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How to Keep Squirrels out of Potted Plants – 12 Best Hacks

How to Keep Squirrels out of Potted Plants – 12 Best Hacks

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Find my best tips on how to keep squirrels out of potted plants in this article. Squirrels have been a nuisance for many years until I tried these 11 things!

Have you ever heard the term “squirreling around”? If so, you probably already know where it comes from. 

Squirrels are known for their quick and erratic behavior, which usually doesn’t end well. Especially in places they shouldn’t be in the first place, like your potted plants.

If you live in an area with many squirrels and potted plants outside, you need to know the best methods for keeping squirrels out of them.

Read on below to learn exactly how to keep these furry little critters from squirting around with your potted plants.

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Potted Plants Outside?

To keep squirrels out of potted plants outside, consider employing these strategies: getting a dog, sprinkling cayenne pepper and coffee grounds, applying pepper spray, or scattering dog hair in and around the pots. Additionally, physical barriers such as chicken wire and pebbles can be effective.

How to Keep Squirrels out of Potted Plants
How to Keep Squirrels out of Potted Plants

1. Get a Dog 

Dogs scare and keep squirrels away from your potted plants
Dogs scare and keep squirrels away from your potted plants

The simplest way to keep squirrels out of your potted plants is to get a dog if you don’t already have one. But you’ll have to let it outside during the daytime for it to spot and chase squirrels away. 

Once your dog chases the squirrels away a few times, they are much less likely to return. This method also works for keeping squirrels away from vegetable plants.

2. Do Coffee Grounds Keep Squirrels Away?

A teaspoon of coffee grounds is all you need
Squirrels do not like the taste of coffee grounds

Mixing used coffee grounds from your coffee pot with the top layer of soil is a dual-purpose and effective way to keep squirrels away from messing with your potted plants. 

Not only do squirrels strongly dislike the scent and taste of coffee grounds, but most plants get a nice boost of nutrients from it.

3. Use Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper

Sprinkling potted plants with a small amount of cayenne pepper is another good method for teaching squirrels a lesson about messing with your flower pots. Once they get a whiff of the burning red substance, they will think twice before attempting to squirrel around in it again.

This tip is also great for keeping cats out of your plants!

4. Use Garlic Powder

Garlic powder emits an unpleasant smell for critters
Garlic powder emits an unpleasant smell for critters

Sprinkle a small amount of garlic powder on and around the plants to keep squirrels away from plants. Like coffee and cayenne pepper, garlic will send squirrels running from your potted plants and up the nearest tree.

5. Use Blood Meal

Blood Meal
Blood Meal is not only a good fertilizer, it also emits a strong smell

Plants love blood meal, which is often used to increase potting mixes’ nutritional value. But squirrels happen to despise the smell of it. So, like with coffee grounds, you’re killing two birds with one stone by applying this squirrel-repelling method.

This will stop squirrels from digging up plants.

6. Apply Hot Pepper Spray

Create your own hot pepper spray from hot peppers or buy one
Create a hot pepper spray from hot peppers, or buy one

Hot pepper spray is one of the most effective techniques for keeping squirrels out of planters. You can make a simple solution from several spoonfuls of washing liquid and a small bottle of hot pepper sauce and water. 

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake it up nicely before spraying down the soil in your potted plants. You can also apply some pepper spray on the outside of the pots and the surrounding area for even better results.

You can also buy commercial hot pepper spray in the store or online if you prefer.

7. Create a Rock Barrier

Small rocks around your plants prevent squirrels from digging
Small rocks around your plants prevent squirrels from digging

Rocks may also help keep squirrels from digging up the soil in your pots. Simply put some small rocks around the plant in the pot to protect the exposed soil. 

However, remember not to use too many rocks, or large ones in general, because they could affect the amount of water your plant receives.

8. Create a Wire or Mesh Barrier

Chicken wire makes a great barrier
The chicken wire makes a great barrier.

Another excellent physical barrier for keeping squirrels from terrorizing your plants in pots is setting up a chicken wire barrier.

If you don’t have any and don’t want to buy any, you can use an old fishing net or similar material around the plant after you cut it down to the proper size.

9. Distract Squirrels with Food

Feeding the squirrles might sound counter-intuitive at first. It can however help you to keep them away from your potted plants
Feeding the squirrels might sound counter-intuitive at first. It can, however help you to keep them away from your potted plants.

An underhanded method, but one that might save your potted plants, is making a feeding spot for squirrels.

It may sound counter-productive, but if you feed them enough, as far away from your potted plants as possible (depending on the size of your yard), this method can work wonders. 

Ensure that the food is easy for them to access, such as on a plate or in a bowl. Fill it up with plenty of their preferred snacks, which are all types of nuts and fruits. Keep the stash full; the squirrels should have no reason to search your potted plants for food. 

10. Scare Squirrels Away with Noise and Decoys

A hawk statue is ideal and can be placed close to your plants. No squirrel would go near.
A hawk statue is ideal and can be placed close to your plants. No squirrel would go near.

Hanging old CDs or shiny plates close to your outdoor plants, the bright lights may discourage them from venturing further. 

Likewise, try hanging windchimes or string-up tin cans, or empty soda cans. The clatter such hanging objects make will make the squirrels nervous.

If you want to get creative, hang up a small kite shaped like a hawk. Or, place a hawk statue near your pots. Hawks are natural predators that prey on squirrels. If they catch a glimpse of a hawk, they will surely run for cover.

11. Scatter Human or Dog Hair

Human or dog hair is an effective method to keep squirrels at bay
Human or dog hair is an effective method to keep squirrels at bay

It might sound gross, but you don’t need much. Just a few handfuls of human or dog hair around your potted plants can be enough to keep squirrels out of flowers.

Gather some hair from the brush or comb you use for your hair or your pet’s brush and scatter it over the soil in your pots.

12. Will Mothballs Keep Squirrels Away?

Mothballs are not a good solution against squirrels
Mothballs are not a good solution against squirrels

Mothballs will keep squirrels away if they contain naphthalene says Pests, Weeds and Problems. But mothballs are only a temporary solution. As the smell fades, the squirrels will return.

A downside of using mothballs is that they are toxic to cats, dogs, and humans. In addition, using mothballs is illegal in most countries and states. The gases can cause respiratory problems, says Ask About Sports. Therefore, using mothballs is not a good solution to keep squirrels away.

How to Keep Squirrels Away Naturally – The Organic Way

Organic methods to keep squirrels away are:

  • Scents: Cayenne pepper, Garlic
  • