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Philodendron Sharoniae Care in a Nutshell

Philodendron Sharoniae Care in a Nutshell

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Philodendron Sharoniae is an incredible aroid altogether. The green, ridge-patterned leaves make it utterly amazing for this aroid. This Philodendron will grow out of a big vivarium and works well on a totem in a high light window.

Philodendron Sharoniae likes to grow in a moderately intermediate climate. This Philodendron grows beautifully in bright, indirect light and a moist, well-drained substrate.

This plant will do absolutely fine in low light and high humidity of 60-70%. As a heavy feeder, it also requires a monthly liquid fertilizer to flourish.

They will do absolutely fine in low light and high humidity. They require a monthly fertilizer to flourish. They need well-draining soil and a frequent watering schedule.

Philodendron Sharoniae belongs to the family of Araceae and originated in Northwest Ecuador and Southwest Colombia.

This is a fast-growing Philodendron that has robust growth and will grow several branches as it matures.

This rare aroid climbs upwards with long, thin, pleated leaves. The interesting fact about this plant is that it keeps elongating until it finds something to grow on.


Philodendron Sharoniae Care in a Nutshell 1

Photo Credit: @houseofmonstera on Instagram


Philodendron Sharoniae Plant Care



In a healthy and airy soil mix, the Philodendron evolves excellently. In clay-type soils or in substrates that do not retain any humidity, therefore Philodendron Sharoniae does not do well.

The right alternative for planting this Philodendron is not traditional garden soil, as it does not hold moisture well.

When cultivating their Philodendrons, gardeners need superior quality soil. To get it more effective for your Philodendron, you will need to make several changes to your soil.

The most important thing you need to do is to aerate the soil adding bark, perlite, and charcoal. This will also increase drainage and prevent root rot.



Ample water is one of the crucial factors for the uniform growth of Philodendron Sharoniae with broad, uniform leaves. Keep the soil mix consistently moist, but not wet as this may lead to several plant problems.

Remember resting in water or overwatering can cause root damage, which will cause leaves to turn yellow and collapse, try to ensure all excess water drains.

Philodendrons thrive strongest in soil that is regularly damp but not soggy. Water if the top inch of the soil is dry, bearing in mind that soil appears to dry out more quickly in ceramic containers than in plastic containers.

Plant growth will often decline during winter, so you will find that Philodendrons need to be watered less occasionally.



Make sure to grow your Philodendron Sharoniae in bright, indirect sunlight. Full sunlight causes a yellowish color in the leaves or a sunburn spot. The use of artificial light, which is a mixture of fluorescent and incandescent light, will give the best results if natural light is not present.

Philodendrons do just right in low light conditions, one of the best attributes of their flexibility. However, plants that receive medium or indirect light will mature more quickly and produce more leaves. It is not appropriate to position Philodendrons in direct sunlight.

The absolute best location for Philodendrons would be somewhere near a window or where the sunlight does not directly hit the foliage.



The ideal temperature range for your Philodendron Sharoniae is 65 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 25 degrees Celsius) during the day. At night it is best to have a temperature around 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius).

Never expose it to temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) as this will burn the leaves of your plant. Temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit ( 12 degrees Celsius) lead to the cold injury killing your Philodendron Sharoniae.



This plant prefers high humidity, so with a pebble tray of water, you can hold the moisture surrounding them. Your plant will like humidity, ideally over 60% to 70% and higher.

Mist it regularly, about every two days during the growth period. It would be best if you had them misted every three or four days during the cold season.



Philodendron Sharoniae is considered a heavy feeder.  Some plants will survive without supplementary fertilization for a long time. A daily nitrogen fertilizer feeding program will increase the size of the leaves and yield a more extensive, healthier plant.

It is a smart option to fertilize at half strength more often and then to apply one heavy dose. Plants that grow in conditions of low light need less fertilization than plants that grow vigorously. To prevent damage to the plant roots, fertilizer should be added to soil that is already damp.

Fertilize, alternately, once each three to four months. Monitor your plant because only when it is actively growing new leaves, you can give fertilizer.

However, they are fast-growing plants and must be fertilized monthly in the spring and summer and every other month in autumn and winter with a mid-strength formulation of houseplant feed.



Repotting is a vital aspect of preserving houseplants that are safe. Before the new flush of summer growth, the ideal time of the year for repotting is in spring. Signs that you need to repot include roots project from the bottom of the pot, the plant stops growing, and the plant becomes root-bond.


