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Begonia Thelmae Care: Here’s What Truly Matters

Begonia Thelmae Care: Here’s What Truly Matters

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From one of the largest flowering plant genera comes the species Begonia thelmae.

Overall, any begonia plant is the most popular choice of plant for the home environment. Yet, with its spectacular deep green lustrous leaves, the thelmae is undeniably the more attractive of houseplants!

With begonias in hanging baskets a fantastic idea for indoor decoration, you’ll often hear this species referred to as trailing begonia plants. Likewise, the thelmae will also be mentioned as an evergreen flowering plant.

A native of Africa, South Asia, and America, the Begonia thelmae thrives in those more humid of tropical and indeed subtropical climates.

Boasting a selection of small evergreen leaves, you’ll spot bronze edging and a rich red reverse hue on closer inspection.

Here I offer some helpful advice on how to encourage the best Begonia thelmae care. A low maintenance plant, if you can give it the best home environment, you’ll undoubtedly be winning year after year with this begonia.

Best of all, with the right begonia care, a thelmae will continually bloom throughout the year. So, get the care just right here, and you can even go as far as watching this plant flower throughout all four seasons!


How Not To Kill Your Begonia Thelmae




Like all begonias, the Begonia thelmae demands a well-draining soil type.

However, along with an excellent draining Soil for indoor plants, I also like to include a reputable substrate for additional Begonia thelmae care.

This means using a designated house plant mix soil that provides a larger percentage of peat moss.

For the substrate, I am a keen user of perlite, particularly for a begonia plant. This is because these plant types cannot cope with the soil holding too much water.

By adding an adequate level of perlite into the soil, my Begonia thelmae benefits hugely. Perlite works hard to improve soil drainage alongside giving the plant more oxygen in the process.



Although any Begonia thelmae cannot tolerate direct sunlight, it still needs a good dose of light daily.

For those days when the sun is shining, my best Begonia thelmae care comes from a north-facing window. This is where it receives partial sun and tons of bright but indirect natural light.

When I believe the sun may be a bit too much, I either move the plant slightly or place a net between the plant and the window.

I think it’s great to work on getting get your Begonia thelmae positioned straightaway in a well-lit area. Then, when it does start to flower, it will thank you for such good conditions by flowering generously.

Though I have ample natural light, I know of many others who use artificial light here. In fact, Begonia thelmae also love an artificial light source, mainly if you can position it at a practical level right above the plant itself.



Once you select the best well-draining soil for your plant, you’ll increase your Begonia thelmae care by being cautious with its watering schedule!

I’ve found that any one of the begonia genera requires a little more balance when watering them.

A Begonia thelmae should, therefore, only be watered when the soil has partially dried. This means allowing the soil’s top-level to dry out and placing a finger two inches into the soil to confirm.

For me, this means during summer, I can be watering my Begonia thelmae possibly one to two times a week. In winter, it’s usually around every seven days or more.

I will say that where you position your Begonia thelmae in the home directly impacts its watering needs. So, I always suggest watering to the requirements of your specific plant here.

When you do water, run it through the top and allow it to pour out through the bottom of the pot. I tend to place the pot on a towel to soak up the remaining water here before returning it to its space.



When considering the preferred temperature for begonias, I find they do well in an environment of 20°C, around 68 °F, during the day.

At night-time, I think it’s advisable to keep an eye on the temperature and never allow them to fall below 15°C, around 59 °F.

Likewise, try to ensure your Begonia thelmae doesn’t have to cope with a temperature of about 30°C, around 86°F, for this too can have a detrimental effect.

The best Begonia thelmae care comes from keeping your indoor temperature stable as much as possible. This makes sure there’s no great shock to the plant’s system when it gets hotter or colder outside.

I often strive to keep a good airflow circulation going through my Begonia thelmae’s room during the summer months. But I also work hard to keep them away from drafty doors and windows.

It’s all merely a case of household management regarding the best Begonia thelmae care and placement here!



Having recently invested in a humidity monitor, I’ve become more acquainted with getting the humidity just right for superb Begonia thelmae care.

I am more inclined to stress the right humidity level for Begonia thelmae care as these plants really do prefer a humid environment. This is perhaps due to their native origins and preference for tropical/subtropical climates.

However, like many other relatives, the Begonia thermal does not like getting water on its leaves. So, misting to achieve a greater humidity level is out of the question here.

Suppose you can naturally achieve a 60% level to as much as 80% of humidity throughout the day. In that case, your Begonia will thank you immensely!

Likewise, if you can keep their range up throughout the evening, or possibly a little more, you satisfy its requirements all-round.

You can also opt to do this using a humidifier in the room. Ensure this isn’t aimed directly at your Begonia thelmae or that any water from it doesn’t come into contact with your plant.



A Begonia thelmae will benefit significantly from a good dose of regular fertilizer. Though you will need to adjust your frequency to your own plant.

I find myself performing this job around twice a month and throughout the year.

The reason for this love of fertilizing is more than likely due to the ongoing look the thelmae puts out. To encourage this to flower healthily each time, a reputable fertilizer is crucial.

Equally important here is the amount of fertilizer used and the timescale employed. My preference here is for an NPK of 7-3-5.

My number one choice for all my begonias is a liquid fertilizer feed. This is an all-around nutrient product and one which states it’s all-purpose and concentrated.

Usually, I would suggest only fertilizing plants at certain times of the year. Yet, with Begonia thelmae care, it’s a different story because it actively grows throughout each season!



Propagating a Begonia thelmae is a swift and straightforward process and works well at increasing your plant stock.

All I would stress is that you aim for those healthiest stem cuttings each time you perform this task.

