With its vividly colored leaves and creamy-white, lanced-shaped leaves, the Gingerland Caladium plant is unique and festive.
Also known as Angel Wings, this beauty fills a space with vibrancy and greenery. It is among the top favorites of several houseplant owners due to its delicate structure and unparalleled charm.
The Caladiums are natives of the equatorial regions and tropical rainforests of Latin and South America, Peru, and Mexico. They grow out from bulbs and belong to the great Araceae family.
The Gingerland Caladium plant is a perennial that produces flowers in the summer season only. With its dwarf, strap-like leaves, it makes an excellent houseplant.
The Gingerland Caladium has some special needs that may pose a challenge when growing it inside.
One example is that while it has attractive, large foliage adorned with red freckles and lined by deep green margins, it has no tolerance for frost.
However, with a few tips and tricks in this article, you will grow a healthy Gingerland Caladium plant with little effort.
Table of Contents
Gingerland Caladium Plant Care
The Gingerland Caladium thrives in partial to full shade and moist, well-draining soils. Keep the plant in suitable moisture, with regular watering, and feed every four to six weeks with a slow-release fertilizer. Furthermore, the Gingerland Caladium plant loves potash and phosphate; therefore, ensure that its fertilizer contains both. Ensure the daytime temperature stays above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) for optimal growth.
Growing the Caladium plant in the ideal conditions is essential for healthy blooms and foliage.
The Gingerland Caladium needs warm soils to emerge, especially during the initial stages. It enjoys well-draining soils with good aeration. Preferably, the soil should also be organic and loamy.
Ideally, the soil should have a neutral pH; however, acidic and alkaline soils work as well. All you need to do is ensure that the soil contains organic matter, such as dried leaves or worm castings.
Similarly, you can grow it in a mixture of ground soil and peat moss in equal proportions.
Alternatively, you can utilize garden soil, but please make sure that it does not hold excess water and drains freely. Keeping the soil moist and full of nutrients should be your top priority.
The Gingerland Caladium plant thrives in soils with abundant phosphate and potash; therefore, please ensure you add these too in a significant amount.
If your garden’s soil does not naturally have these two ingredients, get an external source, such as commercial phosphate, and use this at regular intervals.
Water is a crucial need when it comes to growing the Gingerland Caladium. It does not do well under stress, which can often occur due to insufficient watering.
The plant must be watered every other day to keep its beautiful, large leaves fresh and well-hydrated.
Especially during the dry seasons, the Gingerland Caladium tends to lose a considerable amount of water.
I suggest watering it every two to three days, or even more, if your area has a climate that is drier than the average.
Several houseplant owners growing the Gingerland Caladium have reported that it seems to do even better when watered in early am or late pm hours.
One explanation for this is that the weather is usually less windy or calmer during this time, which gives the plant sufficient time to take in the water.
The Gingerland Caladium plants developing indoors in containers should be watered as needed.
The conditions inside a house or room are much more different than outside, and thus, your plant probably will not lose as much water unless diseased.
If you are having trouble assessing exactly when this beauty needs water, simply take a look at its soil.
If the Gingerland Caladium’s soil seems dry or flaky, add water till it is moist but not wet. In contrast, if it appears well-hydrated, withhold the water for a few more hours to days, depending on the hydration level.
Remember to use lukewarm water only that has no chlorine.
Water with extreme temperature or excess chlorine or fluoride leads to a great number of problems, including root rot and shock. I recommend using tap water that has been kept overnight (to eliminate chlorine).
You may mist your wonderful Gingerland Caladium plant; however, it is not the same as watering.
The Caladiums hail from the tropical regions of Peru and Mexico. Gingerland Caladiums in their natural habitats, receive plenty of filtered sunlight and water.
While growing, they are often partially covered by surrounding trees, which is precisely what they need in their artificial growing environments.
In the southern areas, the Gingerland Caladium plant grows best under full to partial sunlight. Putting it under dappled sunlight for at least six hours leads to the best results.
In the Northern areas, the sun usually is not as harsh; therefore, you may grow this fine plant under the sun directly.
However, you must take care that the sunlight is not scorching the leaves. Furthermore, the plant should not be left in the sun for more than 12 hours.
I also suggest shielding the plant during the hottest hours and maintaining a steady water supply.
I grow my Gingerland Caladium plant under bright, dappled sunlight.
The partial sun provides just the right amount of solar energy needed for essential daily functions, such as photosynthesis. Additionally, it significantly lowers the probability of leaf burning.
East and south-facing windows offer excellent lighting for growing a Gingerland Caladium.
If you have no such windows, you can place your plant just inside the balcony. Alternatively, artificial growing lights also work well.
The Gingerland Caladium plant can adjust to several temperatures; another one of its grower-friendly characteristics.
However, it is no science that a plant grown in an ideal temperature range will perform much better than a plant nurtured in an unfavorable environment.
The Caladiums grow exceptionally well when the average daytime temperature remains above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius).
Although it can tolerate temperatures as low as 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius), such a plant has a noticeably weaker immune system and rarely survives even mild bacterial or fungal attacks.
Night temperatures should remain above 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 degrees Celsius); anything lower may lead to shock, or worse, leaf-frosting.
The Gingerland Caladium plant’s leaves have zero tolerance for frosting; thus, it is a matter of hours before the plant dies when put in extremely low temperatures.
The Gingerland Caladium plant’s heat zone is 4 to 11, which is pretty common in most parts of America.
It likes mild to moderate temperatures so that it can be grown indoors as well as outdoors without much hassle.
While in areas with mild climates, it is okay to let the Gingerland Caladium plant grow outside, in areas with harsher climates, bringing it inside is a better option.
You can place the Gingerland plant close to a window, where it receives sunlight; however, keep it away from cold wind drafts.
