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Micans Lime Philodendron Care — The Ultimate Guide

Micans Lime Philodendron Care — The Ultimate Guide

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The striking green color of the Micans Lime Philodendron makes it a stand out plant that will surely catch attention if kept in your living room. 

With heart-shaped and a bright neon color, the Micans Lime Philodendron is easy to take care of and will bring a happy vibe to your home.


Micans Lime Philodendron care

A generally forgiving plant, the Micans Lime Philodendron likes bright but indirect sunlight and moist but not saturated, well-draining soil. Fertilize in the growing season regularly with a balanced fertilizer and make sure that temperature and humidity levels are kept on the higher side. 



Soil should be easy-draining and a mix of materials. Use 50% standard potting mix and then add sand, perlite or orchid bark mix. Store-bought cactus soil works well too. Watch out for water pooling in the soil and ensure adequate drainage holes.

When potting your Micans Lime Philodendron for the first time, make sure the pot you use is just one size larger than the original. 

This is to ensure there is not too much soil, which in turn could cause the plant to absorb too many nutrients or too much water. 

Add a couple of drainage holes to ensure the risk of waterlogging remains low – the Micans Lime Philodendron does not like to have wet feet. 

It does however like to have lightly moist soil, so you will need to manage a delicate balance of water and drainage to get the environment just right.  



Keep your Micans Lime Philodendron in bright but indirect sunlight. Very strong light will risk to burn the leaves. Too little will result in slow or even leggy growth. A bright corner away from the window is best. 

Low levels of light are generally going to be alright for your Micans Lime Philodendron but it will certainly not help it to thrive. 

Stick to rooms with bright windows but do not put them directly on the windowsill. Certainly, your plant should be kept away from south-facing windows. 

Pick areas of the room that receive neither shade nor direct light. A corner on a pot stand may be a good idea, or a hallway with glazing that creates a dappled effect. 



Whilst the Micans Lime Philodendron likes a good level of water it should not become saturated. Let the top layer of soil dry out between watering. Ease off watering during the dormant months over winter, and pick your routine up again in the spring. 

A rookie mistake with the Micans Lime Philodendron is to consider drooping leaves as a sign of being under-watered. This is however the opposite with this plant. Drooping leaves are usually a sign that your Micans Lime Philodendron is being overwatered.

Ease up on your watering schedule until the issue resolves. In general, err on the side of less rather than more water – you will find that the plant is fairly hardy in that regard. 

Remember, a dry plant is easy to fix, but an overwatered one suffering from root rot is much harder to remedy. 



Temperature levels for the Micans Lime Philodendrons should be warm. 65 degrees Fahrenheit at a minimum is optimal for daytime temperatures, dropping to 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Keep the plant away from any exposure to cooler temperatures or frost. 

The Micans Lime Philodendron will tolerate temperatures up to around 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Native to Mexico and Central America, it prefers warmth. 

Be careful however to move it away from the fire or any heaters. In the winter move it away from any draughty places or open windows to ensure it maintains a good temperature. 

Low-temperature exposure can result in stunted growth or slow recovery from the dormancy period in the spring. 



Given its native habitat it is no surprise that the Micans Lime Philodendron enjoys a humid atmosphere. Ensure that humidity levels are therefore kept on the higher side – above 50%. This promotes growth and will help the plant thrive. 

You can mist the plant now and again if you desire. Note, the Micans Lime Philodendron is however hardy enough to tolerate drier environments too. 

Humidity levels in the average household or dry environments will likely not cause too much damage to your Micans Lime Philodendron. But they certainly will not help it to thrive to its very best.

Encourage optimal growth and appearance by promoting more humidity for your plant. Some ideas include grouping a bunch of plants together, buying a humidifier or moving your Micans Lime Philodendron to the bathroom or kitchen. 



A balanced fertilizer either in the form of pellets or liquid can be applied in the growing months to promote lush leaves in a Micans Lime Philodendron. Reduce fertilizing of the plant during the winter months – apply only once or twice in this period – as the plant goes into dormancy.

Fertilizing your Micans Lime Philodendron will ensure it maintains its stunning appearance and grows to the best of its ability. 

In the growing season you can apply a light liquid based or pellet fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Ensure the balance of minerals is equal – 10:10:10. 

In the winter months, you can perform a light fertilizing application once or twice if you wish but no more is necessary. 

It is also good practice to rinse out the soil at the end of the growing season to remove any excess buildup of nutrients. 

