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Brown Spots on Basil: 6 Best Reasons & Treatments

Brown Spots on Basil: 6 Best Reasons & Treatments

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Why are there brown spots on my basil plant?

Let us have a look at some of the most common reasons and let’s find out what you can do about it!

Brown Spots on Basil

Brown spots on basil are caused by fungi or bacteria. Other causes of brown spots include a lack of nutrients and damage from pests such as aphids and slugs.

Brown Spots on Basil

Brown Spots on Basil

1. Fungal Diseases

One of the primary causes of brown spots and other damage to basil plants is fungal disease. These are some of the most common culprits.

Fusarium Wilt

Caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum.

Symptoms: Brown streaks on the stems begin when the plant is eight to ten inches tall, followed by brown spots on leaves, then leaf death, and eventually the complete death of the plant.

Treatments: Unfortunately, there aren’t any! This is a very difficult disease to treat, and it can linger in the soil for years. Remove any potentially infected plants at once.

You can help avoid introducing fusarium wilt by buying only plants and seeds from reputable growers whose products are certified free of diseases.

Downy Mildew

Caused by the oomycete (a fungus-like parasite) Peronospora belbaharii.

Symptoms: Leaves will begin to yellow, brown, and curl, much as they would if nutrient deficient, but the giveaway is the presence of grey or purplish fuzz, like mold, on the bottoms of the leaves.

Treatments: There are no good treatments for basil downy mildew, but you can help avoid it by maintaining good airflow around your plants, watering at soil level, growing downy mildew resistant varieties, and buying from reputable growers whose plants are disease-free.

2. Bacterial Diseases

Though less common than fungal diseases, bacteria can also infect and damage your basil plants.

Bacterial Leaf Spot or Basil Shoot Blight

Caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas cichorii.

Symptoms: Brown or black spots on the leaves, as well as brown or black streaks on stems.

Treatments: Again, there are no good treatments once your plant is infected, but you can help prevent infection by watering at the soil level and improving drainage and air circulation.

3. Pests

Like most plants, basil is susceptible to plenty of creepy-crawly pests that like to munch on the leaves, causing browning, holes, and other damage.


Aphids are tiny soft-bodied insects that suck sap and nutrients from your plants’ leaves and stems.

Symptoms of Aphid Damage: A sticky black substance on leaves, curled and spotted leaves, stunted growth.

Treatments: Many insecticides will easily treat aphid infestations, including organic options like insecticidal soaps and neem oil.

Ensure your treatment is safe for edible plants, and follow directions carefully.


Soft, large-leaved plants like basil are especially vulnerable to these slimy pests.

Symptoms of Slug Damage: Ragged holes and bleached or brown spots, and tell-tale slime trails.

Treatments: Use diatomaceous earth or crushed eggshells around the base of plants as a barrier slugs can’t cross.

Encourage toads in your garden—natural slug predators—by adding toad houses. Improve air circulation to remove the moist, dark areas where slugs thrive.

Sometimes, brown spots on basil aren’t due to disease or pests at all. Other factors in your plant’s environment, from the soil to the sun, can cause damage to the leaves and stems.

4. Sunburn

Watering from above causes droplets to pool on the leaves, acting like little magnifying glasses, focusing sunlight until it burns your plant’s leaves.

Symptoms of Sunburn: Look for small bleached or brown spots on the tops of the leaves.

Make sure to rule out other causes of damage, such as disease or insect damage, since the treatment for those is different.

Treatments: Water your plants in the early morning or evening to avoid the brightest parts of the day and only at the soil level so water doesn’t pool on the leaves.

This will also help prevent bacterial and fungal diseases.

5. Frost

Basil is native to sub-tropical areas and very sensitive to cold temperatures.
Symptoms of Frost Damage: Leaves and stems sagging, looking mushy or brown. It can be patchy or include the whole plant.

Treatments: If your entire plant was affected by frost, unfortunately, there’s no saving it.

Removing the entire plant so it doesn’t attract pests and disease as it decays is best.

However, if only part of it was affected, you may still be okay.

Cut away all the damaged leaves and stems, and make sure to protect the remaining plant from any cold temperatures by covering it when frosts are expected.

6. Nutrient Deficiency

Nutrient deficiency isn’t the most common cause of sickly-looking basil plants, if you’ve ruled out other options, it may still be to blame.

Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiency: The most common deficiencies in basil are magnesium and potassium, both of which can cause leaves to turn yellow or brown, typically in the spaces between leaf veins while the veins themselves remain green.

Older leaves are more susceptible as the plant begins to redistribute scarce nutrients to new growth.

Treatments: A dose of fertilizer will usually do the trick for potassium deficiency.

Check the label for the NPK ratio (nitrogen to phosphorus to potassium) and opt for something with plenty of potassium but not too much nitrogen.

If you suspect magnesium deficiency is the problem, water with a solution of Epsom salts—also known as magnesium sulfate, Epsom salts are a great source of nutrients for your plant.

Can you still eat Basil with Brown Spots?

The brown spots, as stated, may be caused by fungus or other diseases as well as pests that might have left eggs and also feces on the basil.

Therefore it is best not to eat basil with brown spots anymore.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brown Spots on Basil

Which basil varieties are most resistant to disease?

Varieties resistant to downy mildew include Eleonora, Rutgers Obsession, Rutgers Devotion, Rutgers Passion, Prospera Italian Large Leaf, and Prospera DMR. Varieties resistant to fusarium include Elidia, Aroma 2, Nufar, Prospera Italian Large Leaf, and Prospera DMR.

Are basil leaves with brown spots still safe to eat?

The leaves can be eaten after washing if your plant has sunburn or pest nibbles. However, don’t eat leaves damaged by disease. Ensure treatments for pests or diseases are safe for edibles, and always wash leaves before use.