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Why Is My Plumeria Not Blooming? Here’s Why

Why Is My Plumeria Not Blooming? Here’s Why

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Plumeria is a popular Hawaiian plant that originated from Central America and Hawaii.

The plant thrives in bright sunlight and warm to hot temperatures vis-à-vis the coastal weather.

I love plumerias because they boast of high fragrance and beauty. Plumeria grows well outdoors in hot tropical zones and pots in cold zones.

The plant demands proper care and cultural management methods for them to blossom. Failure to do so, the plant cannot bloom.


Why Is My Plumeria Not Blooming?

Your plumeria is not blooming because you are not exposing it to enough hours in light. Another reason your plumeria is not flourishing is incorrect fertilization application. Pests and temperature extremes can also cause this problem.


Reasons Behind Plumeria Not Blooming


The Weather Is Too Cold for The Plant

I live in the United States, and sometimes, the days get more extended than the nights. Because of this, my Plumeria gets exposed to intense temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Typically, I expect my plant to bud and open between April and August. This is summer when the sun is brightest and temperatures are favorable.

So, why are my plumeria not blooming during winter, fall, and spring? This is because of the cold.



Plumeria plants loath wet ground. That is why they best grow in sandy soil because it drains fast and doesn’t keep water.

It is advisable to water the plant frequently when it boasts plenty of foliage and flowers and when its soil dries out.

I don’t water the plants when the leaves fall. In this case, I always wait until my Plumeria forms leave again.

Plumerias that I have planted outside; I don’t water them during the rainy season because they have enough water.

I noticed that when I water my Plumeria, when they still have lethargy leads, they cannot blossom, and worst-case scenario, they die.

So, this is how I get my Plumeria to blossom all year round.

I feel my pot with 3-4 inches of soil, and if it feels damp, I slow down irrigation.

In summer, I evenly water the plant to sustain its foliage and flowering. I avoid over-watering the plant because too many of its roots and too little causes the plant to abort.

Therefore, there needs to be some water balance to avoid stressing the plants and keeping them unhealthy.



Like any other plant, bugs are the primary enemies of the plumeria plant. Some common pests that attack Plumeria plants and prevent them from blossoming include:

Bugs infest plumeria leaves, causing them to wilt and droop. They eventually change color from green to yellow.

Most of the pests attack the underside of the leaves, forming webs, sticky coatings, and honeydew secretion.

The reason some plumeria don’t blossom is because of pest manifestation. It is wise to get rid of small to moderate pest infestations.

Whenever I spot a few bugs on my plant leaves, I wet a cotton swab with some alcohol. I then dab the pests on the affected areas.

I use a garden hose to splash water on the leaves and remove the webs and wash away the pests of spider mites. I repeated the treatment for several weeks without using harsh chemicals.

Sometimes the bugs can get stubborn and refuse to come off after the swab and wash.

I’m forced to use insecticidal soap to get rid of bugs. For extreme cases, I use systemic insecticides, which limit my plumeria plant from getting chemical exposure.

After confirming that I have gotten rid of all bugs, I normalize leaf checkups to prevent pest recurrence.

I ensure I get rid of larvae eggs by wiping the leaves down and applying horticultural oil.

Another simple method that works well for me is wetting the plant’s leaves to keep bugs from encroaching.


Soil Quality

Plumeria grows best in sandy soil because it does not keep water.

So, when I am planting plumerias in a pot, I mix a thick blend of perlite, cactus, and sand, which aids in water drainage.

Sandy soil makes it easy for the plant to grow since its succulent.


Wrong Fertilizer Used

Fertilizers are crucial in the blossoming of the Plumerias plant. The plant cannot blossom if the wrong fertilizer, amount, timing, or the wrong application process is used.

Typically, the right time to apply fertilizer to the succulent plant is during late summer—consistent application during summer results in a healthy plant.

Plumeria plants thrive well when fertilizer is applied at least once a week.

I know plumerias need plenty of phosphorus and low volumes of nitrogen. Nitrogen promotes excessive plant growth, which is unnecessary if I plant the Plumeria in a pot.

Again, highly acid fertilizers are discouraged because they raise the soil PH.

If I find out that the fertilizer I have used boasts high acidity levels, I permanently neutralize it with Epsom salt after every two months in small portions.


Inadequate Sunlight

As mentioned previously, Plumeria plants are succulent plants that thrive well in direct sunlight, 75-90 degrees Fahrenheit (24-32 degrees Celsius).

In the US, the plant typically grows well when you expose them to direct sunshine for at least six hours. The plants need the sun’s red wavelengths to form flower buds and blossom.

I grow my plumeria plants in pots. When it’s sunny, I take them out to get the best out of the sunlight, especially in the afternoon.

I notice that enough direct sunlight makes my plants’ trunks and branches thick and robust.

If I don’t want to leave the plant outside, I position it at a window where it receives direct sunlight.

If there is no sunlight, I use fluorescent lamps, which I place above my plants to enhance the light in the room for the plant to bloom.

If plumeria plants cannot get enough direct sunlight, they produce lean and soft plantations with thin branches.

Their soil cannot get the proper temperature that aids in growth and blossoming. That is why some plumeria plants cannot blossom when denied enough direct sunlight.


Frequently Asked Questions About Plumeria Not Blooming


What is the best time to start plumeria cuttings and seeding?

Plumeria plants blossom in summer and so the best time for cutting and seeding is spring.


Can I grow Plumeria Indoors?

Plumeria plants thrive well in direct sunlight. Typically, they are outdoor plants but can also survive under-maintained temperatures indoors to keep them from frosting.


What are the best fertilizers for Plumerias?

The ones that boast high phosphorous and low nitrogen.



Plumeria is a beautiful succulent plant that blossoms with beautiful flowers.

They’re popular in the USA and are any flower lovers’ favorite.

The plant thrives well in direct sunlight, sandy soil, and little watering.

For proper blossoming, the plant also needs proper fertilization, correct temperatures, and pest control.