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How to Propagate Mass Cane in 6 Easy Steps!

How to Propagate Mass Cane in 6 Easy Steps!

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When I began adding some greenery to my home, I was instantly drawn to the leafy green beauty of the mass cane or dracaena massangeana.

This lush houseplant is immensely popular, and it is also a great plant to propagate and make other smaller plants.

Yet, I felt a little intimidated at the thought of cutting from the mother plant, so I called up a dear friend who was born with green thumbs to come and help me with my first propagation session.

It wasn’t nearly as difficult as I imagined, and this is how you do it!

How to Propagate Mass Cane

Select a stem section of a healthy, mature mass cane at least 3 inches long and where several buds have formed. Cut the stem just under the horizontal line of the stem, insert it into soil that is appropriate for growing mass cane, water it, and place it in a sunny spot to root and grow.

Propagate Mass Cane in 6 Steps

Mass cane can easily reproduce via propagation, according to the University of Florida. It is possible to make several small plants, depending on the size of the stem cuttings that are available from the mother plant.

Yet, I propagated several beautiful new mass cane plants with a few easy steps.

Step One: Select Your Cuttings

The best time for you to propagate your mass cane is either late spring or early summer as your stems will grow quickly, root, and thrive. Choose the cuttings you want to make by viewing your mother plant from all angles.

I don’t like leaving my mother plant looking lopsided, so I carefully mark my selected stems with colored string or garbage bag ties.

This gives me some idea of how much I will cut from the mother mass cane plant.

Step Two: Prepare Your Potting Mix

Before I cut, I want my new cuttings to have their pots ready to receive them to prevent the cuts from drying out while I mix potting soil.

I find that mass cane cuttings thrive in a soil mix that is aerated and well-draining. To achieve this, I mix in enough bark or peat moss to leave plenty of room in the potting mix for drainage and airflow.

I would also warn you about going heavy on fertilizer as the mass cane is a lean plant that doesn’t need a lot of food, so over-fertilizing will lead to root or mineral burn.

Ensure that the pots you choose for your cuttings have appropriately large drainage holes, and if you feel these may be too small, you can also line the bottom of the pot with coarse gravel to encourage better drainage.

Before starting your propagation process, you may also want to flush the soil.

Do this by running water through the soil for 2-3 minutes, then letting it drain well before starting the cutting and planting process.

Step Three: Disinfect the Blades

I always disinfect my garden shears or box cutter with alcohol before I make any cuttings. The last thing I want is to lose my mass cane mother plant to infection by bacterial or fungal spores.

This also ensures I have a viable and healthy cutting to root in the new container.

Step Four: Make the Cuttings

Next, I start with even pressure as I cut the stems I previously marked. These stems have horizontal lines running around them, and I will cut just one of these.

This will give me a good place to cut from and ensure healthy root growth when the stems start to root in their new containers.

Step Five: Planting the Cuttings

Planting is easy. Simply place the cuttings in their new containers, planting them about one inch deep into the soil.

Gently pat the soil around the base of each stem cutting, water well, and then set up your pots in a sunny but not hot place.

Step Six: Caring for Your Cuttings

If you notice your pots drying out quickly or the leaves of the stems are wilting, you need to water them more often.

Stick a finger into the earth. If you feel damp by the time your first digit is in the soil, then you don’t need to water.

I like to add a pebble tray with water near my cuttings to help them enjoy the right humidity for growth. Remember that mass cane prefers a higher humidity and temperature as it is a tropical plant.

The stems you are propagating are no different, so ensure you give them a temperature of 60-75°F and enough humidity to keep the leaves moist.

Related: Mass Cane Plant care

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you propagate mass cane in water?

Yes, you can. Simply place the stem cuttings in water, wait for roots to take, then transplant them to good quality houseplant potting soil. When you place the stems in water, you will notice roots appearing first; then, the growth nodes will thicken as leaves start to form. Wait until the first leaf appears before planting to potting soil when propagating with water.

Do mass cane plants need sunlight?

Mass cane plants are tropical, so they prefer high humidity and good light. Direct sunlight would dry them out quickly, so filtered light from a curtained window would be best. The propagated stems also require light to help with the leaf formation process, and since these leaves are fragile when they sprout, you should avoid harsh sunlight, but bright light is encouraged.


Propagation of mass cane isn’t as complicated as you think it is. I am now confident in the cutting process, rooting, and transplanting.

It comes down to working with a plan I’ve shared here and ensuring the cuttings are healthy and happy.

Enjoy making many more cuttings as you propagate to your heart’s content. Let me know how your Mass Cane propagation is going via Facebook.