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Sansevieria Boncel – Best Care Guide

Sansevieria Boncel – Best Care Guide

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Many people are turning towards low-maintenance and unusual plants for their home, office, or garden. 

The Sansevieria boncel meets both of these requirements and is an attractive and amazingly easy plant to grow. 

There are many varieties of Sansevieria, but this has to be one of the most popular and interesting. 

It belongs to the plant family Asparagaceae, and the common names include the Spear Orchid, Fan Snake plant, Skyline Spear, Dwarf African Spear Plant, Starfish Sansevieria, and a few others, depending on where you are. 

It is a compact plant with spiky leaves that are short and fat. It grows in a fan shape and makes for an unusual yet attractive plant. 

Sansevieria boncel Care

Sansevieria Boncel thrives in bright, indirect light. It grows best in a well-draining cactus/succulent soil mix. Let the soil dry out completely between waterings. The preferred temperature range is 70-90° Fahrenheit (21-32° Celsius).


As would be expected from most cacti, especially those from the Sansevieria family, the plant likes well-draining soil. The soil should preferably be loose, but it can grow in sandy soil. 

If you are potting or planting a Sansevieria boncel go for a cactus/succulent soil mix with a small amount of peat added. 

The plant is not too fussy with regard to the pH of the soil but does prefer a relatively neutral acidity. 


Many people make the mistake of assuming that these plants want full sun. While they do like a lot of sun, harsh midday and afternoon sun could burn the leaves. Give them lots of light, but try to avoid full sun. 

If grown indoors, it should be positioned near a north-facing window or, at the very least, somewhere it gets a decent amount of light (4 to 6 hours is ideal). 

It can handle less light, but the plant will not have the same vibrant and dramatic leaf coloring. 


The last thing that you want is for the plant to remain in wet, soggy soil. Rather, let the soil dry completely between watering. Check the moisture level with your finger to see if the soil’s dry enough. 

When you do water, be generous. Provided you have well-draining soil, it will give the soil the correct amount of moisture without building up. 

Naturally, in hot conditions, the plant will need watering more often. You can reduce watering to as little as once a month in winter. Certain pots are more porous, so that they will require more frequent watering. 

You can use a soil water meter, but simply checking with your fingers works perfectly well. Do not overwater, but ensure it does get enough water when the soil is completely dry. 


The Sansevieria Boncel is extremely hardy and can handle a range of temperatures. It does, however, not enjoy conditions below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). 

70-90 degrees Fahrenheit (21-32 degrees Celcius) is the preferred temperature range for the Sansevieria Boncel. Ensure it is not near an air conditioner or somewhere with a cold draft. 

Standard room temperature is perfectly fine for a happy Sansevieria Boncel plant. 


While the plant can tolerate fairly high humidity, it is not needed for the health of the plant. If the area is especially humid, one would need to water less frequently. 

Low humidity is of no concern to this tough plant. 


This plant needs very little in the way of fertilizer. For a happy, healthy plant, ensure the soil has nutrients and perhaps add a bit of general-purpose, preferably organic, fertilizer

Do this sparingly in the hotter months of the year. Two or three applications are probably more than enough. 

In the spring and summer months, you can use a cactus fertilizer. This will give the plant good nourishment. 

The best option is a balanced liquid fertilizer with a 10-10-10 balance of nutrients. Dilute the fertilizer’s concentration to half of its recommended strength. 

Too much fertilizer is as bad, if not worse, than too little. Do not fertilize in the cold winter months. 


Another great thing about Sansevieria Boncel is that it is easy to propagate. 

This allows you to make more of these fascinating plants for your own enjoyment or to share and swap with friends and family. 

We go into more detail further down, but the easiest way to propagate Sansevieria Boncel is by division. 


The Sansevieria boncel is a slow-growing succulent with short, smooth leaves that are cylindrical and rather fat. The tips have a sharp point. 

It tends to grow in a fan shape. With time, multiple offsets will develop, and this will fill the container or pot. 

The plant will grow to roughly 20 inches in a larger pot with leaves of 8 to 12 inches. 

It does not flower often, but some years you might get pink buds that develop into flowers that are greenish-white in color. They have a subtle but pleasant fragrance in the evenings. 


The most important thing to ensure is that the pot has good drainage. The roots do not want to lie in wet soil. 

Place a few small pebbles at the base of the pot to aid drainage. Use soil as described above. 

As it is a slow grower, you do not need to repot very often. You can do this if you want to move it to a larger pot or separate some of the offsets to produce new plants. 

This is best done in spring, but it could handle it at other times of the year. 

