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Sansevieria Stuckyi Care Tips You Wish You Knew Earlier

Sansevieria Stuckyi Care Tips You Wish You Knew Earlier

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Better known as the Elephant Tusks Plant, the Sansevieria Stuckyi is another easy-to-care-for succulent.

This variety of snake plant got its name from Mr. Stucky. 

The evergreen Elephant Tusks Plant is an ornamental one.

The leaves of Sansevieria Stuckyi are easily identifiable by their horizontal cross stripes with layered green coloring. 

Sansevieria Stuckyi Care

To care for Sansevieria Stuckyi, choose well-draining soil. Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out before the next watering. Ensure it receives bright, indirect light while avoiding direct sun exposure. Keep the temperature above 5°C, and note that this plant has low humidity requirements.


Due to its drought-tolerant nature, the Elephant Tusks Plant prefers loose, fast-draining soil. Soil-less potting mix is also usable as this plant doesn’t fair well to over-watering. Another option is organically enriched fertile soil.  


Sansevieria Stuckyi is a very tolerant plant. It can withstand any lighting situation, from fully shaded, low-light areas to full sun.

It should be protected from direct sun during hot summer days, though. Bright, indirect sunlight is best for Sansevieria Stuckyi.

In mild to tropical garden climates, the Elephant Tusks Plant is not fussy but prefers semi to full-shaded areas.

The coloring of the Sansevieria Stuckyi’s leaves may vary, depending on its location.

If grown in low light, your plant will likely feature darker greens. Your Elephant Tusks Plant may flaunt brighter, more colorful markings if exposed to good light. 


The Sansevieria Stuckyi only requires small amounts of water. Watering should take place every other week during the growing season.

During the winter months, the watering frequency can be reduced to monthly. 

Like others in its genus, the Sansevieria Stuckyi is not a big drinker.

The Elephant Tusks Plant can tolerate months without watering and would rather go without than be over-watered. Over-watering your plant could lead to root rot and, eventually, death. 

It is best to test the soil before watering your Elephant Tusks Plant.

By feeling the soil, you can determine whether or not your plant needs to be watered. Water is only required when the soil gets very dry. 


Being a succulent, the Sansevieria Stuckyi has excellent tolerance for heat and dry conditions.

For a good level of growth, temperatures for the Elephant Tusks Plant should be between 18°C and 27°C (65°F and 80°F). 

Although they are a tough plant, the Sansevieria Stuckyi struggles with the cold. The plant should be kept in temperatures above 5°C (41°F). Winter frost can be harmful to the Elephant Tusks Plant’s leaves.

Sansevieria Stuckyi Care 


Humidity is an unimportant factor for the Sansevieria Stuckyi. This plant can and will put up with all levels of humidity. 


Not only is the Elephant Tusks Plant not a big drinker, but it is also not a huge feeder. Fertilizing your Sansevieria Stuckyi can be done once during the growing season. A balanced cactus or all-purpose fertilizer is ideal. 

The Sansevieria Stuckyi is known to have a blooming problem. For slightly increased blooming chances, fertilizing should be done before the blooming season. 


There are four ways to propagate your Elephant Tusks Plant. The fastest method of increasing your collection is by division. Divisions can be taken anytime by separating the root ball into parts. 

Other methods of propagating your Sansevieria Stuckyi are cuttings or rhizome offsets.

The most difficult method, however, is seeding. It is very rare for an Elephant Tusks Plant to bloom, so it is difficult to get seeds. 


It can take many years for your Sansevieria Stuckyi to reach its full size. This is due to its slow-growing nature.

Mature Elephant Tusks Plants can reach heights between 1m and 2.75m (3ft and 9ft). The thickness at their base can range between 0.38m to 0.63m (1.2ft to 2ft). 

Sansevieria Stuckyi experiences its growth season during the warmer months of the year.

During the Winter months, the plant is dormant.

The blooming season for the Elephant Tusks Plant takes place during the months of Autumn and Spring. 

Being of an adaptive nature, the Elephant Tusks Plant can survive in places other than in a garden outdoors.

This plant can be grown indoors, too, and in a range of different items. It is possible to grow your Sansevieria Stuckyi in a planter, a pot or flowerpot, various types of containers, and, of course in your garden. 


The Sansevieria Stuckyi is fantastic to use as a low-barrier plant. To grow a large plant, you need to give it a large amount of space. However, the Elephant Tusks Plant does well, even with minimal root space.

For the best growing results in pots, you should keep your Sansevieria Stuckyi root-bound. Your Elephant Tusks Plant needs to be fairly pot-bound should you wish for it to produce flowers. 

As an indoor plant, you should be sure to keep your Sansevieria Stuckyi clean and dust-free. Allowing dust build-up can encourage spider mites and mealybugs.

To clean your Elephant Tusks Plant, the only requirement is a damp cloth. Using any chemicals, detergents, or leaf polishes could negatively affect your plant. 

The Sansevieria Stuckyi will grow in a wide variety of soils without any issues. An open and free-draining soil mix is ideal.

Cacti and succulent potting mix is also a good option. Free drainage helps to prevent your Elephant Tusks Plant from contracting root rot. 

Due to their upright habit of growth, the Sansevieria Stuckyi looks its best in a smaller, narrower pot. 

Sansevieria Stuckyi Propagation 

Propagating your Sansevieria Stuckyi using leaf cuttings is a simple process. Using a mature leaf, cut 5cm to 7.5cm (2in to 3in) pieces.

In a moist compost mix, plant the cuttings by pushing them about 2.5cm (1in) into the soil.

