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Sansevieria Bacularis Care Guide

Sansevieria Bacularis Care Guide

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Like many plants in the Sansevieria family, the Bacularis is characterized by tall, upright, and green leaves. Not to be confused with the very similar Sansevieria cylindrica, which has similar upright stems that are more fleshy and the plant grows taller overall.

Perfect for keeping as an indoor houseplant, they do well in containers and don’t need a lot of care. 

Let’s check out the basics required for maintaining a healthy Sansevieria Bacularis in this guide. 

Sansevieria Bacularis Care Guide

Make sure to set up Sansevieria Bacularis in well-draining soil with a neutral pH. Keep it away from draughty windows during winter, and watch out for pests. This succulent thrives in bright indirect sunlight. Water once a week. Keep temperatures over 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius).


The Bacularis is known as an unfussy plant in most regards. This is true in particular of its need for light.

Whilst it is neither stressed by bright direct light nor prolonged periods of shade, it will however thrive in bright indirect light. 

This makes it perfect for the indoor environment, even doing well in ground floor apartments which can struggle to maintain bright light levels throughout the day. 

Just be careful that is it not sitting in a particularly dark hallway or room – this may lead to slow growth over time. 


You needn’t worry about your Sansevieria Bacularis when going on vacation for a couple of weeks either. 

In fact, the species is known to do well with the odd period of neglect. That’s good news for those who travel regularly, or who simply forget to water their plants! 

Watering can be undertaken once a week – or more if the soil has not dried out from the last dose. 

You will need to take care that the water drains well from the soil to avoid killer fungal infections such as root rot. 

In fact, the management of the water content of the soil is probably the one major thing you need to get right when looking after a Sansevieria Bacularis. 

Overwatering or letting the plant sit in pools of water will likely lead to its demise. Make sure the soil is dried out between watering thoroughly. 

This includes making sure not only the topsoil but also the layers underneath are dry. 

You can check this by inserting a clean chopstick into the soil. On withdrawal, there should be no soil sticking to the utensil. If there is, leave the plant another few days before watering, then check again.


Going hand in hand with water management is the makeup of the soil composition. To support the water to drain from the soil you need to create a suitable potting mix. 

You can purchase potting mix specially tailored for cacti and succulents in garden centers. Generally, this will contain little stones or perlite which will create space within the soil and support good drainage. 

You can also make your own, which is much more satisfying! 

You can do this by taking any gardening soil and mixing two parts of it with two parts sand. Then, add in one part perlite or other pebbles to create the same effect. 

The mix should preferably be of a neutral pH, and once you have potted your Sansevieria Bacularis you can test the drainage by giving it water. 

The water shouldn’t pool in the soil and should quickly drain out of the holes at the bottom of the pot. 


Best to keep your Sansevieria Bacularis indoors. It hates the frost and will likely receive permanent damage from any exposure to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).

So, if you have moved your houseplant to a terrace or balcony during the summer be sure to bring it back in again. 

The Sansevieria Bacularis will do best at over 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius), so make sure even when you keep it indoors it is not near any draughty windows or particularly cold floors. 


You may be lucky to get a display of flowers on the Sansevieria Bacularis in the spring and summer months. 

The flowers will likely be on a tall stalk, delicate and white or cream in appearance. 

If your plant doesn’t bear flowers don’t worry. The green leaves are its main attraction! 


Save yourself some money by propagating your Sansevieria Bacularis yourself. Perhaps you would like the idea of growing one for a friend or simply want to expand your collection.

Luckily, it is super easy to propagate and grow the Sansevieria Bacularis! 

In the wild, the Sansevieria Bacularis likes to spread out by rhizomes which will create new plants popping up some distance from the mother. 

This can take a bit of management in your garden, and they can even become a bit of a pest, which is another reason this plant is great for containers. 

Propagating by division

A popular and easy method for propagation of your plant is by division. This is preferred by those that wish to maintain the mother plant’s appearance. 

To get you started, you will need to gently remove the plant from the pot and lightly shake off any excess soil. 

You will have a good opportunity at this point to inspect the roots of the main plant for any fungal infections or signs of rot. 

You may also find that once extracted from its container, the plant naturally divides and falls into sections itself. Great – that’s half the job done. 

If not, you will need to detach your own root clump yourself. Use a clean knife or pruning instrument to divide. Then, repot your new plants in the same soil as the mother. 

This is a good method if your main plant is growing large, requires more space, or is becoming root-bound. 

