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How to Propagate a Jade Plant in Water? #1 Best Guide

How to Propagate a Jade Plant in Water? #1 Best Guide

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If you are wondering about having a lovely houseplant on your study table, the jade plant will probably be your answer.

In recent years, the jade plant has gained massive popularity because of its succulent nature and magnificent, delicate appearance.

Once grown to a reasonable height, it takes the shape of a very tiny tree, which is very easy to maintain and multiply further for other places in your house.


How to Propagate a Jade Plant in Water?

To propagate a jade plant in water, you will need to decide whether you want to go with the stem propagation or the leaf cutting method. Once you have done that, you need to dry the cuttings properly so that they do not rot once placed in the water. Leave your stem cutting or the healthy leaves in the water for at least two to three weeks until the plant has established well-developed roots and is ready to be moved to the soil for further growth.

How to Propagate a Jade Plant in Water?

How to Propagate a Jade Plant in Water?


Propagation of The Jade Plant

Whether you want to propagate a Jade plant through stem cuttings or healthy leaves, you will need to follow the same guidelines to have good chances that your plant will develop strong roots.


Make a Cutting

If you are going with the stem cutting method, you will need to cut a small section from one of the established stems of your previous jade plant.

In this step, you do have to make sure that you are not being too frugal; if the cut stem is too short, it will not bear roots.

Similarly, if the cut stem has no grown leaves on it, it will also not bear leaves.

Therefore, you need a stem that is a minimum of two inches in height and has at least two small leaves at the top.

You can go ahead to cut a slightly large stem cutting too, as it will not become a problem.

If you want to propagate your plant with a leaf, you will have to cut a leaf. Notice that I mention the word ‘cut’ here.

This is because you can not simply pluck some of the leaves you like on the established jade plant.

You will have to cut the leaf gently with a bit of its base under it.

A base is the part of the plant that is neither entirely leaf nor stem. It is the point where stem and leaf intersect. 

Cut a small section from one of the established stems of your previous jade plant

Cut a small section from one of the established stems of your previous jade plant


Allow the Cutting to Dry

After you have successfully gotten a stem or a leaf cut, you have to let it rest for a few days until they are ready to go in the water.

This is because the Jade plant stem or the leaves may have some moisture in them, placement of which in water will lead to rotten roots.

Stem or a leaf cutting have to let it rest for a few days

A stem or a leaf cutting has to let rest for a few days to dry


Plant the Cutting in Water

The next step in the propagation of the jade plant in water is to place the cutting you have now dried up in a narrow-necked bottle.

The purpose of this bottle with a very tight neck is to prevent any chances of your cutting falling in the water.

This will ruin your entire efforts of propagating the Jade plant.

Place your cutting in the bottle in such a way that the bottom of the stem cutting or the leaf base is not touching the surface of the water.

Ensure that this step is taken care of because the cutting should be very close to the water yet not touch its surface at all.

You will see the progress in propagation when you realize that there is no gap between the surface of the water and the cutting, which is now building roots.

This implies that the new roots are bridging the gap between the water and the stem.

With time, the roots will begin to increase in volume and thickness. When it’s time to relocate the roots to the planting soil, you’ll know.

You only need to make sure that while the roots are immersed in the water, the stem should still be standing upright without touching the surface of the water.

Propagation of the jade plant in water

Propagation of the jade plant in water


Change the Water Regularly

To make sure that the plant remains fresh while it is building new roots, change the water every week.

Changing the water is not difficult. You simply have to take the Jade plant out of the vessel and keep it on a dry and warm cloth to rest.

After doing so, quickly empty the flask, give it a gentle wash, and refill it with water again. Return the plant to its container and the window.


Move the Roots in a Potting Soil

After four to five weeks, when the roots are large and thick enough, it is time to move the Jade plant into the soil.

Take the roots out of the water and place them in a shaded area to dry for two to three days before they are ready to be potted in the soil.

Meanwhile, prepare the potting mix with peat moss, perlite, and sand.

After you have successfully placed the roots of the Jade plant in the soil, you have to start a strict watering schedule, especially in the beginning.

Since the plant is in a new habitat now, it will need great care for a few initial days until it starts to grow new stems and leaves.

Place the Jade roots of the plant in the soil

Place the Jade roots of the plant in the soil


Care for the Jade Plant

Once potted in the soil, the Jade plant loves to be in indirect sunlight.

Place it in a spot where it can get at least six hours of indirect sunlight, preferably in a south-facing window or balcony.

Place it in a spot where it can get at least six hours of indirect sunlight

Place it in a spot where it can get at least six hours of indirect sunlight


Frequently Asked Questions About How to Propagate a Jade Plant in Water


Which propagation style is better for the jade plant, water, or soil?

While both the ways have a reasonable success rate, propagating the plant in water turns out to be much faster. This is because the plant has a continuous supply of water, unlike the soil,where the plant may or may not have sufficient water for growth.


How long does it take for the stem cuttings of the jade plant to build roots inside the water?

While the answer depends on the temperature conditions to some extent, the jade plant usually builds enough roots in two to three weeks to be transferred to a well-nourished soil. However, if you want to expedite the process even further, you will need to ensure the right environment for the plant. Moist air conditions are a must for the speedy development of the jade plant. 


Where should I place my jade plant?

It is advised to place your jade plant in the southeast direction of your house or balcony, where it can get at least six hours of sunlight every day. Make careful to keep this plant in an open area, such as your living room or balcony. Suffocation can occur if it is kept in a closed space such as a bedroom.


Are tea leaves or coffee grounds suitable for the jade plant?

Using coffee grounds or green tea as fertilizer can significantly benefit your plant. These natural fertilizers will revive the quality of the soil and strengthen the roots of the plant.

Conclusion On How to Propagate a Jade Plant in Water

Jade plants are very easy to propagate. Propagating a jade plant in water is easy. Let the stem or leaf cutting dry for 2-3 hours and then put it in clear water in a transparent container. Wait for 2-3 weeks until roots emerge. Replant the cutting into its own pot with potting soil.