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Sansevieria Sayuri Care — Explained from A to Z

Sansevieria Sayuri Care — Explained from A to Z

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One of the more uncommon Sansevieria varieties, but no less beautiful, is the Sansevieria sayuri. It goes by the common names Sansevieria Metallica and Sansevieria Silver Siam.

As with all varieties of Sansevieria plants, it is also called a Snake Plant. 

Native to tropical parts of Africa, Metallica Snake Plants are classified as being tropical plants. They feature slim, upright blade-type foliage with slightly varying colors.

You can expect to see these plants with leaves of light green to silvery gray. This color combination is what earned this plant its nickname of Sansevieria Metallica. 

Sansevieria Sayuri Care

Sansevieria sayuri requires well-draining, gritty soil. It should only be watered once every ten days or monthly in winter. Water it deeply and thoroughly once its soil has dried. Keep it in a bright spot with temperatures between 60℉ and 85℉ (16℃ and 29℃) and 40% to 50% humidity. 


Metallica Snake Plants are prone to root rot and need soil that is free-draining. Gritty soil types are ideal. Potting mixes that are specifically for cacti or succulent plants are also recommended. However, they can grow in just about any type of soil so long as they have adequate drainage. 

Sansevieria Metallicas are not extremely fussy when it comes to what soil they are grown in.

There is just one vital feature, however, that is essential.

These Snake Plants can grow in just about any type of soil, provided it has well-draining properties. This preference is due to their being prone to root rot

Ideally, you should grow your Sansevieria sayuri in a gritty type of soil. Or, better yet, making use of a soilless potting mix will ensure ample drainage. Recommended soil mixes to make use of when potting this plant are succulent or cacti potting mixes. 


Sansevieria sayuri can survive in a range of light levels, from full shade to full sun. For best growth results, however, place it in a spot that receives moderate to bright sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can harm your plant. 

These Snake Plants grow well in a range of sun exposure and lighting levels. W

Whether your Sansevieria sayuri is grown as a houseplant by a brightly lit window or outdoors in a shaded spot under a tree, it will be just fine.

There really is no spot you could place this plant that it would not be able to adapt to! 

Sansevieria Metallicas can be grown in conditions from full sun exposure to low-lit indoor areas. They are very forgiving and extremely adaptable. However, they do have a preferred location.

Ideally, you should place your Metallica Snake Plant in a spot that receives moderate to bright, natural light. An excessive amount of exposure to direct sunlight can be harmful to your Snake Plant. 


Sansevieria sayuri prefers it if you leave the soil to dry out before you water it again. Typically, water once every ten days. In winter, water your plant once a month. Too much water will result in root rot.

This Snake Plant requires little to no water. Sansevieria Metallicas are incredibly drought-tolerant plants. They can survive days without water. In fact, they would rather go without water for a few days than be given too much water. 

The best way to water your Sansevieria sayuri is by making use of the ‘deeply and thoroughly’ method. This means applying water directly to your plant’s soil until it begins to stream out the bottom of the pot.

Then, allow a couple of minutes for any excess water to drain through the soil into the pot’s saucer.

Finally, empty the saucer of the excess water. 

Allow your plant’s soil to dry between each watering. Typically, you can expect to water your Sansevieria Metallica once every ten days. Before watering your plant, it is essential that you check the soil has dried. Overwatering this plant is a sure way to kill it! 

Reduce watering completely during the winter months. This is when the plant goes into a period of dormancy. During this time, only water your plant once per month. 


Sansevieria Metallica thrives in temperatures between 60℉ and 85℉ (16℃ and 29℃). Temperatures below 40℉ (4℃) are harmful to this plant, and frost can damage its leaves. Although it is not vital, 40% to 50% humidity is recommended for best results. 

Comfortable and adaptable to most temperatures and humidity levels, the Sansevieria sayuri really is an easy keeper. Moderate or average temperatures and humidity levels are desirable, however.

Although they are somewhat cold-hardy, your Metallica Snake Plant’s soil and roots must remain dry. 

Ideal temperatures to keep your Sansevieria Metallica in are between 60℉ and 85℉ (16℃ and 29℃). Temperatures below 40℉ (4℃) should be avoided as frost is known to damage these plants’ leaves.

And even though any level is doable, 40% to 50% humidity is recommended. 


Fertilize your Sansevieria Metallica once per month in spring through summer. Use a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer and dilute it to half the recommended strength. Do not feed your plant in winter and autumn. The fertilizer will not be used and instead will burn your plant’s roots.

Feeding your Sansevieria sayuri is best done during its growing season. This occurs in the warmer months of spring to summer. Avoid fertilizing your plant over autumn and winter.

Applying fertilizer during the plant’s dormancy period, when it cannot be used, will likely result in burning its roots. 

A monthly application of a balanced houseplant fertilizer is best. Always dilute the fertilizer to half the recommended strength before use.

Although beneficial, fertilizing your Sansevieria Metallica is not essential. It will grow just fine without being fed, it will just grow at a slower pace. 


The Sansevieria sayuri grows up to 3 feet (0.9 meters).

