Anthuriums can be grown in leca. I am growing most of my aroid plants, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium in a grow tent. In the tent is a semi-hydroponic system that stores water. The houseplants are in leca. Out of the three genera, I would say that Anthuriums grow best in this medium. …
Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish and love plants. Apart from stimulating their natural habitat, plants help clean and oxygenate the water. Also, mossy plants are required for guppy fry to hide from adult guppies until they have grown. So, it is a requirement to have plants in a guppy tank. …
The use of aquaponics has become increasingly common these days because it helps people grow their plants and vegetables, which saves time, money, and space. The system involves the usage of wastewater from fish, which provides nutrients for the plants. The plants then use up the nutrient from the water and purify it. So, it …
What are the best plants for hydroponics? With the growing demand for different species of plants around the globe, farmers and biological engineers are implementing the process of hydroponics to grow various types of plants. Hydroponics refers to horticulture, where plants grow without soil and depends upon chemically composed fertilizers and aqueous solutions. Providing plants …
Earth is a habitat for billions of species of various living organisms. Be it a desert climate or an aquatic setting, plants can grow almost everywhere. Every plant is adapted to different climatic conditions and surroundings. Plants that can thrive in the desert heat are quite adapted to low humidity conditions, low annual precipitation, and …
Have you heard of hydroponic growing? This is a type of gardening that does not use soil, but rather the plants use nutrient-enriched water as a growing medium. Hydroponics is a particularly common method of growing tomatoes, herbs, and berries, too- like strawberries! What hydroponics solution works best for strawberries? The best hydroponic system for …
Hydroponic growing is a way of gardening and growing crops that do not require soil. Instead, seedlings derive their nutrients from water that has been enriched to suit the distinct needs of the plant. Hydroponic systems are popular for growing vegetables such as tomatoes and chilies as well as berries, and herbs. More and more …
The pH meter measures how acidic or how basic the hydrogen iron content is in your hydroponic system. When it comes to a hydroponic system, you want to maintain a steady pH level to promote optimal growth. But how to maintain pH balance in hydroponics so it doesn’t change all the time? There are scientific …
Coco coir has become the go-to growing medium for use with hydroponic hobbyists and those who have traditionally used peat moss in their soil mix. According to Utah State University, the pH of coco coir is closed to 6 and it is quite high in K (potassium). When using coco coir, you will get the …
Unless they are in oxygen-rich water, plants in a hydroponic system can encounter a myriad of issues. Air stones supply oxygen to the roots and ensure that the nutrients are bubbled up to the roots according to Oklahoma State University. They’ll lose the ability to absorb nutrients, and in extreme situations, may even drown! A …