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Are Hibiscus Deer-Resistant?

Are Hibiscus Deer-Resistant?

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The flowering Hibiscus is one of the most beautiful plants to have around your home or garden.

The tropical species must be grown indoors, away from winter frost. But hardy, perennial types of Hibiscus thrive outside in our gardens all year round. 

But outside, Hibiscus is more at risk to pests. However, have you ever wondered if this lovely plant is also deer-resistant? 

We’ll find out below if Hibiscus are indeed deer-resistant.


Are Hibiscus Deer-Resistant?

Deer will eat the foliage of most plants, including your garden Hibiscus. Some spices are more deer-resistant than others. But deer have been known to eat all types of Hibiscus. But fear not, with our advice, you can protect your Hibiscus from deer.


Why Deer Eat Hibiscus

Deer like to eat most greenery, especially in colder months when food is scarce. 

They may also feed on your garden when their population is too big and there’s competition for food. 


Will Deer Eat All Types of Hibiscus – The Answer

Deer will eat all types of Hibiscus but some species are thought to be less appealing than others. 

Perennial, hybrid Hibiscus from the Rose Mallow family are less likely to be eaten. These include spices such as the Rose of Sharon, Red Heart, and Diana.

These hybrid Hibiscuses are the hardiest types. Thus, they have a better chance of recovery if a deer does eat them.


How to Stop Deer Eating my Hibiscus

If your garden Hibiscus is a regular victim of deer nibbling, here are some steps you can take to protect it.

The most natural way to protect your Hibiscus from hungry deer is by strategically planting it amongst plants that deer find unappealing. 

Deer generally don’t like fragrant plants. So try planting your Hibiscus near herbs and peonies to deter them. 

You can also plant your Hibiscus around deer-resistant shrubs or trees. These include boxwood, birch, and fir. 

Deer will also avoid spikey or poisonous plants such as foxglove, daffodils, and lambs ear. So try planting your Hibiscus around these to protect them.

There are some plants that deer find irresistible such as geranium, hostas, and daylilies. So don’t plant your Hibiscus close to these plants.

Another option is to use deer repellent spray around your garden. These produce a smell that’s foul to deer. Thus it will keep them away. 

If you use a repellant you should use a different one every few weeks. This is because deer get used to the smell.

When deer invade your garden, the results can be devastating. This is why in extreme cases you might have to build a fence to keep deer out. 

The fence must be at least 6 feet tall because deer are pretty good jumpers. It should also be sturdy and secured at the bottom so they can’t get under it.


Frequently Asked Questions About Deer-Resistant Hibiscus


What are the most deer-resistant types of Hibiscus?

Deer have been known to eat all types of Hibiscus. However, some of the least appealing ones are thought to be Rose of Sharon, Red Heart, and Diana.


Is it possible to stop deer eating my Hibiscus?

Though it seems like a big task for you, there are several ways that you can use to protect your Hibiscus from deer. You can use repellent sprays, tactical growing, and also a fence in extreme cases.