Some call it ‘Money plant’ or ‘Devil’s Ivy’, the Pothos is a resilient and hardy vine that you can easily grow indoors or out.
Pothos is the perfect houseplant for any area of the house that may not get much sunlight, such as in a dim room or dark apartment, while still yielding lush green foliage that can be trained to trail around a window, door, or fixture.
The leaves of Pothos can get brown tips.
Want a hardy and lush pothos in your home? Keep reading to learn how!
Table of Contents
Why are there brown tips on my pothos?
Generally, the reason why the leaves of pothos turn brown is due to watering issues. You could be watering the plant too much, or you could be under watering your pothos. If watering is not the cause of brown tips on pothos, it could be related to a pest problem.
Pothos Problems
While the money plant is an easy plant to grow in practically any condition, there are some factors that may contribute to the leaves turning brown.
- Improper watering, too much or too little
- Too much direct sun
- Pests
- Plant diseases
- Too much fertilizer
- Wrong temperatures
These conditions are typically easily resolved so pothos can survive and thrive in or out of your home.
Tips to Grow Pothos
Pothos can be placed indoors or out, depending on the climate where you live.
Pothos do not survive temperatures below 50-degrees Fahrenheit, so it makes sense to plant them in containers that can be brought in if and when temperatures take a dip.
Pothos like to be pruned, so pinch and trim with clean shears routinely. Cut the vine above and near the leaf to foster new growth.
Trim the long vines of a trailing pothos to make it fuller and lusher. If the plant seems to not be growing much at all, try pruning the plant.
Did you know that it’s possible to grow pothos in water? You can keep the roots in water that you change regularly for an organic-looking houseplant that works well in the kitchen!
Some other tips for growing healthy and hardy pothos include the following suggestions!
- Keep your pothos healthy and shiny by cleaning the leaves each week or two. Simply wipe them with a clean, dry cloth, which will also help them absorb light and grow lush.
- Pothos like to be fertilized with a diluted liquid fertilizer, but no more than once every couple of months. Dilute the fertilizer to a quarter of its normal usage and if the leaves turn brown, you gave it too much.
- Do not forget that you can rotate or move your pothos to capture the perfect amount of filtered sun daily. Also, this ensures that each part and side of the pothos plant are getting exposed to the sun- which will make it green and lush.
- If growing outdoor plants, make sure to watch for direct sunlight as this can burn your pothos, particularly the strong afternoon sunlight.
- Too much water is the number one way that gardeners and enthusiasts kill their pothos. Only water a pothos when it feels slightly dry and always pay attention to drainage. Touch the soil- feels dry? Start watering your pothos then.
- Are some of your pothos’ leaves shifting to a yellow hue? It’s a sign of too little chlorophyll. Add Epsom salt to the water and spray the plant to encourage the production of chlorophyll. The sulfur in the Epsom salt is what helps make the plant green and lush.
Pothos like a consistently warm temperature, which is why they are so at home inside. They do not tolerate drafts and chilly conditions, so position the plant accordingly.
Make sure that it is warm- above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and protected from air conditioning, drafts, or cool temperatures.
Frequently Asked Questions about Why There are Brown Tips on My Pothos
What makes a pothos turn brown?
Too much water will cause your pothos to turn brown due to root rot. Some other reasons why the leaves on a pothos will turn brown include the wrong conditions, like temperature, and pests.
How do you water a pothos plant?
Water your pothos plant until water runs out of the drainage holes in the vessel containing it. The specific time will vary depending on climate, but usually, you water pothos once a week. Make sure to water well but never let a pothos sit in water as this is the perfect scenario for root rot.
Are pests a problem for pothos?
Mealybugs and scale are the most common pest problem facing pothos. Mealybugs suck the nutrients from the leaves of a pothos plant, often resulting in brown spots and visible leaf damage.
Do Pothos like the sun?
Pothos prefer filtered sunlight in moderation. These plants thrive in the shade but do best with a bit of diffused morning light. Direct sunlight can scorch the pothos plant’s leaves.
Why is the Pothos wilting?
If a pothos is wilting or looking lackluster, check the drainage system. When roots are too moist, it is called ‘wet feet’, caused by poor drainage and too much water. It makes the leaves and plants look limp.
Thinking about a pothos? These lush, green vines can trail and climb all around a room, patio, or garden, adding a tropical element that is easy to care for.
Use these tips to prevent and address brown leaves on your pothos- as well as the best ways to maintain a hardy plant.

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.