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Hoya Linearis Care – The Only Guide You Need

Hoya Linearis Care – The Only Guide You Need

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The best thing about Hoya is you have hundreds of species to choose from. The Hoya Linearis is a distinctive Hoya with its long fuzzy stems that offer a curtain-like appearance when hanging.

It has other common names also such as wax plant, wax vine, and porcelain vine. It is native to the beautiful Himalayas in Asia according to the University Botanics Garden Ljubljana.

Many growers claim that this species has fairly weak roots, so the plant desires a perfect environment to thrive.

Hoya Linearis only needs to be watered when the top layer of soil becomes dry to the touch. You should plant it in fertile, well-draining soil.

Feed the plant using a balanced fertilizer in the growing season.

This is an extraordinary variety that is hard to find; if you were lucky to find one, congratulation! The next step is to care for your Hoya Linearis.

Hoya Linearis differs from many other Hoyas since it doesn’t have large, thick, waxy leaves for which Hoyas are famous. Instead, the leaves are thin, soft, and slightly hairy.

This delicate plant reaches maturity between 3 to 5 years. The leaves are up to 2 inches ( 5cm) long and deeply grooved on the underside.

The plant also features lax umbels of about 1.5 inches (3.7 cm), with 10 to 13 white flowers that are approximately 0.5 inches (1.2 cm) in size. The flowers have a pink tint and yellowish-white coronas.

Hoya Linearis is a very popular choice among plant growers who love trailing houseplants. And if you are one of them, keep reading.

This article has all the necessary care instructions for your Hoya Linearis, including the frequently asked questions about it.



Basic plant care for Hoya Linearis

This plant is ideal for hanging planters that show off the green foliage. If you can create the environmental conditions in which Hoya Linearis grows in nature, you won’t have any problems growing this as a houseplant.

This one grows as an epiphyte; therefore, maintain the indoor conditions according to that.



Use a free-draining potting mix for your Hoya Linearis. A well-aerated and fertile soil will make your Hoya plant very happy; you can prepare your own organic potting mix using a 1:1:1 ratio of cacti soil, orchid bark, and perlite.

Adding perlite will improve the drainage, which is a must for the epiphyte plant.

Some horticulture experts suggest another mixture for Hoyas with 2 parts of a soilless mix and 1 part of fine-grain bark mix. You can substitute perlite for fine grain.

Whichever option you choose, the mixture should be light and airy. So that water can drain well, and this will also prevent pooling, which will lead to root-rot. Try to maintain the soil pH from 6.1 to 7.5.

Hoya Linearis is an easy-growing plant provided you keep the soil on the dry side but, at the same time, maintain the watering requirements.

For growing it outdoors, USDA hardiness zones 11a to 11b are recommended. Choose a frost-free area with damp, well-draining soil in a sunny but sheltered location with midday shade.



Water your Hoya Linearis moderately during the active growth season. Allow the top layer of the potting mixture to dry out between watering.  

Hoya Linearis has different leaves; they are longer, softer, and don’t hold as much water compared to the flat and waxy leaves of other species.

Inappropriate watering and soil moisture are some of the most common reasons for failure in houseplant care. Hoya plants like to dry out well in between waterings.

But when you are watering them, let the potting medium properly soak in water. Water until the potting soil is thoroughly saturated, and all excess water flows through the drainage hole.

Water it weekly in summer. In winter, the lower light and cooler temperatures indoors will slow down or even stop plant growth. During the rest or dormant period, water very lightly to prevent the plant from drying out.

Never overwater a Hoya plant; the extra water is only going to damage your plant. You should not allow the plant to sit in standing water because the excess waters will attract some unwanted pests and cause root-rot.

Another consideration is watering at the wrong times. Don’t water the plant at night time because, with cooler temperature, the rate of evaporation reduces.

So the plant might be sitting in the soggy soil for a long period of time. The best time to water houseplants is early morning.

Either use filtered water or let the tap water sit overnight to allow the chemicals and impurities to dissipate.

The amount of water your plant will require depends on various factors such as temperature, humidity, and the local environment.

Extreme water temperatures can shock the plant, causing some of the leaves to drop off; you should always use water at room temperature.

Hoya Linearis demands excellent drainage because this is how they grow in nature. They receive heavy rains but dry well by good air circulation.



Hoya Linearis will require bright but indirect, filtered sunlight. Avoid direct light because the leaves will burn and shrivel in intense sun.

Unfortunately, this plant will not do well in low-light conditions. If hanging plants don’t get light on the top, they begin to get bald. Therefore make sure your Hoya Linearis is getting light at the top.

Hoya Linearis is a cooler growing species. This plant will really enjoy some morning sun, especially in winter. If you live in a warm region, be careful of the hot summer sun. Extended periods of strong sun exposure can burn the foliage.

Good lighting will also help the potting mixture to dry quickly, which is essential for this plant. Make sure you place the plant in a room that is well lit throughout the day.

