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Why Won’t My Amaryllis Bloom? Hmmm…

Why Won’t My Amaryllis Bloom? Hmmm…

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Amaryllis, of the genus Hippeastrum, is a flowering bulb with trumpet-shaped petals. 

Their bright-colored flowers, coupled with the ease with which they bloom, make Amaryllis one of the most in-demand plants in the world. 

Amaryllis was originally from the Cape Provinces of South Africa but has been bred and naturalized on the West Coast of the USA and in Australia.


Why won’t my amaryllis bloom?

If your amaryllis won’t bloom, one reason could be inadequate light exposure. Also, overwatering amaryllis, undernourished soil, and inadequate planting space can contribute to this problem. Viral infections, as well as poor bulb care, can also contribute to your amaryllis not blooming.


Causes behind Amaryllis not Blooming


Light and Temperature

The most common cause why Amaryllis do not bloom is inadequate sunlight exposure. 

Amaryllis are tropical flowers that require about 6 hours of sunlight. They prefer a shady outdoor place where they receive indirect sunlight. 

Dim light can result in the plant not producing flower stalks. 

If the flower stalk is growing but is weak, increase the light or the length of time it is exposed to the sun.

If it is kept indoors, make sure that your plant is kept by a window facing south that receives ample sunlight and keep rotating it to ensure uniform exposure.

Amaryllis grow best outdoors when they are exposed to warm temperatures of 70 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 8-10 weeks. 

Once the plant flowers, they can survive cooler temperatures of 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit but they will not bloom if these temperatures are provided initially to the bulbs before their flowering.

Amaryllis can not survive frost and if you want them to flower in fall or winter, it is preferred that they are kept indoors in satisfactory temperature conditions.



Although Amaryllis is a sun-loving plant, this variety of flowers requires constantly moist soil. 

Oftentimes in order to keep the soil moist, people mistakenly overwater the plant. 

If the bulb is soft or moldy it usually indicates excess watering and poor drainage.

The container that Amaryllis is planted in plays a huge role in its blooming. 

The container can be made of a variety of different materials such as plastic or ceramic but it should have small holes at its bottom for water drainage

These holes ensure that the soil is moist while draining the excess water out. 

Amaryllis should be watered when the top one or two inches of the soil’s dry. 

Less watering leads to droopy and wilted leaves and delayed flowering.


Undernourished Soil

Amaryllis bulbs prefer moist and nutritious soil. It is preferred to use fertilizers of N-P-K ratio 10-10-10. 

If the soil has too much nitrogen, there is an excess of leaf production and less flower production. 

To solve this problem, the plant should be watered until water drains out of the pot. Since nitrogen is water-soluble, it is easily removed by draining the excess water.


Inadequate Planting depth

The amaryllis bulbs are planted with at least a third of its bulb peeking above the soil line. 

If you’re planning to plant more than one bulb, space them at least 8 inches from each other.

A bulb planted too deep or in an overcrowded place may not produce flower stalks or be able to bloom.


Viral infections

Amaryllis bulbs are prone to viral infections, especially to different varieties of mosaic viruses such as tobacco mosaic virus. 

It stunts plant growth and reduces flowering. 

There is no cure for this disease and it can spread to healthy plants so it is important to remove the affected plants as soon as the disease has been identified and replace the affected soil. 

The gardening tools used on an affected amaryllis plant should also be thoroughly cleaned and wiped with alcohol to prevent the transfer of disease to other healthy plants.


Poor Amaryllis bulb care

The most important thing that determines whether Amaryllis will bloom or not when propagating it from bulbs is determining whether it received the right care after its first bloom or not. 

Growing Amaryllis from bulbs is a complicated and time-consuming process that only leads to the growth of foliage and no flowers more often than not.

If you are growing Amaryllis for the first time and purchased the flower bulbs directly from the market but the flowers did not bloom even after fulfilling all the requirements, it is best to either discard them.

Another option is to store the bulbs yourself. When an amaryllis blooms, it means that it has used up all the energy that was stored in the bulbs and needs to replenish its nutrient content. 

Once the flowers have dwindled, usually after 7 weeks, cut off the stalks of the plant but let the leaves grow. 

Set the container in a spot with plenty of sunlight. This ensures that the leaves can perform photosynthesis and store up their nutrients for reblooming after their dormancy period ends.

Amaryllis are not required to go through a dormancy period to stay viable but they can be forced to become dormant by placing them in a cool and dark place for 6 weeks. 

Doing this restarts the growth cycle of these flowers so when they are placed in sunlight, watered, and given the optimum temperature, they can bloom again. 

When the bulbs are planted after being dormant, it ensures that the Amaryllis can bloom in different seasons as well.

If Amaryllis do not undergo their rest period, they may grow foliage only while the flowers fail to bloom. 

Similarly, if Amaryllis is unable to replenish its nutrient content after the flowers have died down and before the dormancy period starts, they may also grow foliage only while the flowers fail to bloom.


Frequently Asked Questions About Why My Amaryllis Won’t Bloom


Should I be Careful with Watering the Amaryllis Plant?

Amaryllis is a water-sensitive plant, and while it needs moist soil to grove effectively, over-watering can damage the plant. 


How to Prevent Viral Attack on Amaryllis?

Amaryllis has to be well-managed to prevent it from a viral infection. To ensure this, it is essential to sterilize all the gardening equipment every time before using them.