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Philodendron Glorious Plant Care – A Definitive Guide

Philodendron Glorious Plant Care – A Definitive Guide

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The Philodendron Glorious, an exotic hybrid, has gained widespread popularity due to its beautiful foliage and vibrancy.

A semi-climbing aroid, this plant certainly will catch everyone’s attention. You can grow this fine beauty as a floor plant as it will start to climb due to its Melanochrysum genes. 

Scientifically known as Philodendron Gloriosum x Melanochrysum, this plant is a cross between Melanochrysum and Gloriosum varieties.

A mature Philodendron Glorious develops features ranging between the two parent plants; the leaves are narrower and longer than the Gloriosum but smaller than the Melanochysum’s. 

Younger forms of the Philodendron Glorious resemble Philodendron Gloriosum, but the differences become apparent as the plant matures. 

The Glorious plant has more of an oval petiole, while the Gloriosum is flatter on top and is D-shaped. 

Growing the Philodendron Glorious is quite easy; however, occasionally, it may be affected by root rot if overwatered. 

With the maintenance of its ideal conditions, some caring tips, and abundant love, you will have a happy and healthy Glorious plant in no time. 


Philodendron Glorious Plant Care

Philodendron Glorious likes bright, dappled sunlight that keeps its foliage fresh and green. Allow the Philodendron Glorious’ soil to dry out between watering and provide it with high humidity, between 60% and 80%. Furthermore, it enjoys being watered once a week and thrives in temperate environments with temperatures between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit (18-27 degrees Celsius). 




A soil with all the necessary nutrients in the right quantity is sure to result in a ‘glorious’ plant. For Philodendron plants, mixes that are light and airy work wonders. 

All you need to do is make sure its soil remains adequately moist throughout the year.

For the Philodendron Glorious, get a potting mix that is well-draining and well-aerated, such as an aroid mix. You can add some extra perlite to decrease root rot probability. 

Perlite absorbs excess water and releases it gradually, keeping the soil sufficiently moist. 

In contrast, heavier soils, including sand and clay, retain surplus water that drastically increases the chances of catching a fungal infection. Therefore, I suggest staying away from soggy soils. 

Ideally, plant the Philodendron Glorious in soil with an acidity of 6.5 to 7.5. You may add some horticultural charcoal to imitate the plant’s natural environment. 

Charcoal also helps protect the plant against several bacterial and fungal infections by eliminating toxins and sweetening the soil. 



Establishing the correct water schedule for your plants is as necessary as a correct feeding schedule. A plant that is underwatered will die within hours or days. 

On the other hand, an overwatered plant will catch an infection within hours or undergo root rot, as it mostly occurs in the Philodendron Glorious plant.

The Philodendron Glorious thrives when watered moderately. Ideally, water it once or twice a week on hot summer days. Increase the watering frequency to thrice weekly if your plant is in intense heat. 

However, if the plant seems to be doing well with its usual watering schedule, you do not need to make any changes. 

In the summertime, plants use up a significant amount of water, and thus, they need to replace all the lost water. 

However, in the dormant season, which is usually winter for the Philodendron Glorious, the plant does not need as much water. Therefore, you may water it once a week. 

The most reliable way to check if your Glorious plant needs water is to look or feel its soil’s top two to three inches. If they appear dry, water the plant till you see the soil is evenly moist. 

On the other hand, if the soil is wet, withhold watering until slightly dry. 

You can also see the leaves’ condition; dried-out leaves indicate watering is needed, while turgid and fresh leaves mean you can still hold the water for a few more hours or days. 



The Philodendron Glorious likes bright, dappled sunlight that does not burn its leaves or cause yellowing. 

If planted outdoors, grow it where there are lush trees with large canopies or on the roof with some shade. 

Indoors, place it next to a south or east-facing window through which filtered sun rays come in. 

You can also hang this semi-climbing plant on the balcony; this will allow Glorious to grow in its desired lighting while enhancing your balcony’s overall look. 

