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Hoya Cinnamomifolia Care – Best Secrets Revealed

Hoya Cinnamomifolia Care – Best Secrets Revealed

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Hoya Cinnamomifolia plants are easy to grow, twining plants that have dark green leaves with prominent and visible veins.

Hoya Cinnamomifolia care consists of using  cactus or succulent soil with added perlite, bright indirect light, temperature between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees – 24 degrees Celsius), and high humidity above >60%. Fertilize every 4 – 6 weeks in spring and summer and water when the top 2-3 inches (5-8cm)  of soil is dry. This generally means watering about once a week on average in most households.

There are two types of Hoya Cinnamomifolia in circulation. The H. Cinnamomifolia var. Cinnamomifolia which produces bright green flowers and the H. Cinnamomifolia var. Purpureofusca which yields dark purple flowers. 

The flowers are waxy and scented and appear usually in late spring or early summer. They produce in clusters and are star-shaped. In a well-cared-for plant, there are between 20-30 flowers in each cluster. They really are very pretty!

There are over two hundred species in the Hoya family. The Hoya Cinnamomifolia is sometimes called a purple wax plant.

The leaves on this Hoya are large and can grow up to 4.3 – 5.9 inches (11-15 centimeters) long and 1.9 – 2.4 inches (5-6 centimeters) wide. It is a tropical vine that comes from the Isle of Java and is reputed to be excellent air cleaners.



What are the Best Practices for Hoya Cinnamomifolia Care?



Hoya Cinnamomifolia care is pretty easy. Even a novice plant owner can care for them with a few tips and tricks.

They grow well in any high quality, fast-draining soil. I like to use a good cactus or succulent soil mixed with perlite.

For my Hoya Cinnamomifolia care, I use two parts soil and 1-part perlite and have great results.

You can also try using one-part orchid bark, one-part peat-free compost, and one-part coarse perlite. I have not tried this combination yet, but I am told it yields excellent results.



These plants do well with bright light but not direct sunlight as is the case with every Hoya I have ever owned.

My Hoya Cinnamomifolia care includes making sure the plant is in an indirect yet very bright sun spot every day for a few hours. They can do well in a partially shady condition as well.



The best Hoya Cinnamomifolia care is to water from the top. I allow at least the top two or three inches to fully dry out between watering.

They tend to be drought-tolerant and prefer to be a little dryer overall. They don’t like having wet feet and any time I saturate the soil with water too often, every Hoya I’ve ever owned lets me know it is displeased.

The most effective Hoya Cinnamomifolia care is to soak the soil completely once it has dried out but allowed the excess water to come out of the draining holes in the bottom of the pot.



Hoya Cinnamomifolia plants do best in temperatures of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees – 24 degrees Celsius) during the day and around 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

Aim to keep them warm and never let their temperature drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). They are tropical and prefer a tropical environment. They are not draught tolerant.



Since Hoya Cinnamomifolia plants are tropical from the Isle of Java in Indonesia, I mist my plant’s leaves regularly but not excessively.

Part of the Hoya Cinnamomifolia care I would recommend it having a humidifier if you live in a very dry climate. They will do okay without it most likely, but I find that a humid environment is best for these plants.

Keep humidity above 60% for your Hoxa, they will thank you with vigorous growth.



I have found that one of the most important things in Hoya Cinnamomifolia care, is fertilizing. (All Hoya’s in fact benefit from a good fertilizer!)

I use a fertilizer that is higher in nitrogen to stimulate plant growth. I fertilize once every four to six weeks through the growing season and maybe once or twice in total during the dormant time.

I mix ¼ of a teaspoon per gallon of water to feed these plants and have excellent results. Another option is to mix compost in with the soil when it is being planted and then do a top dressing of organic compost in the spring right as the plant goes into its growing season.



The easiest way to propagate a Hoya Cinnamomifolia is to use a stem cutting. I find that the best time to do it is in the summer or even the early spring.

Put the cutting in a glass of water or a glass with some very moist soil in it. The roots will begin to grow quite easily and before long, the cutting can be planted in a pot.



If you give your Hoya Cinnamomifolia care, it will grow to an average size of 12 inches tall and 24 inches wide at its mature stage.

They take a while to widen as they grow because it typically drops one leaf from each node. This means that they take a while to get bushy foliage.


Potting and repotting

I always give my Hoya Cinnamomifolia a fast draining and good quality pot. I like a ceramic pot or a hanging basket.

I prefer a ceramic pot with a growing trellis or pole for it to climb. A Hoya Cinnamomifolia likes being slightly root bound so one of the most important things is to not put it in a pot that is too much larger than its roots.

They can stay in the same pot for years at a time although like most plants, eventually, they will need to be repotted.

For proper Hoya Cinnamomifolia care and growth, only go up one pot size when you transplant.

For example, if your plant has outgrown a four-inch pot the absolute maximum size it should be moved to is a six-inch pot. 



