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4 Reasons Why Monstera Adansonii Leaves are Curling

4 Reasons Why Monstera Adansonii Leaves are Curling

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Though all Monsteras are perforated (and hence get their common name), adansonii is characterized by some of the most splits and holes in its large, glossy heart-shaped leaves.

Monstera adansonii grows into a large, beautiful climbing plant under proper care and hence makes a lovely houseplant.

However, there are several reasons why your Monstera Adansonii will develop curled leaves.

Why Are My Monstera adansonii Leaves Curling?

The most common reason is the practice of carelessly regulating water supply. Under or overwatering of Monstera adansonii damages the plant’s growth and development and causes symptoms like curling of leaves, yellowing, and mushy roots. Other reasons include poor environmental conditions like insufficient sunlight, extreme temperatures, and low humidity. However, on most occasions, there are ways like proper watering methods, the use of insecticides, and plant care techniques that can recover your plant to its full health.

4 Factors That Cause Monstera adansonii Leaves To Curl Up

1.      Under-watering

A typical cause of leaf curling in any plant is acute dehydration. If the leaves appear dry, with yellowed edges forming pitiable folds, you can be almost sure your plant needs watering.

The plant needs an adequate water supply for photosynthesis and form sugars contributing to its growth. Without sufficient water, the leaves pale, wilt, and curl inwards.

2.      Overwatering

Unlike under-watering, overwatering is an even more pressing issue for Monstera adansonii plants.

Overwatering results in wet leaves and damp soil that inhibits the proper circulation of air. These conditions make the plant vulnerable to fungal and bacterial infections.

Pathogen attacks of this sort can severely destabilize the plant. These infections deprive the plant of bare essentials, and their first symptoms appear as browning and drooping of leaves.

Slowly, the tip of these leaves turns yellow, and they surrender to death.

Overwatering leaves the soil soggy and damp, which inevitably leads to the development of root rot. The leaves begin to curl, turn yellow, and sag.

3.      Poor Quality Water

Though most people conveniently overlook this cause, low-quality water can harm your plant.

Tap water rich in dissolved minerals, like calcium sulfate, magnesium carbonates, and sodium salts, disturbs the pH and causes its leaves to become brittle.

Continuous exposure to such water slows down nutrient absorptions, damages the roots, and badly affects the plant’s health.

4.      Poor Environmental Conditions

If truth be told, Monstera adansonii is a tricky plant to grow. It requires optimum environmental conditions, including correct sunlight exposure, temperature, and humidity.

If these conditions are not avidly met, the plant shows marked signs that can cause significant concern.

During the hot seasons, Monstera Adansonii faces trouble making significant growth.

The plant is sensitive to high temperatures, and a sudden change in climate with the shift in seasons can cause its leaves to curl up and droop instantly.

The plant also struggles to survive at colder temperatures (lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit) and, at most times, wilts and dies.

In addition to this, too much or too little sunlight also disturbs the plant’s growth and negatively affects its growth.

Intense sunlight can scorch the leaves and cause them to curl up and yellow.

Simultaneously, insufficient sunlight can reduce chlorophyll production and consequently induce leaves to curl inwards and shed over time.

5.      Pot Size

Sometimes, plants overgrow their pots, and with Monstera adansonii, this is even more common.

Under ideal conditions, these plants grow at a healthy rate and soon develop numerous leaves and stems. And, as it grows larger, the pot becomes unsuitable for holding it any longer.

Watering a large plant in a small-sized pot rids it of an adequate supply of moisture. It is because the soil mix becomes insufficient in amount and cannot retain enough water.

Thus, you will observe that soil dries more quickly than usual, and despite regular watering, the leaves begin folding inwards.

5 Ways to Uncurl Monstera adansonii Leaves

Did you observe the leaves of your Monstera Adansonii plant shrivel and curl up? Don’t worry. Your plant is not a lost cause, and there are ways to recover your Monstera Adansonii to its healthy state.

Let’s dig into it.

1.      Water Your Plant Adequately

Since under-watering constitutes one of the primary causes behind leaf-curling in Monstera Adansonii, it should be addressed first.

You should start watering your plant regularly and allow the soil to become and stay lightly moist but never soggy. Over time, with consistent watering, you will observe the leaves start looking plump and green.

However, while dealing with Monsteras, gardeners can be tempted to overwater their plants, which can prove to be an equally concerning issue.

If a root rot occurs, the roots turn mushy and give off a foul smell. It is severely detrimental to your plant’s growth and development. You should take immediate steps to repot the plant in a clean, sterilized pot and give it proper care and attention.

To avoid overwatering, it would be best if you do not stick to a fixed watering schedule. In fact, water your plant only when the soil appears moisture-free and leaves dry.

A better approach can be to dig your index finger in the soil to test its moisture level. If you feel it is still wet, then refrain from watering.

Get into the habit of adequately watering your plant, and witness your Monstera Adansonii make a speedy recovery.

You should also monitor the quality of water. In my opinion, rainwater will be the best option.

2.      Maintain Optimum Humidity and Temperature

Monstera Adansonii is a plant that thrives in humid weather. If it is subjected to dry, rough environmental conditions, the plant’s health takes a toll, and its chances of survival diminish.

These plants typically like to grow in conditions that have over 60% of humidity. Anything lower, and gradually the leaves begin to curl and display signs of wilting.

You can quickly remedy the situation by using a humidifier to set optimum humidity levels.

Growing multiple plants together forms a microclimate, where the air becomes humid through collective transpiration.

For a more convenient method, you can also use a drip tray. Placing a tray with water-soaked pebbles in the vicinity of your Monstera Adansonii plant provides it with a humid atmosphere as water evaporates from the stones.

Typically, Monstera Adansonii also requires temperatures between 66-86 degrees Fahrenheit (19-30 degrees Celsius) for good growth.

3.      Shield Your Plant from Intense Sunlight

The hot weather encourages rapid transpiration, and the plant loses more water than it absorbs.

Hence, as summer approaches and the sun rises high in the sky, try moving your Monstera Adansonii plant to a shaded area where the sunlight does not reach it in full intensity.

These plants respond well to generous amounts of indirect sunlight and adequately warm temperatures.

4.      Consider Re-potting

If you are sure that your plant has overgrown, shift it to a larger pot and observe the immediate difference that makes.

It would provide breathing space for the roots and allow them to spread and absorb enough water for their maximum growth.

5.      Protect Your Plant from Pest Attack

It is quite common for pests, like spider mites and aphids, to attack Monsteras and pose problems for their healthy growth.

These pests feed on the leaves and suck all the cell sap. It consequently robs the plant of essential nutrients.

And, as the leaves are deprived of components vital for photosynthesis, their growth slows down, and they begin to curl.

Hence, it is highly crucial to adopt effective methods to ward off pest attacks. These include a routine check for any insects around the garden or soil.

It is also advised to spray insecticides once a week to kill any lurking pests.

Read everything you need to know about Monstera adansonii care here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I mist my Monstera Adansonii?

To keep your plant hydrated and prevent the curling of leaves, you should mist your Monstera Adansonii once every week during the hot season and every two weeks when the climate is colder. Avoid leaving the leaves too wet, as damp conditions promote the growth of pathogens.

How do you know if your Monstera Adansonii is overwatered?

Overwatering can cause a series of problems like curling of leaves, root rots, and infections. Hence identifying its symptoms is crucial so you can immediately remedy them. These symptoms include yellow leaves, browning of leaf tips, leaf edema, and water bristles.