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Why is My Geranium not Flowering? — Well, Here’s Why

Why is My Geranium not Flowering? — Well, Here’s Why

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This popular plant offers a number of variants that provide a burst of color and attractive leaves.

Geraniums are a favored domestic plant and tend to feature heavily in window boxes and flower beds. 

Native to South Africa, it is rumored to have been brought to the USA in the late 18th century, and that Thomas Jefferson spread the love by gifting his cuttings to friends and family! 

Geraniums are relatively easy to grow, but if you are experiencing problems with getting your geranium to flower we’re here to help. 

After reading this guide you will easily be able to identify why your geranium is not flowering. 


Why Is My Geranium not Flowering?

Geraniums require a large amount of sun; six hours of full sun a day is recommended. They need to be exposed to enough light to bloom and to avoid growing “leggy”. Also, make sure the temperature is around 70°F (21°C). Do not overwater and only use moderate levels of fertilizer.


Correct light levels for geraniums

A sun-loving plant, geraniums require at least four hours full sun per day. Ideally, however, they will want six hours or more. 

This can be a challenge if you are growing indoors. If the plants do not receive enough light they will not bloom correctly. 

They will also likely grow long and spindly legs as they search for light. Try to get them in the sunniest window possible in order to maximize exposure. 


Correct temperatures required to help your geranium bloom

Daytime temperatures need to be at or above 70 degrees Fahrenheit – consistently – in order to get the geranium to flower. 

You need also to watch nighttime temperatures – they should remain above 55 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid any delayed growth or cold damage. 


Optimal soil content requirements for getting your geranium to flower

You will need a special consistency in the soil to help your geraniums to bloom. If you are not getting the flowers you want, perhaps you need to change up the mix.

A loamy base with sand is ideal, as it will promote the best drainage and not stress the plant out with the risk of becoming waterlogged. 


Getting your geranium to bloom with the right soil/water balance

Since the geranium is native to the wilds of southern Africa, it is able to survive without constant and regular watering. It flourishes in areas where the soil dries out in between downpours. 

As a result, the biggest issue that a houseplant variety can face is overwatering. In order to get the plant to bloom in the same way it does in the wild, you need to replicate the same conditions experienced in its native habitat.

Poorly draining soil and too much water will lead the plant to become stressed or worse, at risk of disease which will affect the quality of any flowers.  

Root rot – a fungal infection that causes the disintegration of the roots – will stop the plant from flowering at all. 

If you are not getting the flowers you want try reducing the amount and frequency of watering. In the summer, once a week should be more than enough. Your soil should be beginning to dry out before you water it.


Incorrect fertilizer application can stop your geranium from flowering

It is not really necessary to fertilize your indoor geranium plant, but if you do want to you need to take care that you are not giving it too much. 

A light regimen is best, whereby you do not over-fertilize. If you give the plant too much food it will turn into a more vegetative state, and will want to produce more green leaves rather than flowers. 

Fertilize once a month with a low nitrogen content fertilizer to promote health rather at the expense of any blooms. 

Find a solution that has a little more potassium in the mix – typically this can be found in a tomato fertilizer for example. 


Pruning and cutting techniques required to help your geranium flower

During the peak of the summer, the plant will begin to grow longer as the older stems grow out.

Encourage re-flowering by cutting back any leggy and spindly stems – this will encourage new growth in your geranium. 

Make sure you sterilize your pruning tools in between each plant to stop any diseases from spreading. 


Top Tips for helping your geranium to flower

Make sure there are some drainage holes in the pot 

Only water when you see the soil starting to dry up a bit

Prune back leggy stems in the height of the summer to encourage re-flowering

Expose your geranium to as much sunlight as possible

Make sure your geranium is in a south or west-facing window 

Fertilize lightly and only once a month with a low nitrogen content fertilizer

Make sure the soil is well-draining – a sandy mix is best 

Do not expose the plant to frost


Frequently asked questions about geraniums that do not flower properly


Why do I only have a few flowers on my geranium plant, but plenty of healthy-looking leaves?

Check that you are not over-fertilizing the plant, and that your fertilizer mix is an equal balance of minerals. Nitrogen should be equal to other parts, not more. Too much fertilizer will make the plant want to behave more like a vegetable, and focus too much on growing lush healthy leaves rather than flowers. 


Where is the best place to keep my geranium plant indoors?

Geraniums love the sun! To get them to flower indoors you need to expose them to as much light as possible. A south or west-facing window will be best. Make sure to rotate the plant to avoid unexposed sides from becoming “leggy”.</span