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Black Krim Tomato Plant Care – What You Should Know!

Black Krim Tomato Plant Care – What You Should Know!

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The Black Krim Tomato variety is one of the most unique-looking tomato varieties out there. 

The deep red, almost purplish skin of these tomatoes makes them an exciting plant to grow in your garden. 

The deep red-purple color can turn blackish when exposed to hot sunlight. 

Along with its unique and savory color, this heirloom tomato variety is known around the world for its incredibly sweet and smoky flavor.


Black Krim Tomato Plant Care

With ideal soil pH levels of 6, the Black Krim Tomato plant thrives in well-draining nutrient-rich organic soil. Organic clay or loam mixes with good water retention potential are recommended. This heirloom tomato variety likes direct sunlight and can tolerate pretty harsh sunlight. Optimum growing temperatures are 65-95°F (18-35°C). 


Black Krim Tomato Plant Care Guide

The fact that Black Krim Tomatoes can be grown almost anywhere with moderate growing temperatures makes it one of the most widespread varieties. 

The plants are known to grow with vigor, with each plant providing you with well over a dozen counts of delicious fruit throughout the growing season. 

Although it is an indeterminate variety, which means that the plant will continue to grow and fruit for as long as the season lasts, the Black Krim Tomato requires much less space as compared to other indeterminate tomato hybrids. 

If you’re not a very punctual gardener and are not likely to give as much attention to your tomato plants, you should be looking for a variety that offers a good yield of delicious, home-grown tomatoes, with minimum maintenance required. 

As it happens, the Black Krim Tomatoes are just what you need to grow. 

This variety is known to grow and produce fruit prolifically and won’t be bothered much even if you miss a few waterings. 

The resistant qualities found in these plants originate from where this heirloom variety is originally from. The Black Krim comes from the Crimean peninsula, right from the Black Sea coast. 

The remarkably hardy characteristic of this tomato variety makes it disease-resistant. 

It assists it in adapting well to a growing in various conditions. 



The soil requirements for good yields are pretty much the same across all tomato varieties. 

They require a well-draining and nutrient-rich loam. Soils that are high in organic matter are recommended over primarily inorganic soil. 

Black Krims, like all tomato varieties, require their soil to be constantly moist. This is why you need soil that retains moisture well as well as ample drainage. 

Fertilized clayey or loamy soil performs well, but if you want an earlier yield, lighter soil mixes that warm up quickly are better. 

Tomatoes thrive in slightly acidic soil with an ideal pH level of 6. 

Although genetics are the primary determining factor, the soil in which the plants grow plays the second most important role in determining how well your tomatoes taste.

Apart from the taste, the soil conditions also influence how big your Black Krim Tomatoes are going to grow. 

Consistent soil moisture and warm soil mean a bigger and quicker yield.  Mulching the soil’s the best way to maintain this requirement. 

Mulch your tomato plants after the temperatures have risen enough to warm the soil. 

This will maintain soil moisture, stop weeds from growing, and will also reduce the amount of water the plants need to be supplied with.

There are different mulching materials you can use, but if you’re low on light, using reflective mulch materials like red plastic can make things much better. 

The light reflected from the bottom can make up for the light requirements needed by the tomatoes to ripen. 



The water requirements of Black Krim Tomato plants are much like regular tomatoes: a consistent supply of water. 

Water these plants adequately, with 1-2 inches of water every week. If you live in a drier or hotter climate, you will need to notch up the watering frequency. 

Black Krim Tomatoes are prone to cracking and blossom rot, both of which can attack your tomato plants if the watering practice is irregular. 

The key to delicious and big tomatoes is consistent watering, not too much, and not too little. 

Your tomatoes can crack or split due to uneven watering. It is crucial not to let the soil dry fully between waterings. 

If soil moisture is not present at all times, your Black Krim tomatoes are at the risk of cracking, and this is not just a visual problem.

The cracks can open a way for bacteria or other pathogens to enter the plant and create much bigger issues. 

Using more sophisticated watering systems will indeed prevent this and other problems that arise from uneven watering. 

Using a drip irrigation system is one way to ensure a bountiful yield of Black Krim Tomatoes. 

But not all of us have the time or resources to allocate to separate drip irrigation for tomatoes. So don’t forget to give a hearty drink of water to tomato plants every week. 

Keep in mind to water your plants from below and not get the foliage wet too frequently. 

Overly damp foliage can lead to mold infections and a host of other problems. 



Black Krim Tomato plants need direct sunlight all day long. Exposure to bright sunlight for 8 hours is crucial for healthy plant growth and fruit ripening. 

Black Krim Tomatoes get their dark-maroon color from the hot sunlight they receive as the growing season progresses. 

So make sure your Black Krim tomato plants are getting ample sunlight to get tasty and well-ripened Black Krims. 



The growth and fruit yield of your Black Krim Tomato plants are significantly impacted by how you stake them or provide other supports to grow upright. 

Indeterminate varieties will vine out and grow all over the place if not staked or pruned. 

Staking your tomato plants will help them absorb more sunlight and fasten up the fruiting process by a week or more. 

Not only that, but staked plants produce cleaner and better quality fruit while making the harvesting process a walk in the park.

