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Snow Queen Pothos Care
For ideal Snow Queen Pothos care, use well-draining soil (pH 6.1-6.5), and keep it in bright, indirect light. Water when the soil is dry to the second knuckle, water less in winter. Maintain 85°F (29°C) day, 65°F (18°C) night temps. Keep the humidity at 50-75%.Soil
High-quality, fast-draining soil is the way to go with Snow Queen Pothos. Very wet conditions can cause root rot, so you want to ensure the soil drains well. For my Snow Queen Pothos care, I use soil with a pH of 6.1 to 6.5 with two parts soil and one part perlite. I have had excellent results with this mixture. I use it for most of my indoor plants.
These plants do well with partial shade or indirect sunlight. Keep it in a partial light area with no direct sunlight. Mine gets around 4 hours of indirect, natural sunlight daily, and it will thrive. They can do well with slightly less or slightly more indirect light as well. If Pothos are left in an area that is very low light, this can cause leaf variegation and color to fade.
Let the soil dry out between waterings. I personally wait until the soil is dry to the second knuckle when I insert my finger in the soil. In the winter months, I let it dry out even further between watering. The leaves will get soft and droop slightly when it is time to water. I always plant all my plants in a pot with drain holes to prevent overwatering.
Snow Queen Pothos prefers daily indoor temperatures of 85 degrees with a low of 65 degrees in the night. They can tolerate higher temperatures as long as they have protection from the harsh sun rays.
Snow Queen Pothos thrives in mid-humid conditions. Part of the Snow Queen Pothos care that I recommend is to mist the plant’s leaves once every week to ten days.
A word of warning, though, do not mist it so much that the leaves are dripping wet.
This can cause fungal problems for the plant and leaves.
I have a humidifier in the room my Pothos lives in.
However, they are usually fine with normal household humidity. If you live in a very dry climate, I suggest having a humidifier on year-round.
An optimal humidity level for any breed of Pathos plant is 50% to a maximum of 75% humidity.
I personally have added a bimonthly fertilizing to my Snow Queen Pathos care, and I prefer to use a seaweed fertilizer with these plants.
Another slow-release option is to top-dress the plant with worm castings.
Snow Queen Pothos plants are very easy to propagate by taking stem cuttings that have a node on them and placing them in water. Once there is a root they can be transplanted to a small pot with soil.
If you give your Snow Queen Pothos the proper care, it will grow six to ten feet long and as bushy as your pot.
It is considered an invasive species in some areas, and it propagates so easily it can grow wide quite quickly as several different plants in one pot.
Potting and repotting
I always give my Snow Queen Pothos a well-draining pot with enough drainage holes in the bottom. All Pothos like to be root-bound, so repotting is not necessary very often.
It is beneficial once the roots completely fill the pot. Repotting boosts the soil nutrients and allows for proper aeration of the soil. Do not repot your Pothos if there is still loose soil.
Common Pests
The most common pests with this plant are mealybugs and thrips. They can be sprayed with an insecticidal soap and water mixture to prevent these pests.
Another option for Snow Queen Pothos care is to wipe the leaves with neem oil.
These beautiful plants also tend to collect dust more than my other plants. I wipe them with water once a week and with insecticidal soap or neem oil once every three to four months.
These plants are not fussy.
Snow Queen Pothos Propagation
To propagate Snow Queen Pothos through stem cuttings, follow these steps:-
- Take a cutting from the vine with a sharp, disinfected knife or with pruning shears. Make sure it has a node or two. I tend to take several cuttings at once.
- Put the cutting into a small glass of water and put it in a light but not direct sunlight area.
- Once roots start growing (three days or so), the cutting can be transplanted to a small pot with soil. Pothos prefer to be a bit root bound as I mentioned above, so small is better.
- Allow the transplant to grow until it is rootbound before you repot it. You can grow more than one cutting in the same pot. I plant two or three together almost any time I propagate. You can separate them once they become root-bound or transplant them all together. It is up to you.
As I mentioned above, this plant will propagate on its own as well. I tend to keep mine in a smaller pot so it doesn’t overtake everything, but several cuttings can be planted in a larger pot to make the plant bigger and bushier.
I had Snow Queen Pothos in my garden one summer as well, and it grew fast for one season before the frost hit.
When I transplant the cuttings, I personally put them in a starter pot with equal parts peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite.
It is easy to divide the plants when you are repotting a Snow Queen Pothos so feel free to plant cuttings back into the pot with the mother plant if you want it to get bushier. It can always be separated once the plant has grown to the point of being root-bound.
Tips & Tricks for Snow Queen Pothos Care
Here are a couple of tips for you to ensure your Snow Queen Pothos is living its best life:-
- Maintain humidity levels: Use a humidifier in the room year-round, adjusting it slightly higher in winter.
- Protect new cuttings: Consider using a plastic tent to retain humidity for new cuttings but ensure leaves don’t stay too damp.
- Watch for leaf spot diseases: Excessive moisture can lead to dark spots with yellow halos on leaves; treat with commercial fungicide.
- Prevent root and stem rot: Despite humid conditions, Snow Queen Pothos prefers to stay dry; reduce overall watering.
- Repot sparingly: Wait until the pot is full of roots with no spare room before repotting; use a pot one size bigger.
- Mix with other plants: Combine Snow Queen Pothos with other compatible varieties in a larger pot for a unique display; ensure all have similar care requirements.
Commonly asked questions about Snow Queen Pothos
Where can I buy a Snow Queen Pothos plant?
Does my Snow Queen Pothos care need to include regular pruning?
Can I plant Snow Queen Pothos in my outdoor garden if I live in a colder climate?

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.