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Begonia Peltatifolia Care – Expert Tips!

Begonia Peltatifolia Care – Expert Tips!

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(image credit, IG: roger.swchien)

Begonia Peltatifolia is endemic to Hainan Island, China, according to the Royal Botanical Garden and comes from the Begoniaceae family.

Begonia Peltatifolia is a tender perennial grown specifically for their foliage and colorful flowers. This plant can be grown anywhere outdoor, in the ground, indoors in pots, or in hanging baskets.

Begonia Peltatifolia can be grown in filtered sunlight but can be kept in direct sun in winters. Ideal temperatures for this plant are between 60 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 22 degrees Celsius).

It requires moist peat-based compost and well-draining soil. Keep the plant slightly damp but never overwater it as Begonia Peltatifolia is sensitive and can develop root rot.

Based on research about the Diversity and Conservation of Chinese Begonias, there are about 80 to 200 Begonia species located in China.

Chinese Begonias are diverse in terms of their leaves, flowers, plant size; Begonia Peltatifolia is a perfect example of this. It is a tall, upright plant with its white to pink pendulous flowers.

This species is admired for its leaves because it has the thickest leaves compared to other Chinese Begonias.



Begonia Peltatifolia Plant Care



In the garden, Begonia Peltatifolia requires free-draining soil improved with compost. Heavy clay soil that becomes waterlogged is unsuited, as it can cause root and stem rot. In pots, use a light free-draining potting mix containing coco coir, perlite, or vermiculite.

The soil for Begonia Peltatifolia should be kept moist, but it should not be wet or soggy.

If the soil is dry when touched, the plant requires water, and if it is incredibly wet, you have overwatered it. USDA hardiness zone for Begonia Peltatifolia is 6-9.

To help the soil preserve moisture, or if you tend to underwater, add peat moss or vermiculite to the mix before planting.

Outdoors, you can adjust your garden soil with compost, worm casting, or peat moss. Although Begonia Peltatifolia enjoys humidity, it won’t like to sit in wet or soggy soil as it causes root rot.



When growing Begonias Peltatifolia, picking the right balance with watering is the main challenge. The almost succulent leaves allow this Begonia to tolerate dry conditions, so under watering won’t be a big issue.

Preferably, the soil should be slightly moist at all times, but not too wet. Begonias Peltatifolia is very susceptible to overwatering, and root rot can rapidly grow. The top inch of your plant’s soil should feel dry before you water again.

Rather than making a watering schedule, always check the soil by hand to ensure if anything is required.

Another way to know if you should water the plant or not is to wait for the leaves to droop slightly as this is an indication that the plant is drying out. Always water the soil of Begonia Peltatifolia, leaving the leaves dry.



Begonia Peltatifolia likes to stay in partially shaded sunlight. They prefer a partial shade location so that they can be protected from intense afternoon rays. Your Begonia Peltatifolia will suffer if given too much light as it can burn the plant’s leaves.

It would be best if you grew Begonia Peltatifolia indoors in a position where they receive bright, indirect light. My indoor Begonia Peltatifolia is placed in the east or west-facing window for best light conditions.

If the leaves are starting to turn white or faded, or look like they’re burning, then it’s getting too much sun.

Move it to a more shady location in this case. Whereas if the stems begin to grow leggy and reach for the window, then your Begonia is not getting enough light. Relocate it nearer to a window or add a grow light.



Begonias grow well in warmer, more humid temperatures. The ideal temperature range for Begonia Peltatifolia is between 60 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 22 degrees Celsius). They will work just fine in temperatures slightly lower or higher than these.

Avoid placing your Begonia Peltatifolia in extremely cold temperatures. Bring your outdoor planter inside during the winter season.

Never place the plant at an extremely high temperature as this can cause leaf burns.



Like any other tropical plant, Begonia Peltatifolia likes humidity. Based on my experience with growing Chinese Begonias, this one will prefer humidity at around 70% – 90%.

Humidity is not a trouble if you are growing Begonia Peltatifolia outdoor, but it can be a struggle indoors. Humidity is vital during the winter as central heating within our homes makes the air drier than usual.

An indoor humidity monitor is a great tool to keep track of the dryness of the air. You can do many things to help lift the humidity to the degree that will make the Begonia Peltatifolia happy.

Try placing a humidifier near it or placing it in a tray filled with pebbles and water.



Begonia Petalanfolia can benefit from frequent feeding during their active growing season.