The plant should receive indirect light for at least half of the day.

Note that Hoya Linearis will actually need some periods of darkness to thrive. One of the best locations for such plants is the bathroom, as most homes have filtered windows there, and the humidity is also usually higher.

During summer, depending on the position of your plant, you may have to diffuse the direct sunshine a little bit. You can use sheer curtains or window blinds.



Hoya Linearis can easily tolerate temperatures ranging between 60-85 oF  (15-29 degrees Celsius). The Hoya Linearis grows at higher altitudes in the wild so it can withstand cooler nighttime temperatures.

A basic temperature rule for many houseplants is to ensure the minimum indoor nighttime temperature doesn’t go below 10 degrees Celsius (50 oF).



Hoya Linearis is native to the tropical environment, so it’s not surprising that it loves humidity. This Hoya variety enjoys moderate to high humidity, 50 to 70% works great.

This particular Hoya demands more humidity than some other Hoya plants in your house. If the humidity is lower than the required level, the plant will have withered foliage.

One of the simplest methods to increase humidity is misting. Misting your plant regularly with filtered water can help simulate a humid atmosphere for it. Just a light misting is recommended, don’t soak the leaves in water.

If you are concerned about forgetting to mist your plant, invest in a humidifier. Another option is to group several plants in a small area. These plants will release moisture, which will naturally increase the humidity.

If none of the above works, place a shallow bowl of water near the plant to increase humidity levels.



You don’t have to fertilize this plant too often. But houseplants do like the extra boost of nourishment during the growing season.

Using a balanced fertilizer, feed the plant twice a month during the spring and summer season. Always dilute the fertilizer according to the label and manufacturer’s instructions because over-feeding can damage the plant.

If the potting medium is dry, water it slightly to moisten the soil before feeding. This is important to protect the roots from fertilizer burns.

You can use any good quality all-purpose, urea-free fertilizer to feed your plant with all the required major micro and macronutrients. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of fertilizer into a gallon of water, and use it while watering during the growing season.

Before the blooming phase starts, you can use a phosphorus-based fertilizer to encourage more blooms on the plant. Don’t fertilize during the resting period from October through February.

You can prepare the mixture just before application or store a mixture for later use.



You can give your Hoya Linearis a little pruning treatment to enhance the appearance of your plant. Take a sterilized pair of pruning shears or scissors and cut back any dead or dried stems and leaves.

Be careful not to cut the woody peduncles from which the star-shaped flowers will grow from. Don’t remove the old stalk; it will delay blooming and waste the plants’ energy for growing new stalks.

White latex will release while trimming the plant, and this liquid can be irritant. Always take precautions and wear gloves.



Propagating a Hoya Linearis is very easy and simple. The successful way to propagate your Hoya Linearis is via rooting stem cuttings.

Propagation can take several weeks for this variety. Therefore it is very important to keep the humidity high so cover your cuttings in a propagator, humidity dome, or plastic bag. Propagation via cuttings is quite straightforward, but it requires some extra care in the initial stages.

Stem cuttings

  • Take stem cuttings from a healthy growing Hoya Linearis and choose a stem that has 3 or 4 nodes, the node is the place where the leaf connects with the stem.
  • Remove the leaves from the two lowest nodes.
  • Dip the end of the cutting into a rooting hormone, and plant the cutting into a pot. You can use a soilless mixture containing 30-40% perlite.
  • Water the soil regularly and ensure good drainage. Don’t allow the potting soil to dry completely.
  • To facilitate fast growth, provide your cuttings with a lot of indirect bright sunlight and warm atmosphere. The temperature should be between 75-80 degrees.
  • Roots will appear in 3-4 weeks.

Ziplock method

  • Take a regular potting mix in a zip lock bag and add some perlite to make it airy. Slightly moisten the mixture.
  • Now place the cuttings inside, spray some water on the insides of the bag.
  • Seal the bag after filling some air. Improve air circulation after every 4 or 5 days.
  • After 1 month, new growth will appear. Now you can transfer the cutting to a pot and continue the care instructions mentioned above.

You can also root Hoya Linearis by placing an entire strand on the surface of the potting soil. The strand will start developing roots, now take the cuttings from this strand and pot it. This method will take a couple of months, but each node will develop roots and new leaves.



Hoyas do not need frequent repotting; they like being slightly root-bound, so choose smaller pots. You can repot them after a year or two if necessary.

If you want to check your plant for repotting, carefully take the plant out of the pot. Brush away the excess soil around the roots and check the base of the plant, if you notice a large number of roots circling around the bottom, then it’s probably best to repot it.

Increase pot size by just a few inches, go one size bigger. You can add some orchid bark to the regular houseplant potting soil to create a free-draining mix.

Another successful recipe is 1/2 well-draining indoor potting mix, 1/4 bark chips, and 1/4 succulent mix.

The best time to repot Hoya Linearis is early spring when the plant is actively growing after its winter rest. This will protect the plant from transplant shock and gives the roots a full growing season to establish a robust root system in their new base.