It features blade-like foliage with streaky silvery-green coloring. It rarely flowers but is known to produce sweetly fragranced, pale green blooms in clusters on flower spikes. Its berries are small and reddish.

These popular but uncommon plants make for excellent house or garden plants.

They are exceptionally low-maintenance plants which makes them easy to keep and grow. With little to no effort, these plants will thrive!

Sansevieria sayuri’s have an upright growing habit with blade-shaped foliage. With a vertical strip pattern, their foliage blends silvery, metallic gray, and green.

These plants are known to reach as high as 2 feet to 3 three feet (0.6 to 0.9 meters). Although, potted Metallica Snake Plants generally only reach about 2 feet (0.6 meters) tall. 

Unfortunately, although the Sansevieria sayuri is a flowering plant, it rarely blooms. On the rare occasion that it does, the Metallica Snake Plant produces vertical flower spikes.

These spikes are covered in small buds. 

On the top third of the spike, the flowers grow in clusters. The flowers are ovoid-shaped and typically pale green to greenish-white. They are also thought to have a sweet fragrance.

The Sansevieria Metallica’s fruits are small berries and are reddish-orange in color. 


Plant your Sansevieria Metallica in a terracotta pot that has drainage holes. Repot your plant every year to refresh its soil that may have become compacted. Repotting should be done during the spring to summer months, as this is when the plant is actively growing. 

Sansevieria sayuri plants grow well in pots. It is important, however, that the pot you choose to grow your Metallica Snake Plant has holes for draining water. Terracotta pots are recommended as they do not trap water inside them. 

You should repot your Sansevieria Metallica once a year. Although the plant may not have outgrown its pot yet, it will need to have its soil changed.

After time and numerous waters, the soil becomes old and compacted. Compacted soil does not drain well and can become waterlogged. 

The best time to repot your Metallica Snake Plant is in the Spring to Summer. During this time, the plant is actively growing and is less likely to be affected by the change.

Plants that have outgrown their pots can be replanted into a bigger pot or divided into two or more individual plants. 


Prune your plant’s dead or discolored leaves. Or prune the plant’s foliage to control its growth and maintain a desirable size. Do not leave pruned foliage around as it will likely reroot in undesirable places. Use clean gardening shears to prune your plant. 

Metallica Snake Plants do not need to be pruned very often. There are only two occasions you will need to prune this plant. One reason to prune your Sansevieria Metallica is to control its size and growth.

The other reason you may need to prune your Snake Plant is if it has damaged or discolored foliage. 

Using clean gardening shears, cut away any discolored or dead leaves as need. Be sure to remove the leaf at the base of the plant and discard it. Do not throw or leave the pruned leaves in the garden.

Under the right conditions, it is likely these pruned pieces will reroot where they were left. This can result in undesirable propagation of the plant. 

Sansevieria sayuri propagation

There are two viable methods of propagating the Sansevieria sayuri. Propagating this plant through leaf cuttings is possible but time-consuming. It takes up to four months before a new plant begins to form. Propagation through division is the recommended method. 

Propagating the Sansevieria sayuri is easily and best done through division. Carefully remove your Metallica Snake plant from its pot.

Gently shake it to remove any excess soil. Separate each rosette and replant them individually. 

It is also possible to propagate this plant through leaf cuttings. This method is longer as the cutting will take between three and four months to root and begin growing like a normal plant.

Because of the time implication, propagating the Metallica Snake Plant through division is the recommended method. 

Common problems with Sansevieria sayuri

Although Metallica Snake Plants are not typically bothered by pests, they can occasionally be seen troubled by mealybugs or spider mites.

These low-level pests cause little to no harm to these plants and are more of a pain to us plant lovers. 

Regularly cleaning your Sansevieria sayuri’s foliage will reduce the risk of having to deal with these pests.

If the situation arises where they have invaded your plant, the solution to getting rid of them is easy.

Simply wipe your plant’s leaves with rubbing alcohol. 

Along with their resistance to pests, Sansevieria Metallica’s are not typically susceptible to many diseases.

The most pressing problem to watch out for is root rot, which this plant is prone to. This disease is caused by overwatering your Sansevieria sayuri. 

Frequently asked questions about Sansevieria sayuri

Is the Sansevieria sayuri toxic?

As with all Sansevieria plants, the Sansevieria Metallica is considered toxic for humans and animals. If the plant is ingested, it will likely result in irritation of the mouth and stomach. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

Does the Sansevieria sayuri need to be cleaned?

Although not absolutely necessary, dusting and cleaning your Sansevieria sayuri plant’s leaves will be beneficial for its growth. By simply wiping your plant’s foliage with a damp cloth every few months you will remove dust and discourage possible pests. Cleaning your plant like this helps it to optimize photosynthesizing. 


It is no wonder why Sansevieria plants make for popular house and garden plants. They are low-maintenance, easy-keepers that are known to thrive with minimal care.

Not only do they take neglect, but Metallica Snake Plants are also incredibly forgiving and can adapt to just about any environment.

Not to mention their sheer beauty! Truly elegant and unique in stature, who would not want a Sansevieria sayuri?