top layer turns dry. Use high-quality fertilizers with a good amount of magnesium and calcium, high humidity of around 70% to 80%, and loose and porous soils containing peat moss, pine bark and potting soil. Maintain a temperature between 64 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 25 degrees Celsius).


The Philodendron Sagittifolium plant grows exceptionally well in airy, loose, and moist soils. It grows best in organic matte.

This plant is a fast grower if placed in the right soil.

To prepare the ideal potting mix, take ground soil, peat moss, pine bark, and perlite and add some mulch or sawdust to retain moisture in a ratio of 0.5-2-2-2-1. 

Mix all these ingredients thoroughly and add some water at the end. Once the soil mix is ready, you can plant your Philodendron Sagittifolium. 

A pH of about 6 to 7 (slightly acidic to neutral) works well for this Philodendron. The mild acidity carries several benefits that help the plant flourish fully. 

So, if you’re not sure how to adjust the soil’s pH levels, read about adjusting the pH up and down in soil.

It is particularly important to keep the plant’s soil adequately moist at all times to prevent dehydration.


The Philodendron Sagittifolium, although not as popular as some other Philodendrons, is a fairly drought-tolerant plant. 

It rarely reacts to changes in its watering frequency; however, maintaining the right frequency is essential for optimum growth. 

Water the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant every few weeks, ensuring you cover top to bottom. While watering the entire plant is necessary, properly moisturizing the roots is essential. 

If the environment is sufficiently humid, watering alone should do. However, in areas with temperate or dry climates, occasional misting is recommended. 

Please remember that infrequent watering does not mean that you should withhold water for extended periods. 

The best indicator for watering is the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant’s soil’s top layer. If it feels dry, add water and wait until it dries again.


The Philodendron Sagittifolium plant thoroughly enjoys bright, dappled sunlight. It has large leaves that need plenty of indirect sunlight to grow and produce food (carbohydrates). 

Therefore, it must be exposed to the right amount of sunlight or light levels

In most regions, north- and east-facing windows offer the perfect sunlight for such Philodendrons. 

Rotating the plant every few days is also recommended so that all parts receive their fair share of sunlight. 

However, you should avoid exposing the plant to unobstructed sun rays, which can lead to leaf scorching.


Regarding temperature, the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant is not too sensitive. It can tolerate temperatures of varying ranges. 

However, growing it in the ideal temperature range undoubtedly results in the most optimum plant growth. 

Place the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant at 64 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 25 degrees Celsius) daily and at night. 

This moderate temperature range allows the plant to perform all its daily vital functions while also protecting it from temperature shock and similar conditions. 


The Philodendrons prefer moderate to high moisture levels at least over 60%. 

They are tropical or subtropical plants that naturally occur in humid to damp environments; for this reason, they expect the same in their artificial settings.

Place the Philodendron Sagittifolium in 70% to 80% humidity during the day and the night. 

The plant takes in a high moisture level, one of the main reasons it can withstand drought conditions for a considerable period. 

To establish such high levels, place the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant in a room with a humidifier

You may also mist its surroundings now and then or group it with other houseplants. Alternatively, you can place a pebble-filled tray with water next to the plant.


The Philodendron Sagittifolium plant has a moderate to fast growth rate; therefore, it is only reasonable that it expects good quality feed every few weeks. 

Fertilizers with ample macro- and micronutrients are the best choices for this plant. 

Add a balanced NPK fertilizer to the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant’s soil when it is wet. Work the feed well into the soil, ensuring it’s evenly distributed. 

You may opt for a slow-release fertilizer or one with a liquid consistency. While both have advantages, the latter works better in the long term. 

The liquid fertilizer should be added every 2 to 3 months as it breaks down relatively faster. 

Maintain this feeding frequency only during the active growth phases, mainly spring, and skip feeding during the dormant months. Also, use fertilizers with high nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium content.


Repotting, often considered a cumbersome task, is well worth the effort. Changing the pot and refreshing the ingredients in the soil helps the plant live longer and stay healthy. 

While moving to a one-size larger pot is essential, adding new contents into the soil is imperative for successful repotting. 

Repot your Philodendron Sagittifolium plant every few months, especially when you see its roots poking out of the bottom or when it outgrows its current pot. 

Move it to a one-inch bigger pot with 2 to 3 drainage holes when repotting. 

Add new soil to the pot, ensuring you put organic material, such as sphagnum moss and pine bark.

Finally, spray some fungicide on the roots and add some water. 


While fertilizer, humidity, and ideal soil are important growth factors, pruning is also a key growth determinant. 

To help your Philodendron Sagittifolium plant reach its full potential in terms of growth and to make it appear bushy, cutting off a few vines from time to time is essential.

Remove the vines that are growing erratically or taking up excess space. 

This is also an opportunity to closely inspect your Philodendron Sagittifolium plant for any signs of disease and remove the infected foliage and stems.

Please remember to use clean and disinfected tools on all your plants and wear overalls to prevent allergic reactions.