Alternatively, you can grow your Philodendron Glorious plant under artificial growing lights.



The Philodendron Glorious prefers mild temperatures. Although not too sensitive, I suggest placing it in its ideal temperature range to increase productivity and improve the plant’s overall health. 

Please grow this fine beauty in a room with temperatures around 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit (18-27 degrees Celsius). 

This range is suitable for the spring and winter seasons both. However, in the cooler months, the plant may undergo frost; therefore, bring it indoors. 

If the temperature is freezing, place the plant close to a heating unit. However, please ensure that it is not too close because the Philodendron Glorious plant’s leaves may burn. 

For a rough estimate, try your plant is at 24-inches (61 cm) distance from the heater. 

Similarly, when the heat is intense, move your Glorious plant indoors and place it close to an open window. 



Moisture may not seem as important as the other factors, but it is one of the most crucial factors for healthy growth. 

While plenty of moisture is available in the air as water vapor, plants need extra hydration through manual watering. 

The Philodendron Glorious plant likes humidity levels ranging from 60% to 80%. The high moisture increases plant productivity and helps it deliver nutrients that are not tightly bound to the soil. 

However, excess moisture leads to a wide variety of problems, such as infectious diseases and yellowing of leaves. Therefore, ensure that the Glorious plant is not growing in surplus moisture. 

To increase humidity in a dry room, install a humidifier. If you’re having trouble tracking the moisture levels, bring home a moisture meter. 



Feeding your Philodendron Glorious is essential to maintain its characteristic beauty and progressive growth. It does not need frequent feeding, but keeping up with a regular feeding schedule is necessary. 

Fertilize your Philodendron Glorious once every month from spring to fall. Buy a high-quality fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio, such as 20:20:20 or 1:1:1. Please ensure that there is plenty of nitrogen in the product. 

You can either opt for a slow-release or liquid fertilizer. Both work significantly well and keep the Glorious plant fed for an entire month. 

The major difference is how long their effects last; slow-release fertilizer produces results that persist longer, requiring lesser feedings. 

Do note that it’s crucial to dilute the fertilizer first before adding it. Strong, undiluted fertilizers often burn the plant, leading to irreversible damage. 

Moreover, please avoid overfeeding your Philodendron Glorious plant, as this can also cause leaf burn. Read the product packaging for further guidance.



While some Philodendron plants have definite repotting schedules, others, such as the Philodendron Glorious, are only repotted when they grow out their pots. 

Repotting unnecessarily leads to more damage than benefit, considerably slowing down the plant’s growth. 

Repot your Philodendron Glorious when you see its roots circling the container or when the plant keeps wilting despite a correct watering schedule. 

Other reasons include roots coming out of the bottom, all the water running straight down the drainage holes, and a broken or cracked pot due to overgrowth.

Please repot your Philodendron Glorious plant in a slightly bigger pot, ensuring its roots are well-spread and can breathe easily.

Moreover, use a new potting mix, but keep the contents the same if they work well for your Glorious plant.  



The pruning process may seem like a boring chore to some house gardeners; however, the after-effects are definitely worth the effort. 

A newly-pruned Philodendron Glorious plant looks fresh and well-maintained. 

When pruning, remove the old and dead leaves and unruly vines. You can also prune the plant if it is taking too much space. Afterward, add some water to minimize stress. 



To propagate a new and beautiful Philodendron Glorious plant, follow the steps below: 

  • Prepare an appropriate potting soil, preferably with pine bark or peat in a pot of your choice. 
  • Cut a small segment of a long, healthy Philodendron Glorious stem that is three to six inches long with some leaves and roots. 
  • With clean scissors, cut the stem at the joint joined to the main crown.
  • Take the segment and place it in its new pot. 
  • Arrange the soil around the segment to set it as upright as possible. 
  • Water the pot and place it in filtered, dappled sunlight.