The Gingerland Caladium plant is not a heavy feeder; however, it is necessary to feed it monthly or every two months.
The feeding frequency also depends on the type of fertilizer you are using; liquids have to be added more frequently than slow-release, granular solid-like fertilizers.
For the Gingerland Caladium, you can use three types of feeds. The first one is the water-soluble, instant-release fertilizers; these break down quickly and instantly feed the plant with the ingredients contained within.
The second type is the temperature-dependent, slow-release fertilizers. They work similar to water-soluble feeds but just have a longer decomposition time, meaning they persist for longer.
The third type is organic fertilizers, which include blood meal and fish emulsion.
Although these are most nature-friendly, they may not provide all the necessary elements or contain them in an insufficient amount. Therefore, mostly, more than one organic feed is used.
The water-soluble feeds are added every two weeks, especially during the growing season, while the slow-release, controlled feeds are used only once a month.
The latter should be worked well into the plant’s soil for better absorption. You can also just refer to the packaging’s instructions.
Organic fertilizers are also available commercially and can be used just like slow-release fertilizers.
One of the most vital growth determinants for the Gingerland Caladium plant is humidity. It is a tropical plant and so cannot withstand low moisture levels for long.
It begins to show various signs, such as leaf-drooping and leaf yellowing when put in low humidity.
While the exact ideal humidity level is unknown, most Gingerland Caladium owners believe it must be above 60%.
The desired level is not too hard to achieve in humid, temperate areas; however, houseplant owners living in cooler, drier regions might have an issue.
You can mist the Gingerland Caladium plant’s surroundings every other day or place a saucer filled with water and pebbles in the same room as the plant.
As the water gradually evaporates, it moistens the air, maintaining a decent hydration level throughout the day.
The Gingerland Caladium plant is a dwarf; therefore, repotting it bi-yearly, or even yearly, is not required.
Simply repot it when it has outgrown its pot or if you see an extra tight root-ball. Keeping the roots in proper space is necessary for them to function properly.
Usually, repotting after a good two to three years works fine. However, make sure you repot only in the summer and spring seasons.
Prune this beauty when you see any diseased foliage or if your plant is taking more than its designated space. It also gives your plant a fresh look, making it look lively and bright.
I also suggest using disinfected tools and wearing protective clothing.
To propagate a Gingerland Caladium plant, follow the steps below:
- Prepare a potting soil containing organic matter, such as worm castings, peat moss, or dried leaves.
- Put this soil in an appropriate container.
- Choose a mature Gingerland Caladium plant’s stem, preferably one with a few roots.
- You may separate one stem or more if you are planning to propagate more than one Gingerland Caladium.
- Take the cut stem and put it in the pot you prepared earlier.
- You may tie the stem with a stick before putting it in the pot. The Gingerland Caladium initially has weak stems, which often require support to stand upright.
- Add some water, fertilizer, and leave the pot in dappled sunlight.
Give your plant a few weeks and closely watch for new growth. You do not need to add water or fertilizer again during the first week.
Once the plant can support itself without the stick, you may treat it as a mature Gingerland Caladium plant.
The Gingerland Caladium plant produces lovely calla-like flowers in the summer, but its leaves often hide them.
You may have to separate the leaves to see its unique, inconspicuous flowers.
The Gingerland Caladium plant develops excellently in USDA hardiness zones 9 to 12. It grows to about 12 to 18 inches (30 to 46 centimeters) and spreads to 12-17 inches (30-45 centimeters).
Initially, it requires warm soils to emerge and thrive. As the plant ages, it forms a wider tolerance range and stronger immunity.
Common Problems for the Gingerland Caladium Plants
Spider Mites
Spider mites cause a long list of problems for the Gingerland Caladium plants.
These insects thrive in hot, dry conditions and feed on the leaves and other parts, giving the plant a yellow and stippled appearance.
To control spider mites, keep the plant well-hydrated and remove infected plants and weeds promptly.
These soft-bodied insects are not too far behind when it comes to feeding on the Gingerland Caladium plant. They lead to stunted growth, deformed leaves and buds, and loss of normal structure.
To avoid aphids, use pesticides and limit the growth of weeds around your plant.
Leaf Spots
Leaf spots are a common problem for Gingerland Caladium plants. The leaves lose their characteristic color and form spots due to various fungal and bacterial infections.
For treatment and prevention, use fungicides and bactericidal sprays frequently.
Tips for Growing the Gingerland Caladium Plant
- Grow in well-aerated soils.
- Keep a close eye for snails and slugs; remove if you see any immediately.
- Use room-temperature water only.
- Pay special attention to the plant’s moisture and feeding needs.
- Use fertilizers rich in phosphate and potash.
Frequently Asked Questions about Gingerland Caladium Plant Care
Are Gingerland Caladium good indoor plants?
Although a little tricky occasionally, the Gingerland Caladium plant grows well indoors, provided you keep it in bright, dappled sunlight and high moisture. Furthermore, water it every few days and feed it monthly.
How long do Gingerland Caladium plants survive indoors?
The Gingerland Caladium plant grows exceptionally well in environments similar to its tropical, natural habitat. When given excellent care, it produces flowers in the summer season, grows actively for about six months, and stays dormant for the rest of the year.
Do Gingerland Caladium plants multiply?
The Gingerland Caladium plant multiples; one bulb may give rise to ten or more plants.
The Gingerland Caladium plant is one most sought-after houseplants due to its dwarf-like structure and unique appearance.
Although it has no tolerance for frost, all its other needs are reasonably easy to manage, such as filtered sunlight, biweekly watering, and monthly feeding.
With its large, lance-shaped leaves, decorated by reddish-cranberry designs, it can make any room look vibrant and sophisticated.

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.