Though I have heard of some propagating their thelmae by water, I prefer to do this with soil. This is simply to ensure my Begonia thelmae doesn’t come into too much unnecessary contact with water – something that its leaves do not take too kindly to!



Though I mention the Begonia thelmae as an all-season flowering plant, it’s perhaps not the fastest growing of the bunch!

Even with a high level of Begonia thelmae care, this plant can only really be expected to achieve heights of around 12 inches in total.

Rather than provide fast-growing heights, this begonia plant spreads. But more of that growth is concentrated on a blossom which the thelmae boasts in all four seasons.

For this reason alone, a Begonia thelmae is most suited to those looking for a visual display of white to pinkish flowers, as opposed to substantial foliage growth. These flowers are usually about an inch long.

You may also notice that the leaves on a thelmae are noticeably smaller than the begonia types. At around an inch wide, Begonia thelmae leaves are just around 2 inches in length.



As a Begonia thelmae is not a fast grower, I have only repotted it once in the two years that I have owned it.

I recommend looking at the individual health and overall appearance of your thelmae before considering a new pot.

Around once every two years and during the springtime is perhaps the most beneficial for Begonia thelmae care.

Signs that you may need to repot include a drop in the physical look of your thelmae. Or the pot may be cracked, and you can see bulging roots or roots creeping up the sides of it.

When you do repot, aim to do so in a pot that is the next natural size up to your current Begonia thelmae pot. This will ensure it doesn’t become swamped with an oversized pot and won’t suffer from soil overload when it comes to overwatering.




  1. Aim to propagate your Begonia thelmae during springtime where possible.
  2. Select a couple of healthy stems from a mature and well-developed thelmae.
  3. Cut these stems near the base of the plant and under a node.
  4. Aim for good-sized stems and those boasting vibrant green leaves.
  5. Remove a few of the leaves at the base of the stems, so no leaves are submerged in the potting soil here
  6. Place your cuttings into the same soil combination that the mother plant grows in.
  7. Pat the stem carefully into place to hold and then water.
  8. Move your cuttings to a well-lit area to grow on, checking back regularly to water.



Though some people find begonias a little pickier of plants, in general, to care for, the begonia thelmae doesn’t usually pose too many problems here.

However, I’ve noticed a few issues that some people come across that can become problematic if not dealt with swiftly.

Two of the most common issues here center around watering and light. Rather, that is – too much water and too little light!

Begonia Thelmae Hate Being Overwatered

One of the more common signs of overwatering a Begonia thelmae is the appearance of yellow leaves.

Unfortunately, for those who are a little excessive on the watering side, overwatering this plant can lead to root rot.

Root rot is the last resort and an issue that is often hard for the plant to recover from. Yet, this is also one that can be easily prevented – by simply reducing the frequency that you water.

Begonias do not appreciate being left in soggy soil. So only water when the soil is partially dry, as advised above.

Though this is often a lesson most plant owners learn with time, begonia will make their case known by a rapid change in their leaves’ color. When this happens, it’s time to act.

Begonia Thelmae Need an Adequate Level of Lighting

A sign that your begonia thelmae isn’t getting enough light is, yet again, the appearance of yellow leaves.

But quite often, it’s a vicious cycle here that is closely linked to the problem of overwatering.

When a thelmae is kept in a low and inadequate lighting area, it will take longer to drink the water given at every feed.

In turn, this means its overall health will start to deteriorate and begin to show its discomfort in its leaves.

This is also easy to prevent by merely rethinking your Begonia thelmae care and moving this plant to a place where it receives good all-around lighting, as mentioned above.



  • Avoid getting water on a Begonia thelmae’s leaves
  • Never be tempted to overwater this plant as all begonias hate having soggy bottoms!
  • Offer your thelmae as much natural light as possible, keeping it away from direct sunlight in the process
  • Consider placing this plant in a room whereby the temperature is consistent, and the humidity is high
  • Work on feeding your Begonia thelmae regularly with an excellent quality liquid fertilizer




I am new to begonias. What is involved when pruning a begonia thelmae?

For the best upkeep of a Begonia thelmae, it’s strongly recommended you tend to its pruning needs at regular intervals throughout each month.

However, pruning should not be a strenuous task. Instead, this small job performed regularly works to enhance the health of your plant.

Pruning merely requires you to remove any dead leaves, flowers, or branches off the thelmae. This will instantly revive its appearance.

A little bit of grooming, as it’s also referred to, will also work to stimulate the new growth of a thelmae.

Additionally, when you see the flowers of your Begonia thelmae drop into the soil, remove them instantly to encourage a healthier soil environment.


My Begonia thelmae leaves look like they’re sporting a bit of mold on them. Is this normal?

Unfortunately, Begonia thelmae, like most other begonia types, do not like water on their leaves. This is why I advise against misting this plant.

If their leaves are continually kept wet, they will show their dislike here through powdery mildew on the leaves’ surface.

For the best Begonia thelmae care, work on reducing the water you offer your plant here and ensure no water touches your plant’s leaves.

You may well find yourself having to cut a couple of leaves off if they have become too saturated. However, this is an issue that you can alter going forward.


Suppose you’re looking for a begonia flower that keeps on rewarding you throughout the changing of seasons. In that case, the Begonia thelmae is a sure winner here!

It isn’t overly complicated to keep and maintain this plant, and it’s a fantastic choice from the begonia family.

What’s more, get your Begonia thelmae care just right first-time round, and this plant will provide a stunning centerpiece in your home.

Whether displayed in a hanging basket or even added to a terrarium, a Begonia thelmae is a perfect ornamental solution for all plant owner levels.