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How Long Do Cut Roses Last? — The Answer

How Long Do Cut Roses Last? — The Answer

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Rose blooms typically last for 2 weeks if they are not removed from the plant. What about when they’re cut?

A bouquet of Roses can have many meanings. It can be an expression of love or a mood lifter after a traumatic event. As long as the Roses stay fresh, they keep radiating their sweet and fond vibes.

If you are giving someone a bunch of Roses or cutting them for your own space, you must know how long cut Roses last and how to keep them fresh for longer. 


How Long do Cut Roses Last? 

Roses last for 1 week after being cut from the plant, and sometimes even longer if preserved the right way. With simple steps like cutting the stems the right way, feeding them with the right food, changing their water frequently, and placing them in the right place, you can extend their lifespan. 


Before Roses are Cut

Every step from the Roses being cut from the plant to where they’re placed in your home is under your control, and it influences how long they keep fresh after cutting.

However, not all things are in your control. There are factors inherent to the Roses or the plant they come from that may also play an important role. 

The type or variety of Rose you’re working with has a vital role to play. Some Rose types will keep fresh for up to 2 weeks, while some will not go more than a few days. 

Long Stem Roses, for instance, are a florist’s favorite Rose variety for their suitability to be used in bouquets and vases. 

Another important aspect is the overall health of the Rose plant you’re taking the flowers from. Roses from healthy and vigorously blooming plants will last longer. 

Notice how some Rose plants in your garden have their blooms last longer on average compared to other Roses.

It can be inferred that those plants that bear longer-lasting blooms should be chosen for longer-lasting cut Roses. 


Cutting Roses the Right Way

Knowing when and how to prune Roses for their flowers is vital.

Obtain the Roses from the plant in the early hours of the day. This is when they’re fully hydrated and carry the most amount of water inside. 

Only use good-quality garden scissors or sharp and sterilized pruners. You need a sharp cutting instrument to make the cut as clean as possible. 

With a clean-cut, you can obtain the flower while not harming the water uptake channels in the stem. A blunt cutter tends to compress the stem and partially close the xylem

Not harming the water uptake channel is the key to keeping Roses last a longer time. The more water they can absorb, the fresher they stay.

Make a slanting cut on the stem rather than a straight one. You should be left with a pointing end of the stem on both the flower and the top end of the plant’s stem.

The slanting cut will not only ensure the maximum surface area for the flower to absorb moisture but will also keep the source plant safe from diseases. 

Choose Roses to cut in the late bud phase. This is when only the outer petals have opened, and the inner petals are closed.

You might be tempted to take the flowers hiding at the back of the bush, trying to preserve the looks of your Rose patch. But the stems at the back don’t get enough sunlight and are weaker than those at the front. 

Stems that enjoy the sun all day will last longer after being cut. 


After Cutting

Do not keep the Roses out of water for long after they’re cut. The longer they stay without the water, the less their vase life. 

It is an excellent decision to carry a bucket full of cool water to put the flowers immediately after cutting.

Foliage on the stem will help the branch absorb water and transport it to the flower. But excessive foliage will mean less water for the flower.

Remove all of the leaves that would get submerged when place in the vase or bouquet. Also, remove the set of leaves closest to the flower to allow it to fully open up. 

Now you make another cut on the stems, but this time the slant cut should be made while the stem is submerged underwater. This ensures air bubbles are not blocking any water channels. 


Placing in Containers

Ensure the vase or container you’re using for placing the Roses is fully clean. Unclean containers can encourage bacterial growth that will rot the stems and make your flowers die quickly.

The water should be at a high enough level, so more than half of each stem is fully immersed in the water. Use fresh, clean, and cool water only. 

You can use flower food for its many benefits in helping the Roses last longer. It keeps bacteria growth at bay, improves water absorption, and provides the flowers with the nutrients they need to open up and bloom for longer. 

Change the water every 2-3 days. The vase or bouquet should be placed somewhere mild, out of the heat. Direct sunlight will make the Roses wilt right away. 


Tips and Tricks to Make Roses Last Longer

Apple Cider and Sugar – Adding 1 ½ tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar and a similar quantity of sugar in the water will provide important food to the flowers.

You can use their formula if you can’t get your hands on flower food. Sugar dissolves in the water and acts like plant food for the Roses. Vinegar keeps bacteria at bay. 

Refrigerate your Roses – After putting the Roses in the vase, put the vase in the fridge overnight. This drastically slows the aging process and is one of the best methods to keep Roses fresh for longer.

Aspirin – Dissolving a tablet of Aspirin in the water can do wonders for your Roses. Aspirin is also used as a rooting hormone and will keep the Roses fresh for longer. 

It lowers the water’s pH level making it lighter and easy to be absorbed through the xylem.