However, experts believe that staking and pruning tomatoes can place them at a higher risk of getting blossom end rot or sunscald. 

Given that the Black Krim is a naturally disease-resistant variety, it is unlikely to be affected by these issues. 

Staking is a time-taking and labor-intensive process. A better alternative is tomato cages, which, although a little more expensive, can make life much easier for tomato growers. 



Black Krim Tomato plants are fruiting annuals that enjoy relatively long growing seasons. 

If you live in a climate with a short growing season, you will have to germinate seeds quite early in an indoor, controlled environment. 

The Black Krim is one variety that enjoys relatively hotter conditions than other tomato varieties, with growing temperatures ranging from 65-95 degrees Fahrenheit (18-35 degrees Celsius). 

Along with the atmospheric temperatures, outdoor soil temperatures also need to be higher than a minimum of 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius) for the plants to fruit. 

This variety is particularly well-suited to climates that are a bit too hot for growing common tomato varieties. They can grow well in USDA Hardiness Zones 3-11. 



Tomatoes require moisture from both the soil and the atmosphere. This is especially true in the case of Black Krim Tomatoes, which thrive in high humidity areas. 

Ensure your Black Krim tomatoes get 80-90% daytime humidity levels. These levels also need to drop to as low as 60% during the night for fruit to ripen well. 

Black Krims originate from the coast of the Black Sea from Crimea, which indicates that they thrive in areas with high humidity. 

Adequate humidity levels will also prevent your tomatoes from cracking, which occurs due to uneven moisture supply.  



Black Krim Tomatoes, like all other tomatoes, are heavy feeders and require frequent doses of fertilizer along with organic soil to produce a good yield. 

A high amount of nutrients available in the soil are crucial for the delicious taste and vibrant colors of the Black Krim Tomato.

Nitrogen-rich fertilizers are good but only for as long as the plants don’t bloom. 

Excessive nitrogen applications throughout the growing season will lead to vigorous and lush foliage but will reduce the fruit yield. 

Bear in mind to add Phosphorous and Potassium rich fertilizer as soon as the tomato plants are about to bloom. 

Avoid adding nitrogen to the soil at this moment, but even if you do, make sure you’re not using fertilizers that have thrice as much nitrogen content as Phosphorous or Potassium.



Rumor is that Black Krim Tomatoes can not be grown from seeds taken from fruit, but that is absolutely not true. 

Although some varieties of Black Krims may only be germinated from seeds bought from the market, most of them can be propagated from fruit. 

To collect seeds from the fruit, choose an unblemished ripened tomato and obtain and clean the seeds. 

If you’re not going to plant them right away, ferment the seeds before you store them for the off-season. Clean the seeds and carefully store them, so they are sure to germinate come spring.

Heirloom varieties such as the Black Krim need a long growing season so that they give an adequate fruit yield. 

If you live in a cooler climate with longer winters, start the germination process indoors in a controlled and protected environment at least 6 weeks before the last frost date. 

Sow your seeds half an inch deep in a well-draining, soil-less germination mix. 

Make sure the medium is damp at all times but not overly soggy, so the seeds do not rot away. Start adding moderate water once seedlings appear. 

You should absolutely not rush transplanting the seedlings with cold-sensitive varieties such as the Black Krim. 

Wait at least a week or two after the last frost because the soil and the air outside are still cold, and your seedlings can suffer from extreme transplant shock. 

To avoid transplant shock, harden off the seedlings as spring approaches. Bring the young plants out every day to enjoy sunlight for a few hours. 

As the transplant date approaches, reduce the watering and feeding so that they can adapt well to newer conditions. 



Black Krim Tomatoes take 75-80 days at least to mature and start producing fruit. They will continue to produce more delicious maroon tomatoes for up to 120 days.

The average Black Krim Tomato grows as tall as 4-6 feet, so make sure whatever support you’re providing them to grow is taller than that and prevents them from sprawling over the ground. 


Common Problems with Black Krim Tomatoes


Blossom End Rot

Although the Black Krim is highly resistant to diseases, it is not entirely immune. 

Blossom End Rot is one disease that is caused by calcium inadequacy in tomato plants. 

Blossom End Rot, as the name suggests, occurs at the blossom end of the tomato and is characterized by brown, leathery patches on the skin of the fruit. 

This can lead to other pathogens infesting the fruit and making it wet and soft. 


Frequently Asked Questions About Black Krim Tomato Plant Care


How to harvest Black Krim Tomatoes?

Fully ripened Black Krim Tomatoes are much tastier than those which are not. When ripe, they will fall off the plant just with a gentle tug. Make sure you are picking your fruit in time; this is because if left unattended, tomatoes will crack due to over-ripening. 


How can Blossom End Rot be prevented?

Adding calcium to the soil is one solution but is not the only one. Blossom End Rot is mainly triggered by uneven watering practices. When a lot of water is supplied immediately after a dry spell, the plants will start to grow vigorously while the calcium supply fails to catch up. Uneven watering will inevitably lead to Blossom End Rot, so ensure you are consistent in watering. 



Black Krim Tomato is one of the tomato varieties that are easiest to grow and one of the tastiest to eat. 

It is incredible how a tomato that frequently wins top spots in taste competitions requires such low maintenance – let’s just say it is a true wonder of Nature.