Arrange the Extraction of Plant

Water the plant slightly, let it dry for an hour or so, and then extract the plant from the container carefully. By rotating the pot over and gradually pushing the pot up and away from the root ball, you can do all this.


The Root Ball Treatment

With a finger or a fork, it is safe to loosen the root ball carefully, but be cautious not to inflict any root harm. Cut the dead or rotted roots free.


Get the New Pot Ready

It is preferred to repot the plant one size up. It would help if you shifted from a four-inch to a six-inch pot but not to an eight-inch pot. Plastic and ceramic pots are best, depending on your preference.

Add fresh potting mixture to your new pot. You are not required to put any pebbles or any other drainage medium under the pot. This limits the growing area for the roots and, by conversely minimizing aeration, accelerates the potting soil’s decline.



Carefully place the plant in its new pot and fill with soil and compost. One of the many reasons that your plant collapses is planting it too deeply. Be sure that the new plant is not potted too deep as it was in the previous pot. Push the soil down firmly as you fill in, then tap the pot lightly to balance all the soil.



Pruning a Philodendron Sharoniae should not be done if it is not really required, and the overall look of the plant should never distract from a good pruning job.

If the plant takes up a lot of space in the room or looks big and leggy, cutting down Philodendron plants is helpful. In spring or fall, this form of pruning is best achieved. In order to remove yellowing leaves trim spindly growth, you can easily give your Philodendron a slight trim at any time of year.

You’ll want to sterilize pruning equipment before pruning Philodendron Sharoniae plants. This easy yet all-important move takes seconds to avoid the spread of disease-causing bacteria that can damage the Philodendron’s health.

Cut off the most extended, oldest stems, or any stems that are slender or have a lot of yellowing or dying leaves.

In some instances, stems that are very old can be entirely leafless. Use a sharp, clean knife, scissors, or pruning shears to make cuts, cut where the stem meets the plant’s main portion. Cut the stem at the soil level if you can’t see where the base of the stem attaches.



Propagating Philodendron Sharoniae is easy. All you need is a mixture of potting soil and a pair of scissors.


Stem Cuttings

  • Make a cutting of stem that is about 3-6 inches long using a sharp knife.
  • It is preferred to cut just above another leaf of the same stem.
  • Remove all the leaves of cutting, leaving only two to three.
  • Place the cutting in a moist soil compost.
  • Insert the cutting in a pot of 3-4 inches wide that contains a good-quality soil mix.
  • Do not bury any of the leaves into the soil.
  • Put the container in bright indirect sunlight.
  • In about two to three weeks, roots will start to develop, followed by new leaves.



The blooms of Philodendron Sharoniae are non-significant. Philodendron Sharoniae is liked because of its beautiful foliage.



Philodendrons grow below the tree canopy in the forest, which reflects their low light resistance. This is the very reason they are popular houseplants. Although Philodendrons are indigenous to tropical, frost-free areas, the low humidity present in most homes will also help them thrive.

Grow Philodendron Sharoniae in partial light inside, as the bright sun can end up causing the leaves to burn.

These may have leaves up to 36 inches long, but within vivaria, they remain much more controlled. Outdoors in zones 10b to 11, as groundcovers, plant underneath trees in low-light conditions or encourage them to crawl up the trees.


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Common Problems for Philodendron Sharoniae


Bacterial Leaf Spot

There are many different methods of manifesting bacterial leaf spots on plants. With yellow halos, transparent spots on the edges of the leaves turn reddish-brown. T

he broad spots are tan and form irregularly. They can accumulate on the top or bottom of a leaf and, when they group together, destroy parts of the tissue.

Purchase plants free from the bacterial leaf spot. Avoid overhead watering of the plant. Remove all the infected leaves so that they do not infect other healthy leaves. Use pesticides or insecticides to get your plant cleaned.


Bacterial Blight

Tiny, very dark, green spots develop rapidly on the leaves and migrate to the petioles. Infected leaves drop in a foul-smelling wet rot. The bacterium Pseudomonas syringae, which lives in diseased stem tissue, plant litter, and soil, induces bacterial blight.

Pseudomonas may be transmitted by insects and by pruning instruments, but it is transmitted most often by wind and rain.

Avoid overhead watering of the plant. Remove infected leaves of plants that are not severely affected. Water your plant in a manner that keeps the surfaces of leaves and petiole dry at all times.