Wait for a few weeks till your Glorious plant matures. You may plant it outdoors when you notice some roots growing. 



There are no definite sightings of the Philodendron Glorious plant’s blooms.

However, its parent plant, the Philodendron Gloriosum, produces beautiful white flowers from May to July.



The Philodendron Glorious has a somewhat slower growth rate of about one to two months per leaf. Its leaves are longer and narrower than Gloriosum’s and have an attractive dark green shade, thanks to Philodendron Melanochysum. 

The leaves grow to about 20 inches (50 centimeters) in length and 8 inches (20 centimeters) in width. The Philodendrons grow best in zone 11 of the USDA hardiness zone.


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Common Problems for the Philodendron Glorious Plant


Yellow Leaves

The Philodendron Glorious plant can often develop yellow leaves due to improper watering or drainage. Soils with excess water won’t allow the roots to breathe freely. 

The roots suffocate, leading to dysfunction and inefficient water transportation. 

Underwatering has similar effects; the Glorious plant receives insufficient nutrients, leading to various problems, including yellow leaves and cessation of growth. 

To prevent water issues, use well-draining, porous soils and containers with at least three drainage holes. 

When deciding on a landscape, choose one where irrigation or rainwater does not accumulate. Moreover, add some organic matter, e.g., compost, for improving soil structure and quality.


Root Rot

Another frequent issue in the Philodendron Glorious plant is root rot. A plant that is overwatered will most likely undergo this condition. 

The signs of a root-rot stricken plant include discolored leaves, stunting, and wilting. 

For further confirmation, you can check the plant’s roots which will be soft and brown instead of being in their usual firm and white form.

Plants that are severely affected by this condition mostly have to be disposed of. However, if the damage is not too extensive, try drying out the plant by not watering at all or changing its position to a sunnier spot, if possible.

To prevent root rot, improve the Glorious plant’s soil texture by adding organic matter so that water drains through it freely. Alternatively, you can use raised waterbeds. 



Aphids and spider mites are common visitors of Philodendron plants. They cause discoloration of leaves and mold formation. The latter attracts ants leading to more complications.

Spider mites can travel from one infected plant to another. They are relatively harder to spot than aphids, which relatively are larger and much easier to spot. 

To treat a plant infested with spider mites or aphids, hose it down under the sink with a shower faucet, but remember to maintain a safe distance. 

You can also use a commercial insecticide or a natural one, such as neem oil

For serious pest infestations undeterred by mild insecticides, use stronger treatment options, such as insecticidal soap. 


Tips for Growing the Philodendron Glorious Plant

  • Grow under bright, filtered sunlight.
  • Plant in freely-draining pots. 
  • Use organic matter in potting mixes to improve soil texture. 
  • Water the plant only when the top 3 inches seem dry to avoid root rot.
  • In case of a pest attack, separate the plant promptly from others.


Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Glorious Plant Care


Can I consume my Philodendron Glorious plant’s leaves?

The Philodendron Glorious plant is toxic to kids and animals; therefore, please keep your children and pets away from it. 


What is the difference between Philodendron Glorious and its parent plants, Philodendron Gloriosum’s and Philodendron Melanochysum?

The Philodendron Glorious is a hybrid of Philodendron Melanochysum and Philodendron Gloriosum. Glorious grows leaves that are longer and narrower than Gloriosum’s and darker than Melanochysum’s.


Is Philodendron Glorious a climber?

The Philodendron Glorious is a semi-climbing aroid from the Araceae family. It can crawl or climb heights, depending on its condition and the support given.



The Philodendron Glorious is a wonderful hybrid that is produced by crossing Philodendron Gloriosum and Gloriosum Melanochysum. 

Its charming beauty and easy care have made it a top favorite of several houseplant lovers. 

It requires bright, dappled sunlight, weekly watering, and monthly feeding to grow into a healthy and strong plant. 

Admire this beauty from afar as it can cause allergic reactions in children and pets.