The Philodendron Sagittifolium plant can be propagated using stem cuttings. 

To do this, you will need a healthy Sagittifolium, a knife, appropriate potting mix, water, fertilizer, rooting powder, and a small pot. 

  • Begin with cutting a 3 to 6 inches long stem from a healthy Philodendron Sagittifolium plant.
  • Take this stem and apply some fungicide spray on it.
  • Once dry, put some rooting powder on the roots to promote root formation. 
  • Now put the potting mix in the pot. The mix should contain organic substances and mulch or sawdust. 
  • Once the soil mix is inside the pot, make a hole around its center.
  • Put the Philodendron Sagittifolium plantlet in the hole and cover the base with more soil. 
  • Add some water and fertilizer.

Place the baby Philodendron Sagittifolium plant in an open shady area till it grows out some roots. 

This may take a few weeks, so you are advised to be patient. 


The Philodendron Sagittifolium plant can produce one or more inflorescence per axil. The leaves grow to a fairly large size, forming a contrasting background with the flowers that stand erect. 

The flowers develop on the spadix, at the inflorescence’s center, in both males and females. 

The spathe is mostly flat and green, occasionally red-tinged on the inside. 

The spathe is supported by the peduncle, which is 1.5 to 1.9 inches (4 to 5 centimeters) long. 


When cared for correctly, the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant has a moderate to fast growth rate. The plant actively grows through USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11. 

It reaches 3-4 meters (118 to 157 inches) in height in a few months. 

The leaves are green and large, accounting for the primary reason for the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant’s popularity. 

The plant is mainly pollinated by the Scarab beetle, which remains inside the spathe long enough to fertilize the female flowers. 

The blooms mostly appear in September and October and in February for some species, especially those growing in Panama. 

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Common Problems for Philodendron Sagittifolium

Yellow Leaves

The Philodendron Sagittifolium plant forms yellow leaves if you use cold or chlorinated water or place it in insufficient light. 

The plant gradually accumulates chemicals, such as chlorine and fluoride, and the leaves begin losing their characteristic color. 

To treat such a plant, you should eliminate the affected leaves and place the plant in bright, indirect sunlight. 

Moreover, you are advised to use lukewarm water only and maintain the plant’s ideal growing conditions.

Pests and Bugs

Another frequent problem with the Philodendron Sagittifolium plant is pests, including mealybugs and spider mites

They may infect the plant at any time and usually spread through other infested plants or due to environmental factors. 

They attach to the leaves, searching for chlorophyll and a place to hide their eggs. During the process, they cause widespread damage as they form cotton webs and suck off the cell sap. 

To eliminate them, isolate the plant promptly and apply neem oil and pesticidal spray. 

Check nearby plants for any signs of pesky pests and treat them accordingly. Furthermore, maintain good hygiene and keep the plant’s surroundings clean.

Curled Leaves

The Philodendron Sagittifolium plant’s leaves may begin to curl or form brown edges. These reactions often occur due to insufficient or excess water and overexposure to the sun. 

The harsh solar rays scorch the leaves, hampering their ability to perform photosynthesis.

To prevent this problem, ensure that your Philodendron Sagittifolium plant is exposed to indirect sunlight and watered only when its soil’s top 2 to 3 inches appear dry. 

Additionally, effort should be taken to protect it from excessive sun exposure.

Tips for Growing Philodendron Saggitifolium Plant Care

  • Repot every 2 years using a suitable potting mix. 
  • Limit the growth of weeds around the plant. 
  • Place in bright, filtered sunlight in an open, airy location. 
  • Keep the plant’s soil moist, allowing the water to dry out between watering. 
  • Remove bugs and insects the soonest you see them, separating the afflicted plant from your other flora.
  • Prune every few weeks to prevent retarded growth.

Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Saggitifolium Plant Care

What is wrong with my Philodendron Sagittifolium plant?

Various reasons can cause your Philodendron Sagittifolium to die. However, the most common one is excess water around the root ball due to overwatering or lack of good drainage. Grow the plant in moist, porous soils with good drainage to prevent this problem.

Why is my Philodendron Sagittifolium plant dying?

The Philodendron Sagittifolium plant may die due to watering with excessively cold or hot water, overwatering, or insufficient growing space. For such plants, water only using chlorine-free, room temperature water when necessary. It’s also vital to trim the vines and roots every few months. 

Can I revive an overwatered Philodendron Sagittifolium plant?

You may be able to revive your Philodendron Sagittifolium plant by exposing it to the right amount of sunlight, withholding water, pruning damaged roots and leaves, repotting, and maintaining an appropriate and regular watering schedule.

Read also: How to grow Philodendron gloriosum


The Philodendron sagittifolium is a unique plant that requires mild to moderate care. Overall, it is a relatively manageable plant that is reasonably drought-resistant. It needs bi-monthly feeding, organic and loose soils, moderate humidity, and monthly watering. It may cause allergic reactions in some individuals; therefore, you should always place it away from the reach of children and pets.