The Elephant Tusks Plant cuttings need to be planted, matching the original direction of growth. When creating the cuttings, it is advised to make a note of which way is the right way up. 

If you want to keep the bulky look of your Sansevieria Stuckyi, propagating them using rhizome offsets will be the best method. The offsets of your plant are easily spotted at the base of the plant when removed from its pot.

Using care, the offsets can be pulled apart from each other along with some of their roots. Once separated, you can start growing more of your Elephant Tusks Plants by planting the offsets individually. 

In the case of an offset with no roots, allow it to dry for 24 to 48 hours. Then, making use of a potting mix with good drainage, plant your offset. A few weeks to as much as a few months should be given for the offset to grow new roots around its base. 

By far, the easiest method of propagating a Sansevieria Stuckyi is by division. Dividing your plant is as simple as pulling the clumps apart.

These clumps should then be potted up in their own individual containers. If dividing your Elephant Tusks Plant is proving difficult, it is recommended you wet the soil.

Wet soil does not only ease the process of division, it also aids in keeping the roots as long as possible. 

Although possible, propagating the Sansevieria Stuckyi through the method of seeding is difficult. It is rare for the Elephant Tusks Plant to bloom flowers, thus making the collection of seeds a problem. 

Should you be one of the lucky few who have managed to harvest seeds from your Sansevieria Stuckyi, they should be kept in dark, dry conditions until sowing. Seeds should be sowed during the Summer season.

It is best to keep the soil with your Elephant Tusks Plant seeds lightly moist.

You mustn’t overwater the plant or allow the soil to dry out. A sunny location with light humidity is ideal. Germination takes between 2 and 8 weeks. 

Common problems with Sansevieria Stuckyi

The Sansevieria Stuckyi faces two weaknesses: excessive watering and excessive cold. This durable and forgiving plant does not tolerate temperatures below 5°C (41°F).

Although capable of putting up with its fair share of mistreatment, the Elephant Tusks Plant will not take well to being left to sit in a pool of water. Over-watering is guaranteed to lead to root rot and possibly other diseases.

Prolonged periods of poor treatment will result in your Sansevieria Stuckyi not growing to its full potential. As it is, it is difficult to get this plant to bloom. 

One other problem with the Sansevieria Stuckyi is its toxic leaves. Cats, dogs, and humans may experience mild poisoning symptoms if the leaves are ingested. These symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, drooling, nausea, and mouth irritation. 

Tips to keep Sansevieria Stuckyi problem-free

The Elephant Tusks Plant is one that is fairly easy to please. It is known to take many a thing in its stride. To avoid root rot and disease, it is vital to ensure you do not over-water your Sansevieria Stuckyi. 

When it comes to blooming, the best way to encourage it is by keeping the plant in its ideal conditions. Bright, indirect light is preferred at an average indoor room temperature of 18°C to 27°C (65°F to 80°F). 

Watering should take place once or twice, fortnightly, and only once every three to four weeks during winter months. Fertilizing your Elephant Tusks Plant should be done before the blooming season in the Spring to Autumn months. 

Frequently asked questions about Sansevieria Stuckyi

Why are the leaves on my Elephant Tusks Plant yellowing?

Rot disease is possibly the cause of yellowing leaves. A mushy base and weak leaves that can be pulled out entirely with minimal effort are a sure sign of root rot. Typically this occurs in the winter months, but it can happen any time of the year. 

The cause of this root rot is over-watering. During Winter and plants in areas with little to very low light, watering should be reduced and take place very infrequently. 

Unfortunately, there is no treatment for root rot. If only part of the Elephant Tusks Plant has been affected, it can be saved. Simply cut the rot out. If the rot has affected all of the bottom leaves, the Sansevieria Stuckyi cannot be saved.

What is causing my Sansevieria Stuckyi to have wrinkled leaves?

The Elephant Tusks Plant is known to be extremely drought-resistant but this does not mean it can survive long term drought. Wrinkled leaves are usually the first sign that your Sansevieria Stuckyi is thirsty and needs a drink.

Why does my Elephant Tusks Plant have brown blotches on its leaves?

Your Sansevieria Stuckyi has likely suffered from sun scorching. Sun scorching occurs when the plant experiences a sudden change in its environment. An example of this is a plant being moved from spending a lot of time in a very dark place, into bright, direct sunlight. 

Your Sansevieria Stuckyi, although capable of various lighting situations, needs to be allowed time to adapt to its new environment. 

What does a juvenile Elephant Tusks Plant look like?

A young Sansevieria Stuckyi brandishes drastically different features to that of an older, more mature plant. The leaves of this juvenile plant are flat and grow in a fountain-like shape. They fashion green and dark green horizontal stripes. 

The juvenile phase lasts between 4 and 6 years. The adult Sansevieria Stuckyi can then be identified by its long cylindrical leaves. The mature leaves are waxy and have a fleshy feeling to them. Unlike its younger years, the coloring of the adult Elephant Tusks Plant is a pale green. 

Why has the Sansevieria Stuckyi changed to a Dracaena Stuckyi?

The Elephant Tusks Plant is now categorized under the Dracaena genus. This is due to modern-day DNA studies. Botanists have discovered a high number of common genes between the plants. 

The Elephant Tusks Plant is recognized within science now as from the Dracaena genus. 


A sure seller for this plant is its tolerance to accidental neglect. Its ability to last months without watering is a winner for all those with a passion for plants but the lack of a green thumb.

It’s hard not to want these channeled beauties!

The Elephant Tusks Plant is an easy-going indoor or outdoor plant. Its perennial nature is a must-have for any household or landscaping situation.