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Common Pests

This plant is can have problems with small insects such as aphids, mealybugs, and other scale bugs and spider mites.

As part of my Hoya Cinnamomifolia care, I spray the leaves with insecticidal soap once early in the growing season and once midway through the summer.

I use neem oil on the leaves if I don’t have any insecticidal soap handy. It seems to work quite well.



  1. As with a lot of plants, it is best to wait until the growing (spring or summer) season to propagate.
  2. Inspect your plant. A good time to propagate your plant is when you are pruning it back or shaping it. To cut a stem for propagation, you only have to cut below the node where the air roots are forming. On Hoyas, it is easy to spot and they have a lot of air roots to choose from.
  3. With sharp scissors, make clean cuts on the stems that you plan to use for propagation. The node is where the leaf or aerial root grows out of the stem. Make sure your cuttings have a stem and leaves are healthy and vibrant in color.
  4. Place the cut ends in either a small jar or water or a watery mix of soil and water. Another option is to propagate with wet moss. Soak the moss and put some in the jar, creating a watery moss mix. Gently place the cuttings in the moss, being careful not to damage them as you do.
  5. Once the cuttings have strong roots, transplant them into small pots with soil and perlite. I find that two months after I place the cuttings in water is usually a good time.


The other option for propagation is to do it in the form of layering. Layering propagation means that the new growth is still attached to the parent plant until it grows new roots.

To do this, you need to pin down the stem at the node into the soil beside the mother plant.

Once the roots have grown (two to three months) sever the new plant with a sharp knife and gently remove it from the pot.

Plant it directly into a new pot with 2 parts soil and one part perlite. Layering is an excellent way to make a thin plant bushier.

The average cutting will produce a blooming, full-size plant in three years or less in my experience.


Tips & Tricks for Hoya Cinnamomifolia

When you are giving your Hoya Cinnamomifolia care, a good thing to remember is the humidity levels.

I find that my plant flourishes when I have a humidifier in the room with it during the winter months or year-round if it is a new plant I have just propagated.

Another way to get more moisture into a new cutting is to drape a plastic bag over the cup or pot in the shape of a tent to hold the moisture in until the roots are growing.

Before you water a Hoya Cinnamomifolia, dip your finger into the soil to test moistness. These plants are happier if they are underwatered instead of over watered.

They, like most house plants, are susceptible to root rot if they are kept too wet. I let mine dry out almost completely before watering.

I mist the leaves as part of my Hoya Cinnamomifolia care but take care to not leave the leaves too wet and don’t mist it when it is budding or flowering.

Hoyas are one of the plants I use coffee grounds or pureed eggshells as a fertilizer instead of a store-bought one sometimes.

I find that it works well for them as long as I don’t add more than three or four tablespoons at a time, depending on the size of the pot.

You can add more but make sure the grinds are very dry when you do because otherwise, they could retain moisture in the soil. I never add more than a thin (1/4 inch to ½ inch) layer in any pot.


Commonly asked questions about Hoya Cinnamomifolia


Where can I buy a Hoya Cinnamomifolia plant?

You don’t have to make any special trips to this plant. They are available regularly at garden and home gardening stores. I have also seen them at grocery stores and even on Amazon! I got one once from a clipping a girl offered on Craigslist.


Does my Hoya Cinnamomifolia care need to include regular pruning?

The short answer is not really but removing unhealthy leaves from any plant is a good idea. With a Hoya Cinnamomifolia regular pruning can manipulate the shape of your plant and make it less scraggly and to create a fuller and bushier plant. Use any stems that you prune off to propagate the plant. Always make sure when you are cutting the stems, that the knife or scissors are very sharp and are disinfected.


Are Hoya Cinnamomifolia plants toxic to animals or small children?

Generally, they are not toxic to animals or people however a cat or dog’s digestive system cannot break down the leaves if they do eat them so it will make them throw up. I keep all my plants (except for the cat grass) away from my animals and from small children. Why take the chance?


Do I need a humidifier for my Hoya Cinnamomifolia care?

If you live in a naturally moist or humid environment, you shouldn’t need one. If you live in a dryer climate, I suggest you put one in the room your plant is in. I live in an environment where the winter is dry and the summer humid, so I run a humidifier during the winter months only. Remember, most plants thrive in an environment that is like their native one.


Can I plant my Hoya Cinnamomifolia outside?

In theory yes, you can but it will die if you leave it outside and you live in a colder climate. These are tropical plants and not meant to be left outside year-round unless it is in a tropical environment. I don’t bring mine out personally, I prefer to enjoy it indoors.


These unique and beautiful tropical plants are a colorful addition to any houseplant area.

They have stunning green leaves that are showcased with vibrant veins in them. They are easy to care for and require little maintenance to keep them healthy and thriving.

They can easily be propagated from a stem or leaf cuttings and they grow into full and beautiful foliage.

I love my Hoya Cinnamomifolia and I can’t imagine having an easier plant to care for. All in all, they are one of the best houseplants I have ever kept.