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5 Reasons Why A Clematis Is Not Blooming?

5 Reasons Why A Clematis Is Not Blooming?

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Since the Clematis is a perennial flower it should be returning each year. You can expect to see a flower by Spring, or early summer.

If summer has come and there are still no blooms, there are a few things to consider for the lack of bloom and what can be done to solve this problem.


Clematis Not Blooming?

If your Clematis is not blooming, too much shade or poor soil conditions can be behind the problem. If those two aren’t the culprits, lack of water, incorrect pruning, or excess fertilization can prevent your Clematis from showing off their beautiful flowers.


Causes For Clementis Not Blooming

If you have not seen a bloom on your Clematis this year, the following are reasons why the blooming has stalled on your plant:

  • Too Much Shade
  • Poor Soil
  • Lack of Water from Drought
  • Incorrect Pruning
  • Excess Fertilizer


Too Much Shade

Your Clematis vines need lots of sun in order to produce the intended foliage on your plant. The only place that needs shade on this plant is the roots.

Where your flowers will bloom, however, thrives on direct sun. Too much shade will reduce your blossoms throughout the season.

When these flowers grow, they grow towards the sun, demanding that sunlight as much as nutrients in the soil. If you had successful foliage the year previously, then something new is adding shade to the area.

You will want to remove it or adjust your plant to ensure it is getting full direct sun every day.


Poor Soil

Even if your Clematis has lots of sun, the soil condition could keep it from properly blossoming.

Clematis is a nutrient-dependent plant, meaning it may need more than others and require additional fertilization.

This is especially true if it was planted a year or two prior and has depleted all the nutrients that were once in the soil.

By adding a substantial amount of organic matter to your soil around the Clematis, it can obtain the nutrients it needs and continue blooming.

You also need to make sure that the soil your Clematis is planted in will drain well. If it traps excess water, it could flood the roots, causing them to wilt.


Lack of Water from Drought

If your area has undergone a small drought or currently experiencing one, you need to make sure that your Clematis is getting enough water until the next heavy rainfall comes through.

Watering the Clematis twice daily will aid in the lack of water and give the plant the resources it needs to continue blooming.

Make sure to water early morning and also in the evening. This is very important if your area is hot during the drought.


Incorrect Pruning

While it is important to prune your Clematis annually, you should be doing this properly so that you are not causing damage to the plant.

After your Clematis has flowered and the blooms are dying for the season, you want to prune the plant immediately.

Many gardeners wait and prune the Clematis in the Spring, which does not give it enough time for the flower buds to grow and develop during this growing season.


Excess Fertilizer

Earlier we mentioned adding nutrients and organic matter to your soil to boost your flowering production for your Clematis.

There is a balance when it comes to fertilizer, so you want to make sure that you do not overdo it when adding the fertilizer of your choice.

You want to fertilize once a season so that you are not stressing the plant with excessive nutrients and able to produce flowers and blooms.

Too much fertilizer could enhance foliage growth on your plant, but your blossoms will not be as large or as many as in the past or its potential.


Frequently Asked Questions About Clematis Not Blooming


Should I Plan To Prune My Clematis At All?

Absolutely you should since pruning keeps the Clematis from getting tangled and becoming a matted mess in the next season. When you prune, however, is important as you prepare for next year. Pruning your Clematis after it has bloomed and then wilted for the season is the best approach for flowers next year.


When and How Should I Fertilize My Clematis?

The type of fertilizer you use for your Clematis should be an organic variety that includes nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients. Apply this fertilizer around your Clematis in the early Spring so that it can have all the nutrients needed for growing. Just sprinkle a handful in the soil around the roots and rake around it or blend the fertilizer with the soil by hand.


Where Should I Plant My Clematis?

If you have a new Clematis plant or want to move the one you have, you want to select a location that has a direct view of the sun, at least for 7-8 hours each day. This ensures that the vine has enough sun to grow and continue blooming throughout the season successfully without issues from other plants or structures placing unwanted shade on the plant.


Continue Caring For Your Clematis

If you have concerns about your Clematis not producing flowers, there are several factors to consider before giving up.

Make sure that you are also patient with this plant, keeping all of these factors in mind when planting and maintaining the Clematis.

Each year the vine will continue to grow more successfully and have an abundance of flowers to enjoy.