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How Long Do Peace Lilies Last – Let’s See

How Long Do Peace Lilies Last – Let’s See

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Peace Lilies, also popularly referred to as closet plants, are a famous contemporary choice for homes and offices. If compared to the other indoor plants, it is significantly easier to care for them.

However, healthy growing conditions are still necessary. This plant has white flowers and dark green leaves. If you are wondering for how many years you can enjoy this beautiful plant, keep reading.


How Long Do Peace Lilies Last?

Predicting how long a plant can survive is hard to say. However, on the other hand, it is certainly possible to predict whether a plant would stick around enough to pay your investment back in it. On average, Peace Lilies can survive anywhere between three to five years. They are known for their aesthetic appeal and their capability to cleanse the air.


How to Care for Your Peace Lily?

Peace Lilies are likely to survive longer the better you care for them. Since they belong to tropical and subtropical areas, they require humidity and warmth to thrive.

Moreover, you can water them when the surface of the soil feels dry upon touching. Make sure to not let them dry out a lot as the leaves would wilt or become yellow.

The ideal soil is the one that is slightly moist. Peace Lilies have tolerance for heavy shade, but they are likely to not bloom enough.

If you would like it to form its white bracts, you must put it at a spot that doesn’t receive direct sunlight but would still give the plant indirect and bright sunlight.

For example, you can place it at a window that is north facing or under filtered tree shade.

It is important to note, Peace Lilies cannot tolerate temperatures lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), and if you go under that, it will kill their roots.


Benefits of Growing a Peace Lily

Caring for a Peace Lily is a reciprocal relationship that is likely to pay off as it makes your home a healthier space to live.

They have the ability to filter air toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

Along with that, because of their ease of care, they are a preferred choice for indoor spaces, including offices.


Can Pests Kill Peace Lilies?

Even though Peace Lilies are known for being problem-free, they are not entirely perfect. Before reaching a ripe old age, it can be killed by diseases pertaining to the root or stem.

They often appear due to overwatering; therefore, you must ensure that their pots have holes for the water to drain out.

If your Peace Lilies are growing indoors, then mites or mealy bugs, which are prominent houseplant pests, can be a source of the problem.

Regardless of the obvious dangers, it is always a good idea to prevent them. Prevention is possible by simply wiping down the leaves with a damp cloth after every few days.

It would remove the dust that attracts these bugs. Moreover, if you still come to notice pests, simply use a stream of water to knock them off.


What Problems Should You Keep an Eye Out For?

Leaves that are older will likely turn yellow with time. You can remove them completely from the center.

If your Peace Lily is developing yellow leaves due to overwatering, cut back on the water, and it may recover.

Brown edges are a sign that your Peace Lily is exposed to direct sunlight.

In that case, move it away from sunbeams and try increasing the humidity around it. Humidity can be increased by using a saucer filled with pebbles under the pot.

By adding water (up to 1/3 inch) onto the pebbles, you will allow the evaporation to go up surrounding the leaves.

If there is zero blooming of your Peace Lily, try to move it into a space that gets bright but indirect light.

Moreover, since their leaves are large, they tend to accumulate dust. To get rid of the dust, hose the plant down with a shower and let it dry.


What Is the Right Dosage of Fertilizer?

Your Peace Lily’s life span can also be shortened due to a lot of fertilizer.

Avoid giving it a full dosage of food and only provide the 20-20-20 houseplant fertilizer at least once a month.

Try to keep it only up to one-half of the suggested dose. For example, if the dose that is recommended is two teaspoons, make it one teaspoon instead.


Frequently Asked Questions about the Lifespan of Peace Lilies


What should I do if my Peace Lily has finished flowering?

Lilies usually bloom once every season; however, the faded flowers can be removed. This is important so that no energy is lost by the plant to make seeds. During fall, remove the leaves only if they have turned brown and died down.


How do I cut off the stalk if my Peace Lily fades?

Peace Lilies make their flowers using stalks that develop from the plant base. After making a flower, a stalk does not make another, and if the flower fades, the stalk will eventually die out. Therefore, the stalk must be cut off very close to the bottom.


Can a Peace Lily survive if it is grown inside water?

Peace Lilies are often sold without soil in vases and can grow in water. However, you should ideally suspend the base of the plant above the waterline by using a layer of river stones.

This way, the roots grow inside the water, and it also protects the leaves and the plant base from getting wet.