How To Grow A Gigantic Monstera deliciosa. There are many hacks to grow your plants faster and bigger on TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube. I tried one that said you should put an air root in a glass of water. It promises to grow your Monstera deliciosa faster. But does it work? I tested it with my Swiss Cheese plant for six months, so you don’t have to. Here are the results.

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How To Grow A Gigantic Monstera deliciosa (Video)
To grow a gigantic Monstera deliciosa that gets taller than you with leaves bigger than your head, put one or multiple air roots in a cup of water. The air roots get a constant supply of nutrients and water this way. The roots do not rot as long as you exchange the water weekly.
Putting Air Roots in A Cup of Water
The method is as simple as it sounds. You only need to grab the air roots your Swiss Cheese plant readily develops and put them into a water-filled jar. The roots need to be submerged.
After 3-4 weeks, you will see that the brown air roots develop white tips, and multiple sucker roots start to grow. This is a good sign as air roots transfer into water roots.

Air Roots, Water Roots, Soil Roots
Water roots are needed to take in nutrients and liquidity. Soil roots, on the other hand, are adapted to grow in the ground. Air roots are roots growing in the air and are used by the Cheese plant to hold onto other objects and plants.

What Container is Best For Growing Monstera Air Roots in Water?
The best container to grow air roots in water is dark and not transparent. The simple reason is that algae are starting to build up if the sun’s rays reach the water.
I am using a regular glass that I had at home. The main benefit is that I can see the roots growing and thriving. But as mentioned, one pitfall is that I have a lot of algae in the glass. This does not look nice and can become problematic once algae cover the roots too much. This way, they cannot take in nutrients any longer.

The Results of Submerging Monstera deliciosa Air Roots in Water
After growing Monstera deliciosa air roots in water for over six months, I can say this method works. Not only did my Swiss Cheese plant start growing faster, but it also produced much bigger leaves than before. In addition, I have had multiple blooms this year.
Monstera deliicosa produces a spathe and a spadix called an inflorescence. The spadix of the Monstera develops into an edible fruit.

There were 0 issues with rotting roots, as many critics suggest. If you exchange the water once a week, you should have no issues.
The reason for root rot is bacteria that build up. This happens in the soil as well as in the water. But only if you allow it to.

It works. Using a cup and putting a Monstera deliciosa air root in it speeds up growth and results in larger leaves and a taller plant. Based on my test over six months, the growth rate is 2x (two times faster) compared to the other Monsteras.

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.