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Why Your Monstera Deliciosa Is Dying – The Truth!

Why Your Monstera Deliciosa Is Dying – The Truth!

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Monstera Deliciosa is a variety of flowering plant innate to the tropical forests of Southern Mexico and Panama. It has been introduced to several tropical areas and has become invasive in Hawaii, Seychelles, Ascension Island, and the Society Islands.

Monstera Deliciosa is a part of the arum family Araceae. It is an epiphyte with floating, aerial roots and expands up to 66 ft. (20 m) high in the forests. When developed indoors, it only grows to a height between 6.6 and 9.8 ft. (2 and 3m).


Why Is My Monstera Deliciosa Dying?

Underwatering, overwatering, or contact to direct sunlight can harm your Monstera Deliciosa sensitive leaf, leading to the death of the plant. Inadequate fertilization, or pest, can also be a fundamental problem. It is extremely important to go through the care schedule of the plant and resolve the problems.


Overwatering Your Monstera Deliciosa

Overwatering is arguably the primary cause for many problems to the leaves of your Monstera Deliciosa plant.

Overwatering keeps the soil and roots moist, which damages the root system. They won’t be able to soak up and distribute water.

Damage to the leaves eventually leads to the death of your plant. The root system does not have the room to breathe or consume the nutrients due to soil and roots sinking.


Signs of overwatering

Dark brown spots are a significant sign of root rot, which is triggered by over-watering. Yellowing is a milder indication that your Monstera Deliciosa may possibly be over-watered.

If you observe mold mounting on top of your soil or mushrooms increasing near the bottom of your Monstera Deliciosa, that’s a good hint that your plant is receiving too much water.

Another sign can be that your plant takes more than 10 days to dry.


Underwatering Your Monstera Deliciosa

When you underwater your Monstera Deliciosa, the soil remains dry, and the plant becomes dehydrated.

Exceptionally dry plants show signs through brown and yellow leaves. Making the plant bland and leaves look flat and turn yellow.

When your plant does not receive adequate water, it is unable to absorb and supply the water to the rest of the plant. This also leads to droopy leaves and the death of the plant.

The soil demands water to work effectively and supply water or nutrients to other parts of the plant.


Signs of underwatering

If your Monstera Deliciosa is harshly underwatered, the leaves may begin to dry out and die. If you notice dry, crispy spots on the leaves and the soil seems dry, it will be helpful to water your plant.

Slow growth is also an indication your plant is not receiving enough water. For the right growth of your plant, it is necessary that it receives adequate water, light, and feed.

If you notice that the leaves of your plant have curled, it surely is a sign that it is underwatered.

All these signs clearly indicate that if no measures are taken, your Monstera Deliciosa is eventually going to die.


Direct Sunlight

Monstera Deliciosa has a preference for bright indirect light, even though they can adapt to medium levels of light. However, exposure to direct light can cause several problems to your plant and its death.

Too much sunlight actually scorches your plant’s leaves. So, yellow leaves are not only an indication of a water problem but also too much light.

A sign that your Monstera Deliciosa has been overexposed to the sunlight is a compilation of dark or blanched spots on the leaves.

Make sure to prevent too much direct sunlight in the summer since this can cause burn stains on those big and lovely leaves.


Inadequate Fertilization

If you do not provide your Monstera Deliciosa with proper feed, it is eventually going to die.

It is extremely important that the plant receives proper nutrients. When you over-fertilize your plant’s soil, the major problem it faces is that it is not able to absorb water.

When the plant wants to collect the water, it follows the osmotic pressure gradient. Fertilizers have high quantities of various salts that can pull moisture away from the roots, the flow of water reverses. This is when your plant begins to burn due to inadequate water.


Signs of inadequate fertilizer

There are few indications that can help you detect that you are over-fertilizing your Monstera Deliciosa. Look into these and get them resolved right away.

  • A covering of the fertilizer on the surface of the soil can be one indication. This clearly means that your plant is not taking in the nutrient, and they are building on the surface.
  • Yellow and wilted lower leaves of your plant are also due to over-fertilizing.
  • Brown leaf margins and tips indicate that Deliciosa is not taking water properly and is overfertilized. If you notice that the roots have turned black or brown or started to limp, it is clearly due to burning.
  • Lastly, if you observe that your plant is growing very slowly or there is no growth at all, it is time to check the soil of the plant. Proper fertilization is key to the proper growth of Monstera Deliciosa.



The last thing that can cause the death of your Monstera Deliciosa is the pests. They multiply on your plant and start to eat it to death.

Pests that might invade your Monstera Deliciosa include:

  • Mealybugs
  • Scales



Mealybugs are soft body insects that are about 3/16 inch in length. Their body is waxy and covered by white secretions. They use their mouthpieces to suck out the juices in the plant’s sap.

If there is a heavy infection, it leads to stunted growth and wilting of the plant, which will ultimately kill Monstera Deliciosa.

Look for discolored leaves and honeydew on the plant. Also, examine the undersides of the plant and the points where the stems and roots join. Sometimes mealybugs are found below the soil feeding on the roots.

If you don’t get rid of this insect, your plant will die in no time. It is important you take all precautionary measures to prevent its invasion.



Scale insects vary in their shape, color, and size. They can often be round in shape, but not necessarily. The color of scale insects varies from being black, white, and even orange blending with the color of the plant.

Monstera Deliciosa, damaged by scale, shows signs like withered and yellow leaves. These leaves then fall and might cause the death of your plant.

They may also develop black fungus on the stem and leaves of the plant, killing it. If the infestation is heavy, it is highly recommended to throw the plant away.


Frequently Asked Questions About Why Monstera Deliciosa Is Dying


What to do in case your Monstera Deliciosa is dying?

If you notice that your plant is dying and you are unable to revive it, look for the problems causing it. Take all the necessary steps needed to keep your plant safe from fungus, diseases, and pests. Have a very keen look at its watering, light, and humidity schedule.


Can propagating or repotting save my Monstera Deliciosa?

Propagation and repotting are two key solutions that can help you save your dying plant. You can perform any one of these to restore your plant. They are easy and less time-consuming methods to provide you a healthy plant.