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When does hibiscus bloom?
Hibiscus blooms during the mid to late summer, the most popular month being August. The bloom cycle will usually last around 3-4 weeks. Although hibiscus has been known to bloom into the fall, this is still very unlikely unless you live in an area where the cooler seasons are very mild.
Hibiscus — Length of the bloom cycle
The hibiscus boasts quite a long bloom cycle, often lasting as long as a whole month. Its flower boasts bright and vibrant colors, giving any garden or home a tropical feel.
It is more common for the hibiscus to bloom in the mid to late spring. This is due to the warm conditions that the plant originates from.
However, the hibiscus flowers don’t last as long as most would expect.
The flower typically only lasts a full day, and it is often the case that it will open early in the morning and wilt by late afternoon.
Newer hibiscus hybrids have been bred with the purpose of flowering for longer, but don’t expect them to last any more than 3 days.
After blooming, the flower will wilt and die, ready for the growth cycle to start again the following year.
Why does my hibiscus not bloom?
Hibiscus is made to flower at least once a year, and there are no non-flowering breeds of the plant. If your hibiscus plant isn’t blooming, there could be several reasons for this:
- Unsuitable Climate: Hibiscus typically prefers warm and tropical climates since it originates from the Pacific Islands of Asia.
- Inadequate Blooming Conditions: Some breeds of tropical hibiscus only bloom in naturally hot and humid environments.
- Insufficient Sunlight: If the hibiscus doesn’t receive enough sunlight, it’s less likely to bloom.
- Improper Fertilizer: Using high potassium (but low chlorine) fertilizer can encourage your hibiscus to bloom.”
Frequently Asked Questions about Hibiscus Blooming
How long do hibiscus flowers last if cut?
Once the flower has been cut it can last up to 7 hours without water. However, much like when attached to the plant, if put in water you will be lucky if they last up to 3 days.
Should you deadhead a hibiscus?
Deadheading is not a necessary part of hibiscus care, aside from obviously improving the plant’s appearance. In most cases, the flower will completely fall off after wilting.

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.