Make sure also that the plant is in a pot that is suitable for its size. If it is housed in a larger environment it will encourage the roots to take in more nutrients than required which can cause the plant to slow in growth, weaken or even become prone to disease. 


How to propagate Micans Lime Philodendron

Propagate only in spring or summer with clean and sterile equipment by cutting a root stem. Expect to see results only after three or four months after placing the cut stem in to a suitable potting soil. Propagation of the stem is also possible in water. 

What better – and more economical way – to get more Micans Lime Philodendron for your dollar than to propagate this gorgeous plant yourself? You can even grow Micans Lime Philodendron for friends and family as a gift. 

Before you start, give your plant a good drink a couple of days before. This will give it the strength needed to survive the transplant. Make sure you have clean and sterile cutting tools to hand. It is also best practice to wear gloves so as not to introduce any infection to the plant. 

First, however you need to prepare your potting soil. Use the same well-draining mix as you have used for the mother plant. Introduce sand, perlite or orchid bark to promote good drainage. Visit the soil section in this guide and sure your new pot has a couple of drainage holes in the base. 

Using your sharp, sterilized tool cut off a stem towards the base of the plant. Simply place it in the potting soil and add a little water. 

Make sure the stem you select also has a well-developed leaf on it – the leaf is the key bit you need in order to get the energy for growth to the plant. 

After around a month if the cutting has taken successfully you will see new shoots appearing. Be patient! Sometimes this process can take longer. 

It is also possible to propagate a Micans Lime Philodendron by water propagation using the same method to cut the stem and then placing in water! I love using this method as you can keep an eye on the little stem and see if any growth is occurring. 

Move the plant to a pot with the same potting mix as indicated in the soil section when it has begun to grow. 



The Micans Lime Philodendron can grow rapidly into a successful trailing or climbing plant if the soil nutrient, light and humidity requirements above are met. You can expect spreading growth of up to 24 inches in length. 

A Micans Lime Philodendron will grow with a lime green color on the top side and a purple color underneath. 

As they begin to grow in length you can style them as a climbing plant in a vine-like fashion, wrapping up trellises or pillars. 12 inches is generally regarded as its maximum width, and the breadth of the plant can reach around 24 inches if properly cared for and trained. 

Another popular way to style your Micans Lime Philodendron is to place the pot high up on a shelf and let it trail down. This is a pretty addition to a corner of the room or a bathroom environment. 


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Common problems with the Micans Lime Philodendron

Yellowing leaves in a Micans Lime Philodendron often indicate a problem with light levels – either too much or too little. Brown and curling leaves are a sign of too much fertilizer. Spider mites and other pests can also cause issues – inspect the plant regularly for signs of infestation. 


Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves on your Micans Lime Philodendron are usually a sign of too much or too little light. Make sure you plant is not placed in direct sunlight and instead is enjoying good levels of bright but indirect light.

And whilst the Micans Lime Philodendron can tolerate light levels on the lower end of the scale it is better to remove it from darker environments if you suspect it is not getting enough of the vitamin D it needs for energy. 


Curling leaves and brown areas

The tips of the leaves on your Micans Lime Philodendron should not be curling or pointing downward. 

If you spot this on your plant, there is good news – this is easily remedied. Unfortunately, however, this condition can be a sign of several different ailments. It might take a little bit of trial and error until you work out exactly what is causing the issue. 

Sun damage is one issue, or it can be a sign of either under watering or over-fertilizing. Check your watering regime against this guide and consider flushing the soil out to remove excess minerals caused by fertilizer at the end of the summer. 


Spider Mites

These guys are pretty annoying and you often do not notice they are there until it is too late. 

You may one day notice your plant looks a bit “dusty”. On closer inspection, you may see what is actually spider mite eggs. 

Trying to hose off the plant should be tried first but be aware that it may not work – you may need to wash the plant and leaves out carefully with insecticidal soap. Isolate the plant from others until the infection is resolved. 


Frequently asked Questions about the Micans Lime Philodendron


Is the Micans Lime Philodendron toxic?

The Micans Lime Philodendron contains calcium oxalate crystals and can be toxic to animals and children if ingested. Keep the plant out of reach of curious pets and kids.


When should I fertilize my Micans Lime Philodendron?

Fertilizer should be applied in the growing months every 4-6 weeks. During the winter you can fertilize just once or twice whilst also reducing watering levels. 



The Micans Lime Philodendron is striking not only for its color but also its trailing or climbing growth patterns. Get yourself one today, or check out other philodendrons such as the Philodendrons Micans