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How to Prune a Jade Plant? #1 Best Answer

How to Prune a Jade Plant? #1 Best Answer

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Jade plants are low-maintenance succulents that can thrive on minimal water and attention.

Since these plants can live up to 100 years, plant lovers need to know how to keep them healthy and promote new growth.

Although Jade plants don’t need to be pruned regularly, they can sometimes grow to sizes when pruning becomes necessary.

For more details, keep reading about how to prune a Jade Plant and make it bushy.


How to Prune a Jade Plant?

To prune a Jade plant check which branches need trimming if your Jade plant has become leggy or overgrown. Take clean and sharp pruning shears and trim the branches you decide to cut. Trim the plant’s branch as close to the node as possible. If you want to remove the branch completely, ensure the cuts are flush with the main branch.  

How to Prune a Jade Plant

How to Prune a Jade Plant?



Does My Jade Plant Need Pruning?

Regular trimming isn’t required for the Jade plant. Therefore, before you decide to prune your Jade plant, ask yourself if your plant needs it.

Generally, only older, leggy, and overgrown Jade plants need pruning. Pruning Jade plants only increases their visual appeal and does not affect their well-being.

Remember that whenever you prune a plant, you expose it to multiple bacteria, leading to its death.

However, the risk of the Jade plant getting damaged is quite less as they require minimal trimming. So, prune your plant if it is overgrown, leggy, or has dead leaves.


Materials Essential for Pruning Jade Plant

Having the right tools is important for trimming Jade plants.

Also, ensure that your cutting tools are sharp and clean, so they don’t tear or crush the stems.

The sap of this plant can be quite irritating to the skin. So, wearing gloves while pruning the Jade plant would be best.

Right pruning equipment depends on the thickness and size of the trimming stem.

Ideally, bypass shear is the best tool for dealing with large woody stems. 

Moreover, holding leaves and stems separately becomes easy with long-handled plant tongs, hemostats, or bonsai clippers.

You can also use chopsticks to get the job done.

Having the right tools is important for trimming Jade plants.

Having the right tools is important for trimming Jade plants.


Techniques for Pruning Jade Plants

Knowing and following the right techniques to prune Jades if you want them to stay healthy is important.

In general, there are two techniques for pruning Jade plants.

  1. Trimming the entire branch or stem to make the plant look attractive. You may need to make aggressive cuts on occasion for the plant’s well-being.
  2. Pinching the plant’s tender tips and new leaves to maintain its size and overall look. You can either do it using your finger or cut them off using a tool.


How to Prune a Jade Plant?

Analyze what parts and branches need to be pruned whenever you decide to prune your Jade plant.

Never prune more than 20% – 30% of your Jade plant as it will cause severe harm to it.

A great way to deal with a leggy Jade plant or give shape to the overgrown one is simply cutting it off.

The best thing about these plants is that they regrow exactly beneath the wound no matter where you cut them.

However, bear the following considerations in mind before starting the pruning process.

  • Make cuts at a downward angle to prevent water from collecting in the wounds. If the water gets accumulated in the cuts, it will cause rot.
  • Never remove all the leaves at the same time. Doing this will impede their growth and might even kill jade plant


Leggy Jade Plant Pruning

Leggy Jade plants that are healthy can be easily pruned, especially if they are small. The main aim is to trim the long, leggy branch and pinch the tips of the smaller ones.

The leggy parts of the plant are not healthy and drain resources from the other parts of the plant.

With the help of your shears, trim the leggy branches back to one-third of their length. Cut them at a 45-degree angle.

Also, pinch off the tender new tips, or two baby leaves every few inches. You can also snip out all the ends if they have more leaves below them. 

Jade plants that are leggy but healthy can be easily pruned

Jade plants that are leggy but healthy can be easily pruned


Pruning an Overgrown Jade Plant

Your Jade plant will have numerous branches growing from the main trunk when you don’t trim it for too long.

It’s okay to ignore a few of them, however, remove the ones making the plant look unappealing.

The point where the branch and stem intersect forms a ‘V’ shape. At that intersection, cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

This will help your plant produce multiple new and thicker branches.

Jade plant will have numerous branches growing from the main trunk when you don’t trim it for too long

Jade plant will have numerous branches growing from the main trunk when you don’t trim it for too long


Pruning a Jade Plant with a Disease

You will see dark spots on the Jade Plant leaves if your plant has a disease or other pests. These spots will spread to the entire plant if you leave them untreated.

Here, pruning that complete section will give you a chance to save the plant.

To prevent the disease from spreading to healthy parts of the plant, sanitize your shears with an antibacterial solution as you snip.

How to Prune a Jade Plant? #1 Best Answer 1

Pruning a Jade Plant with a Disease


Pruning a Jade Plant, What is the Best Time?

Trimming Jade plants is best done in the spring and early summer.

If you trim them in fall or winter, especially if kept indoors, the new stems and branches will quickly become weak and leggy.

Pruning them in summer or spring will ensure their quick recovery. This is because the Jade plant is in active growth during these seasons.

However, you can trim them whenever you like if you live in an area with warm temperatures and they remain outdoors all year long.

Still, it is recommended to wait until the plant is done blooming.


How to Care for Jade Plant After You’re Done Pruning

Let the wounds become callous before watering your plant. Avoid repotting or relocating the plant for a few weeks,

and don’t feed until you see new leaves appearing. Make sure your plant receives indirect, bright sunlight so that new growth occurs well.

If you prefer trimming in stages, let the new stems grow with leaves before pruning again. 

Avoid repotting or relocating the plant for a few weeks

Avoid repotting or relocating the plant for a few weeks


Frequently Asked Questions About How to prune a Jade Plant?


What are the ways to help my Jade Plant bushy?

One simple and easy way to make your jade plant bushier is by pruning it whenever needed.

If you want to maintain the form, pinch it back every few months once it reaches the desired fullness.


Is it possible to cut the Jade Plant’s primary trunk?

It is safe to cut a jade plant trunk, provided that there are still leaves and branches on the plant after you’re done.


What should I do with the Jade plant trimmings?

Whatever you’re planning for this trimming depends on you. Put them in the yard waste bin or compost if you want.

Alternatively, you can propagate them and get multiple new baby leaves.