Famous for their eye-catching trumpet-shaped blooms, hibiscuses are an absolute treat to have in any garden.
Their prominent, well-loved flowers come forth in a vast range of colors, including pinks, yellows, oranges, reds, and whites.
In addition to this, we also find a variety of bi-colored blooms, sporting deep burgundies, purples, lilac blues, and more.
They are very striking and a popular choice of feature plant for gardeners the world over, with more than 300 species to choose from.
Hardy and surprisingly easy to grow, hibiscuses do well when left to their own devices.
They thrive in temperatures of 60 – 90 degrees Fahrenheit (16 – 32 degrees Celsius) and cannot withstand cold below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius).
Notwithstanding their lack of fussiness, however, they are still tropical, heat-loving plants and can run the risk of dying if they do not receive proper care.
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How to revive a dying hibiscus?
To revive a dying hibiscus, move it out of direct sunlight first. Remove any yellow leaves, and regularly mist them for hydration. Manage pests and diseases by introducing beneficial insects and cleaning with safe products. Also, boost your plants with growth hormones to hasten their rejuvenation.
How to revive a dying hibiscus: All you need to know
If I have identified that my hibiscus is dying or in danger, there are a few steps I can take to try and bring it back to life.
For wilting hibiscuses, the best port of call is to remove them from direct sunlight immediately, as the sun may cause them to work too hard expending valuable energy.
Placing them in an area of bright shade allows them some time to rest and reenergize.
If a hibiscus is rooted in the ground, it may be a good idea to set up some sort of shade structure.
Once I’ve moved my plants away from the sun, I remove any yellow leaves, as dropping leaves also requires energy.
Then, I like to thoroughly mist the rest of the plants’ leaves, to provide them with extra hydration, and to make it difficult for pests to get a grasp on them.
If soil is very dry, it may need a better and more regulated watering protocol.
Too wet and soggy means cutting back on generous doses of water.
To give my hibiscuses the best chance of recovery, I also like to treat them to a bit of growth enhancement nutrients and minerals.
This extra little boost helps them to bounce back more quickly.
How to tell if my hibiscus is dying
There are a few signs to look out for, with the simplest being that its leaves and buds are shedding, wilting, yellowing, or becoming dry.
A lack of regrowth in the springtime also indicates that the hibiscus is not doing well.
Checking if the soil is too dry or too wet can tell me if my plants are either starving or developing rotten, overwatered roots.
Too little water can cause hibiscuses’ leaves to yellow, whereas too much water can cause wilt, browning, edema, and root rot.
If the soil is not the problem, it is good to look for any evidence of pests or diseases.
In addition to more obvious signs of distress, scraping away a small section of the plant’s top bark layer can also tell me if there is a problem with my hibiscus.
The second layer should be moist and green, not dry and brown.
As with all plants, the temperature has a big impact on hibiscuses’ well-being.
Below freezing temperatures will make it exceedingly difficult for these plants to survive, whereas too much sun may burn them.
What do I do with a recovering hibiscus
When a hibiscus starts to recover, it can slowly be moved back into the sun over the span of a few weeks.
Misting should continue but can slowly be tapered off and done less frequently, and eventually just weekly.
Gently introducing a fertilizing schedule can benefit hibiscuses, but it should follow the recommended introduction of small dosages that gradually increase over time.
Hibiscuses should definitely not be transplanted or pruned during this delicate phase, and this will cause great stress to the plant and a possible health setback.
Frequently Asked Questions About How To Revive A Dying Hibiscus
How do I get rid of pests on my hibiscus?
Aphids, mealybugs, thrips, and whiteflies are common enemies of the hibiscus. Encouraging insects that feed on these tiny critters, such as ladybugs and lacewings, is a good way to prevent pests. Insecticidal soaps and horticultural oils are safe to use but should be avoided if you also have beneficial insects living on your plants. Chemical pesticides should be kept as a last resort.
Should I remove wilted leaves from my hibiscus?
Though it’s quite peculiar, wilted leaves should not be removed if they are still green. Even in this state, they can still assist with photosynthesis, which is vital for a hibiscus’s recovery.
Should I prune my hibiscus?
If dead or rotten wood is present throughout the plant, it can be pruned away carefully, and as minimally as possible. If not, it’s best to let it be. Pruning is stressful for plants, especially sick ones.
Warm temperatures, regulated watering, clean pots, growth hormones, and a debris-free base are all steps that can be taken to prevent harm befalling hibiscuses.
Controlling insects as far as possible also only serves to help them have a long and healthy life.
My best advice, when noticing a change in an otherwise healthy plant, is to act as quickly as possible.
Hibiscuses have a good chance of responding positively if they receive care in good time, allowing them to bloom on for many seasons to come.

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.