Removing some of it will not only give you an instant new plant but also allow the mother plant space to grow

Propagation by leaf cutting

Unlike other plants – such as aloes – the Sansevieria Bacularis takes well to propagation by leaf cutting. 

One word of warning or advice – the properties of the mother plant may not be exactly replicated in the new plant. But that is part of the fun! 

Using a clean knife or scissors, select a healthy leaf and cut it off close to the base of the plant. Leave it in a clean and safe area for drying it out over a couple of days. 

Once you notice the leaf forming a callus you will be ready for replanting. Use again a potting mix suitable for cacti or succulents. Place the leaf in the soil and give it a little bit of watering. 

Check every couple of days how your leaf is taking, but expect it to be more than a few weeks before anything happens. 

The little roots that will grow will of course not be visible to you, but eventually, you should be rewarded with the appearance of pumps. 

Propagation by leaf cutting + water

If you fancy it you can also try something fun and attempt to propagate your Sansevieria Bacularis in the water!  

This is great if you want to see what actually goes on under the surface during the propagation process. 

Cut the leaf in from the mother plant at the base. You can then make an indented V shape at the bottom. This will give the roots room to begin to grow down. 

Here you don’t need to worry about overwatering or whether your potting mix is well-draining enough! Simply sit back and enjoy the show, which should begin with very small roots forming after around 3 weeks. 


Your Sansevieria Bacularis can grow up to around 100cms tall. It is pretty slow-growing, but you can expect to have it for years. 

During the winter period, it will likely slow down to zero growth. Do not worry here – this is normal. 

You can simply ease off on the watering to make sure you do not saturate the plant. 

When spring comes around, resume the watering regimen for the warmer months. 


The Sansevieria Bacularis is classified as mildly toxic. Keep it out of the way of children and animals. 

Look out for signs of ingestion, which can include swelling of the airways and gastrointestinal disturbances. 

Best to seek professional consult if you suspect a reaction. 

Common Problems with Sansevieria Bacularis

The Sansevieria species in its many forms is an excellent option for beginners or those who really struggle to maintain a plant over a long period of time. 

It is generally easy to care for, thrives on a little bit of neglect, and can be left alone for a couple of weeks whilst you take a vacation. 

There are however a few little things to look out for. If you follow the contents of this guide carefully, you won’t have much reason to worry beyond these two points below.


Unfortunately, no houseplant is immune to unwelcome visitors. The Sansevieria Bacularis is a nice home for mealybugs and spider mites in particular. 

These pests love to feast on the succulent flesh of the plant. They pierce into the skin, sucking the sap and also introduce infection. 

Plus it ruins the appearance of your gorgeous plant!

Keep an active eye on your Sansevieria Bacularis and other plants in the vicinity. If you are quick to address one or two intruders, you will avoid an infestation. 

Hose them off with a gentle stream of water. Spider mites in particular are hard to spot until there is a huge presence. 

Use rubbing alcohol to remove them or if you prefer more natural methods rose water or neem oil can also do the trick. 

Make sure you isolate any plant with an infestation from any others. 

Root Rot

The tips above about water and soil are important in keeping your plant looking and feeling its best. 

But they are also crucial in order to manage a common problem with succulents – the dreaded root rot. 

Root rot is a fungal infection caused by the roots of your plant being exposed to too much water over prolonged periods. 

It happens generally for a number of reasons. Either your soil is not well-draining enough, you are watering too much, or your pot has no holes. 

It is more likely to happen during the wintry months than in the spring. This is particularly true if you do not modify your watering routine during the cooler months. 

The plant needs less water then, so if you keep up the same levels it can become saturated. 

Once the roots get saturated they can no longer absorb water properly. They will turn from a healthy white root system to mushy and brown in appearance. 

Eventually, these symptoms become apparent above the surface. Wilting or discoloration can be signs. You may also realize your plant is becoming a bit wobbly or even tips over. 

The problem here is that by the time the symptoms become apparent above the surface it is likely too late to save the plant. 

Make sure your soil is well-draining and monitor the water content so your plant does not fall victim to root rot!

Frequently Asked Questions about Sansevieria Bacularis

Why is my Sansevieria Bacularis not growing?

If you purchased your Sansevieria Bacularis towards the end of summer – don’t worry, it is likely just taking its winter rest.

Is the Sansevieria Bacularis poisonous?

The Sansevieria Bacularis is rated as mildly toxic. Make sure that children and animals do not ingest any part of the plant. Watch out for signs of poisoning including nausea, vomiting, and swelling of the airways. 


The Sansevieria Bacularis is an easy plant for all! If you are just getting started with your houseplant collection, why not try it out.