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Why Are My Lantana Not Blooming? Check These Out

Why Are My Lantana Not Blooming? Check These Out

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With appearances as varied as those who garden them, lantana cultivars come in many varieties.

Some are low and hug the ground, while others can reach five to six feet in height.

However, the profusion of small delicate flowers is the one thing these Lantana cultivars have something in common.

The most widely grown species of lantana (Lantana Camara) is most frequently grown as an annual; however, it will grow as a perennial in USDA zones 8-11.

From this species come many cultivars and flower colors vary from pure white and lavender to rose pink, yellow, orange, gold, and several shades of red.

Flowers of lantana vary in size from one to two inches across and are made of small blooms arranged in a circle.

Lantana is resilient and tough, but without its flowers, it is but another green bush.


Why Are My Lantana Not Blooming?

Inadequate sunlight exposure and overfertilization are the most significant reasons your lantana is not blooming. Other reasons include waterlogged roots, pests, such as caterpillars, mites, and lantana lace bugs and improper pruning prevent lantana from blooming.


Reasons Behind Lantana Not Blooming


Inadequate sunlight exposure

Unlike most flowering plants that prefer the shade, lantana do well in areas that are either brightly lit or enjoy the partial shade.

In fact, lantana loves being exposed to direct sunlight for at least 6 hours daily. If your area receives more, the better it is for your lantana as this will encourage them to bloom more.

You can also plant these beautiful blooming bush in a place enjoying an afternoon shade.

Planting locations that are too shady inhibit your lantana from blooming.


Too much or too little water

Just as your plants may be getting too little sun, they may be getting too much water.

Or, the soil in which they are planted may not drain well enough for your plants.

Watering your plants takes a delicate balance, and one indicator of overwatering is that the leaves will wilt and turn brown.

But, on the other hand, they will do the same if they have too little water, so knowing how much water can be a challenge for some plants.

Whether you are in an arid or humid climate can affect how you water any plant, and lantana is no different.

The finger test works fine for lantana. However, if you stick your finger in the soil and dry it, you need to water your plants.

Container plants require more water compared to plants in a landscape setting.

Potted plants are in less soil or growth medium than those in the ground. They will dry out quickly, so watch their water usage if you want them to bloom all season.


Improper pruning

For those of you who live in warmer climes and your lantana overwinters, it needs to be pruned of its deadwood to help it bloom.

For those of you whose lantana grows outside, year-round, prune it in the spring. If you must wait until the fall, that is okay, too.

However, most plants do better when pruned in the spring.

If you have time, shear the tips of your plants lightly throughout the growing season. Then, if your plant is overgrowing its space, you can prune away up to a third of its growth.


Too much fertilizer

Too much of anything can be a problem, and too much fertilizer is worse than none concerning lantana.

But, on the other hand, your plants need it, so use a light touch when putting fertilizer on your plants.

Lantana that is over-fertilized may not bloom fully, which may be part of the problem when your lantana is not blooming.

Do not neglect to fertilize your plants lightly in the spring. If you have good soil and plants produce plenty of blooms, they should do well on their own without fertilizer.


Pest infestation

Mites and insects can be eradicated from your lantana with a broad-based insecticide and a miticide.

However, as with most plants, the best way to keep them free of insects and disease is to control and maintain healthy plants.

Keep your garden area clean and free of places where insects can congregate.

Inspect your plants a couple of times a week for mites and other insects.

Many of these pests live under the leaves, and you do not know you have a problem until the leaves show evidence of dying.


What to do to Make Lantana Bloom

Sunshine is likely the best cure for what ails your lantana. If they are not getting full sun for most of the day, move them.

Plants that get too much shade are subject to powdery mildew.

Black discoloration on lantana leaves may indicate a whitefly infestation, not a mold issue.

Careful inspection of the leaves of your lantana will help you determine if it is mold or pests attacking your plants.

In addition, you can use Neem oil to rid your plants of pests, and soapy water works well on spider mites.


Lantana and Insects

Lantanas in bloom attract many hummingbirds, butterflies, and other known pollinators.

However, deer will not touch it, and cattle farmers are wary of it around their cattle, for a good reason.


A Note of Caution about Lantana

Most of us love our pets as much or more than we do our plants.
But, unfortunately, Lantana can be poisonous to dogs, cats, horses, sheep, children, and other mammals, so take care where you plant it.

Be careful too, when handling these lovely plants, to wash your hands well afterward.


Frequently Asked Questions about Why is My Lantana not Blooming


What kind of special care does my lantana need?

If you plant your lantana where it gets plenty of sunshine and has its feet in the well-drained ground, it will not need any special care.


Can I start to plant lantana from the berries?

Many varieties of lantana are sterile, and the plants will not produce fruit (seeds). If you are fortunate enough to find a few seeds, you can try to plant them. You might get lucky.