Start by giving them a weekly dose of half or quarter strength liquid fertilizer in early spring. Then raise the amount gradually, so you feed them weekly during the summer as part of your daily Begonia plant care routine.

This plant can be sensitive to chemicals. So I recommend using an organic flower fertilizer rather than using synthetic ones. A good quality compost fertilizer is always a great choice. Fertilizers that are high in nitrogen will develop green and healthy leaves.

Instead of liquids, you can incorporate a granular fertilizer into the soil a couple of times over the summer, if you want. Stop fertilizing Begonia Peltatifolia in the fall, and don’t feed them at all during the winter.

For healthy Begonia Peltatifolia and abundant blooms, apply 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer diluted with a ratio of one part of fertilizer and three parts of water. Begonia Peltatifolia will flourish if the fertilizer is applied to its base rather than directly to the plant.



The perfect time to repot is in spring but only do it once the plant has outgrown the container. Begonia Peltatifolia likes to be root-bound and can suffer if repotted more often.

When it is time for the repotting of Begonia Peltatifolia, be sure to pick a container that is only one size bigger than the current one.

If they are planted in a too big pot, they will begin to suffer from root or stem rots. If the plant grows, it is best to steadily raise the size of the pot instead of plunking it in a big container.

To avoid overwatering, always use a container that has drainage holes. Terracotta clay pot removes moisture from the soil and ends up being too dry to make Begonia Peltatifolia grow.

Therefore you might go for a plastic or ceramic pot.

For repotting, remove the Begonia Peltatifolia from its container carefully and directly transfer it into a new medium. Water and acclimatize the plant in an environment away from the intense sun.



Frequent pruning is a great way to keep Begonia Peltatifolia growing and looking their best.

Removing the faded flowers also helps to nurture new blooms. Spring is the optimum time to trim them for shape and size. Pruning Begonia Peltatifolia in the fall or winter can result in weak and leggy growth.

However, you can prune dead leaves and flowers at any time during the year. You can simply pinch out the dead flowers, but be sure to use a sharp pair of precision pruners to avoid harming the plant while trimming the leaves and stems.

If the Begonia Peltatifolia appears bushy and overgrown, up to a third of its stems can be cut off. This would make the plant seem less rambling and more attractive aesthetically. You should regularly check for the discolored or diseased plant.

Use clean and sharp scissors or a pruning knife for the best results. Make sure to eradicate the dead leaves and stems from the floor instantly as they may spread disease into the healthy plant.



It is possible to propagate mature Begonia Peltatifolia by leaf or stem cuttings, by division, or by collecting and then planting the seeds.


Stem Cutting

  1. Take cuttings that are a few inches long for the best results, and have a few leaf nodes.
  2. Remove only some of the lower leaves and all the flowers and buds as well.
  3. Dip the cut end into rooting hormone.
  4. Then stick it into a light propagating soil mix. Use a combination of peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite or pumice.
  5. Keep the soil consistently moist, and the air around the cutting remains humid.
  6. It is much convenient to use a propagating chamber.
  7. Before pruning Begonia Peltatifolia clean your pruning tools with rubbing alcohol or a disinfectant.



Begonias are famous for their blooms, and Begonia Peltatifolia has also got stunning flowers to please your eyes.

The color of the flowers varies from being white to pink. They have got striking white or pink petals with a beautifully colored yellow center.

This plant blooms from December through April. Begonia Peltatifolia will bloom for months and so to keep them blooming, and healthy remove the dead flowers.

Begonia Peltatifolia will flourish and bloom in proper sunlight but not direct sunlight as it will burn the beautiful flowers. Hence keep the blooming varieties in filtered sunlight.



Begonia Peltatifolia has thick and succulent leaves with bright red stems providing a striking contrast.

The leaves of Begonia Peltatifolia are wavy, lobbed, and ovate green. The stems of Begonia Peltatifolia is cane-like with evenly spaced nodes.

It grows to a height of 9.9 to 16 inches (0.83 ft. to 1.33 ft). It can grow as wide as 8 to 12 inches (0.67 ft. to 1 ft).



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Common Problems for Begonia Peltatifolia

Some of the concerns that you might encounter with your Begonia Peltatifolia are listed below:


Leaves Turning Yellow

Yellow leaves are generally caused by overwatering but may be caused by fungal disease or lack of light in some cases. Ensure that the soil for your Begonia Peltatifolia is not soggy or muddy. Prune off the yellow leaves if you suspect sickness, give your Begonia Peltatifolia improved air circulation, and in no way water the top of the leaves.