When repotting, use fresh soil, as the old soil might have lost much of its nutrient value over time. 

The roots can become quite aggressive over time, so use a robust pot. Terracotta is always a good option but any strong container will do the trick. 

Sansevieria Boncel Propagation

There are several ways to propagate the Sansevieria boncel. As the plant matures, it creates offsets, otherwise known as “pups.” 

These develop on rhizomes, each with their own root system, and once slightly mature, are easy to separate from the main plant. 

These can be potted out individually. Within a  season or two, they will start to multiply and fill the pot. Simply pot the pups as recommended above. 

The plant can also be grown from cuttings, but this is a lot more challenging and time-consuming. It is only recommended if you want to produce a vast number of plants. 

Common problems with Sansevieria boncel

There are few insects or diseases that affect this hardy succulent but you cannot become complacent. Inspect the plant from time to time to see if there are any problems. 



Under certain conditions, or if you have other infected plants nearby, mealybugs could become an issue. It is quite easy to get rid of with a few drops of rubbing alcohol dropped or wiped onto the leaves. 

Spider mites

If you encounter spider mites, clean and rinse the leaves with warm water. If the problem is severe, treat the plant with Neem oil. 

Soapy water is also effective. For milder infections, simply add some normal dishwashing liquid to water and pour over the plants. 

This is effective on many plant issues. It does not harm the environment, and it is inexpensive.


Scale, if left untreated, can be an issue. Keep an eye on the plant for scale infestation and treat or prevent future issues with Neem oil. This will need to be repeated until the problem is under control. 

If you catch the problem early, all you need to do is to clean it with a Q-tip or cloth using rubbing alcohol. 


Leaf spot

This is one of the few diseases that might affect your Sansevieria Boncel. It is generally a fungal infection but is sometimes caused by bacteria. 

You can identify it by brown spots that appear along the leaf. 

If noted, remove the infected leaf or leaves. Ensure that the plant is not being over-fertilized or over-watered and that is getting sufficient light. 

If all of these issues are under control and you still have a problem, you will need a commercial fungal and/or bacterial treatment for your plant. 

Tips to keep Sansevieria boncel problem-free

Following the soil, water, potting, and other guidelines we have given above should result in a happy and healthy Sansevieria boncel. It needs little to no attention. 

Ensure it is not too cold, gets adequate light, and the occasional watering, not too much, and you should have no problems. 

Too much love and attention will do more harm than good. Just stick to the basics, and you will be fine. 

Frequently asked questions about Sansevieria boncel

Is the Sansevieria boncel toxic?

Unlike other succulents, all parts of this plant are considered toxic. This applies to both humans and pets as well. The spiky points will keep most pets or children away but keep the toxicity in mind when you position the plant. 

Do I need to prune or trim my plant?

Since the Sansevieria Boncel is slow-growing and does not get very large, you don’t need to trim it. Their growth will depend on the pot’s size as well as the conditions. The only time you would want to cut the plant is if it has a damaged leaf. Cut it neatly near the base with a sharp disinfected blade.

Will my Sansevieria boncel survive if I go away on holiday?

Just like other succulents, Sansevieria boncel will survive unless you are gone for many months. The plants are drought-tolerant and can survive for some time without water or attention. You should be fine to leave the plant unattended for a while. Make sure to water the plant before you leave and as soon as you return from your trip. 

Can I grow a potted Sansevieria boncel in a low-light area?

Sansevieria boncel can survive in areas with low lighting. The succulent will do better with a fair amount of light but many people grow them in offices or rooms with poor light. You might not get the full effect of the colors of the plant so it might be an idea to take it outdoors once or twice a month to get a few hours of the morning sun. This will help with the health, growth, and color of the plant. 

Does this plant help to purify the air?

Another good reason to have this low-maintenance attractive plant is that yes, as with other Sansevieria plants, it purifies the air. This plant’s a great asset in any home or office. Even NASA worked with this plant for air purification qualities. Studies have proved the benefits of Sansevieria for cleaning the air. 


If you are looking for an attractive plant that is no effort to look after then you can’t go wrong with the Sansevieria Boncel.

It is a popular plant that can survive in most conditions, even in poor light. It remains fairly small and can be placed indoors or outdoors. 

The shape of the leaves and the fan growth pattern make an unusual and attractive display that is sure to get attention. 

ou want more to share with others, it is easy to propagate. It is a slow grower but before you know it, it will create a stunning display 

It will clean the air in your home, provide you with years of beauty, and take you little to no time to care for. 

If you do not have a  Sansevieria Boncel in your plant collection, you’re surely missing out. It is one of the easiest plants to care for and a really attractive and rewarding plant.