It is suggested to use copper and mancozeb-containing fungicides mixture for control. Apply fungicides two to three times at intervals of 7-10 days.


Cold Injury

Symptoms of cold injury include very dark green to brown blotches forms between leaf veins. It occurs in plants that are kept below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a very cold environment for your Philodendron Sharoniae.

Avoid placing your Philodendron Sharoniae near air conditioners.


Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency symptoms include V-shaped yellow areas form on leaves, especially in cool greenhouses. Magnesium deficiency symptoms are more extreme in the lower leaves as new growths start to develop from the bottom.

Apply one teaspoon of magnesium per gallon of water to the plant. Apply Epsom salts to the soil in autumn or winter to keep the plant safe from any deficiency in the next year.

For a long-term solution, apply a compost of mulch yearly. This conserves the moisture and prevents the erosion of nutrients during heavy rainfall.


Tip Curl

Leaf tips curl downward, and leaf margins start to turn brown. If left unchecked, the roots of the plant eventually die. The tip curl usually occurs due to over-fertilization.

Reduce fertilizer rate and leach the soil if slow-release fertilizer is not present. Repot if excessive slow-release fertilizer was used.



Mealybugs are tiny insects mostly found in the moist and warm habitat. They appear white and cottony in appearance. They suck out the sap of the tissues of the plant using their mouth.

If they are left unattended, they can lead to yellowing and curling of the leaves.

Do not overwater or overfertilize as mealybugs are attracted to plants with a high nitrogen level. The use of neem oil is beneficial as it acts as a repellent for the plant.

Using botanical insecticides will also help get rid of the bugs. Washing the foliage will discourage future infestation.



Aphids are tiny insects that suck the nutrient-rich liquids out of your plant. If they are in a greater number, they can harm the plant significantly by weakening it.

They regrow very rapidly, so it is vital to control them before they get out of control. Leaves infected by aphids look misshapen, stunt, and with yellow leaves.

Spray the leaves with some cold water as sometimes it is only a cold blast required to dislodge them.

If they are huge in number, simply dust the plant with flour as this will constipate the pest. Using insecticides, horticultural oils, and neem oil is very effective against the aphids.

You can also wipe the infected plant with a solution of water and dishwashing liquid.


Tips for Growing Philodendron Sharoniae

  • Even if your Philonderon Sharoniae is in a terrarium or a nursery, make very sure the plant is in an excellently-ventilated room.
  • Make sure that Philonderon Sharoniae receives enough light, no direct sunlight.
  • Place your plant in temperature ranging from 65° F to 78°
  • Never overwater or underwater as this can lead to a number of problems for your plant.
  • Keep your plant safe and sound by keeping a close eye on them and protecting from all kinds of diseases.
  • With a pebble tray or by grouping plants, getting a good-humidity condition can promote larger leaves.


Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Sharoniae


How often should I water Philodendron Sharoniae?

Water your Philodendron Sharoniae only when half of the soil is dry. Yellow leaves indicate overwatering, and the brown leaves of your plant indicate underwatering.


Is Philodendron Sharoniae a toxic plant?

The plant is extremely toxic. Severe pain can be caused by the consumption of any part of the plant, either by pets or human beings. This includes burning and swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat, vomiting, and diarrhea.


Do Philodendrons Sharoniae like to be misted?

Since they are an exotic tropical plant, Philodendrons prefer to be misted. Regularly misting the plant will help it to flourish. Greater humidity will encourage lavish growth and shiny foliage as well.


How fast does Philodendron Sharoniae grow?

Philodendron Sharoniae is a fast grower in its native tropical habitat, where it grows to a height of 180 inches. Whereas it is a slow grower in cultivation. You can make it to grow fast by providing it with moisture, shady spot, and filtered water.


The Philodendron family is a relatively large one. Philodendron Sharoniae is a typical and almost no-fail houseplant because it’s so simple to cultivate.

They can be kept on a table or hung in a basket to enhance your environment. You can plant it anywhere in your home or office.

Its huge and beautiful leaves are surely going to give you a pleasant sight. In your home, the Philodendron Sharoniae is a decorative treat, and you must choose a position with enough room so that it can grow tall.

When choosing species of indoor plants to introduce to workplaces, interior landscaping experts often use Philodendrons.

They generally don’t need much attention and don’t have too many issues with pests, making them a perfect indoor plant.