Leaves Turning Brown

Brown leaves generally mean that Begonia Peltatifolia is not getting the proper amount of water that is usually underwatered. But it can also be due to a lack of air moisture or high temperatures. Ensure that the soil is constantly moist, and if the air is dry, run a humidifier next to them.


Curling Leaves

A variety of issues may cause curling leaves. Firstly, check to make sure the leaves don’t have any bugs. It may otherwise be due to lack of moisture, insufficient watering, or too much sun or heat.


Dropping Stem or Leaves

When  Begonia Peltatifolia starts to drop leaves and stems, especially during the winter, it’s usually due to too much water. But it may also be from exposure to cold weather or shifting the plant around too often.


Wilting or Drooping Leaves

The watering process typically triggers droopy leaves. However, it could also happen after the plant has been repotted, if it’s overwatered, or if it’s getting too hot.



It is a fungus present in most soils and reaches the plant at ground level through the roots or the stem. Firstly, do not overwater your Begonia Peltatifolia as it increases the chances of the fungus. Fungicides can also be used for the treatment.


Powdery Mildew

Powdery Mildew will occur on your Begonia Peltatifolia if it is not getting proper air circulation or bad light. The fungus is usually found on the upper side of the leaves. Leaves end up turning yellow, brown, or start curling.

Place your plant where it receives proper light and air circulation. Always water your Begonia Peltatifolia from below, avoiding the leaves. You can also use fungicides according to the label to get rid of the fungus.


Leaf Spots

Fungi or bacteria are the sources of leaf spots. With a water-soaked or yellow-edged look, brown or black spots and patches can be either ragged or circular. It can be transmitted by insects, rain, dirty garden tools, or even by humans.

Remove the infected Begonia Peltatifolia when it is dry. For the fungal type of leaf spots, use fungicides.



Begonia plants are susceptible to some pests. The greenhouse whitefly occurs due to humidity. Due to its activity on Begonia Peltatifolia, the leaves become discolored and dry out. The spider web indicates the red spider mite on the plant. Leave in the beginning become marble, slowly and gradually turning yellow and falling off. Aphids feed on the plant’s sap, eventually killing it.

To treat the pests, you can use soapy water, the drug Decis or insecticides.


Tips for Growing Begonia Peltatifolia

  • Place your Begonia Peltatifolia in proper sunlight but be sure not to put it in direct sunlight.
  • Water your plant appropriately so as to keep it healthy and alive.
  • Use a good feeding mixture for your Begonia Peltatifolia as poor feeding leads to several problems for your plant.
  • If you detect any kind of disease, either get rid of the infected plant or use fungicides.
  • Maintaining proper temperature is also a key to growing a healthy Begonia Peltatifolia.


Frequently Asked Questions about Begonia Peltatifolia


What should I do if my Begonia Peltatifolia is growing leggy?

Pinching back your Begonia Peltatifolia is the initial step to alter the legginess. Begonia Peltatifolia that had started to get leggy is giving you an indication that it needs more light. After you have pinched them, move your Begonia Peltatifolia to a brighter place.


Can you grow Begonia Peltatifolia inside?

You can absolutely grow Begonia Peltatifolia inside as it makes an excellent houseplant. They will increase the beauty of your house. Just place them in a place where they receive proper light and air but not direct sunlight.


Will my Begonia Peltatifolia like the sun or the shade?

Begonia Peltatifolia likes partial shade. It will grow best in filtered sunlight. Placing the plant in direct sunlight can burn the leaves.


How often should I water my Begonia Peltatifolia?

Water your plant habitually so that the soil remains moist but don’t make it soggy. Keep a check on your plant for watering it properly. Never overwater it as it leads to wilting and drooping of the leaves.


Is Begonia Peltatifolia toxic to animals?

Begonia Peltatifolia is toxic to animals. The most lethal portion of the plant is the underground roots and tubers. If ingested, it can cause irritation in the digestive system and can even lead to death.



Begonia Peltatifolia is an excellent plant for your home. It will look elegant both inside your house and on the lawn of your house.

According to the IUCN List of Threatened Species 2020, Begonia Peltatifolia is an endangered plant, so cultivating it might conserve this beauty.

Begonia Peltatifolia has proved to be a beautiful and interesting plant to grow in my indoor garden.

However, it might be a little selective about light and water, but not too fragile, making it a perfect plant project at the intermediate stage.

You can cultivate this Chinese Begonia in a decorative cloche or keep it in a small indoor greenhouse.