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There’s something about orange succulents that just makes them look exquisite. They’re not overly bright like yellow ones, and they’re not so much “in your face” as fiery red counterparts.  Instead, they have just the right amount of brightness, enough to bring some cheer into a landscape or interior space. They also work well in …

Read More about The 9 Prettiest Orange Succulents (Nr. 3 is Otherworldly!)

The spectacular Begonia Boliviensis is a sight to behold with its fiery reddish-orange blooms held among large lush green leaves. This alluring species is also known as ‘Santa Cruz’ and ‘Begonia Bonfire.’ By adding the Begonia Boliviensis plant to your houseplants collection, you will be rewarded with the most beautiful notes of color throughout summer …

Read More about Begonia Boliviensis Care for Dummies