Hoya Linearis will have white, star-shaped flowers that have a lemony scent. These flowers have an appearance of tiny candles.

Hoya Linearis is a tender, evergreen perennial with slender, green stems bearing linear, hairy, grooved leaves and clusters of fragrant, star-shaped, white flowers from late summer into autumn. The blooms last for two weeks plus.

This plant mostly starts blooming after two years.



Hoya Linearis grows wildly outdoors, but as a houseplant, depending on the environmental conditions, the plant can get up to 2m large indoors. The growth rate for this variety is from average to fast. It grows in outwards and downwards directions.

The new growth on Hoya Linearis usually starts white and light green, so don’t assume the plant is sick if you notice this.

If the stems are very stretched, weak, and the leaves are comparatively smaller in size, your Hoya Linearis is experiencing etiolation. This means the plant is not getting the right amount of light.


Tips for growing Hoya Linearis

  • The secret to growing a healthy Hoya Linearis is to allow the potting mixture to dry out completely in between watering. This is achieved by good lighting, small pot size, and an appropriate potting mix.
  • As an epiphytic plant, they get a lot of moisture from the air and surrounding environment. They will appreciate regular misting if you’re growing them indoors.
  • The temperature of the water is significant; always allow the water to reach room temperature before watering.
  • To encourage the production of flower buds on Hoya Linearis, position the plant where it receives bright light. Even a little direct sun either in the morning or evening is really good.
  • You can also stop or reduce watering to force the plant to flower.
  • Take cuttings from the top and divide the stem into 6″ lengths because if you take cuttings from halfway down, the plant starts to grow sideways, and it will not hang so well.
  • Do not disturb the roots or move the plant around too much; this will delay blooming.

Common problems for Hoya Linearis

If your plant has scorched leaves, it is getting far too much sun but not enough humidity. Move your Hoya Linearis to a shaded and humid area. Consider placing the plant in a bright bathroom, since the humidity is high there.

Wilting leaves are an indicator of watering problems and could be a result of either root rot or prolonged under-watering. You should examine the roots of your Hoya to determine the cause. If the roots are very damp and started to rot, you should immediately take cuttings to propagate your Hoya Linearis for new growth. Whereas If the roots are excessively dry, increase watering.

Hoyas are susceptible to aphids in extremely dry or arid conditions. Always check your plant while watering.  The sooner you detect the pests, the higher are your chances of getting rid of them completely.

Large aphids infestations can reduce plant growth; they produce sticky honeydew, which promotes sooty mold and attracts ants. Aphids are the small, soft-bodied insects that suck the juices from the leaves, stems, and tender plants. These insects have over 4000 species and can be green, brown, golden, red, white, grey, or black in color.

They have a rapid reproductive cycle and damage plants at all life stages. They cause leaf stunting and yellowing; they can also transfer viruses that distort plant growth.

Spray your infested plant with a strong jet of water using a hose to remove the aphids and mealybugs. You can also use insecticidal soap and horticultural oils to control pest infections.

Oils work by suffocating soft-bodied insects, and soaps will destroy pests by damaging their protective surface coating. Don’t spray the flowers with horticulture oils.

Spider mites are another problem; they have tiny mouthparts used for piercing individual plant cells and sucking sap.When infected,the leaves will have tiny, yellow, or white speckles. The foliage will start dropping with heavy infestations.

The infected plant is discolored, stunted, or will eventually die. Spider mites cover the foliage with the fine webs, which gathers dust on the plant. They are usually not killed by regular insecticides, check the pesticide label to see if the designation “miticide” is present on it.

Inspect the fuzzy leaves closely, and if pests are present, the plant can be treated with insecticidal soap. Repeat the application weekly and keep the plant isolated until it is completely pest-free.



The long, delicate, and slightly hairy vines add an exotic jungle vibe to any indoor space.  With appropriate care, Hoya Linearis will thrive for several years. It is an eye-catching, and rewarding wax plant that’s very easy to maintain. Let it dry partially and then water.

As long as your Hoya Linearis plant is doing fine, there is no need to repot it.


Frequently asked questions about Hoya Linearis


My Hoya Linearis has suddenly started dropping leaves, what can i do?

Sudden leaf drop indicates shock from the cold temperature. Don’t hang your Hoya Linearis plant in cold windowsills and draughty windows in winter. Always remember that Hoya’s can’t tolerate temperatures below 50oF or 10 degrees Celsius, so make sure your plant is placed in a warm area with enough humidity.

Why is my Hoya Linearis is not blooming?

The main reason for this is your Hoya isn’t getting sufficient light. Another factor is that some Hoyas often flower after being stressed, so keep the plant slightly root bound to encourage beautiful blooms.

Is this Hoya plant toxic?

This plant is non-toxic, but the milky sap is irritable. Keep it away from pets and children. If you are growing it as a hanging plant, there is probably nothing to worry about since it’s out of reach anyway.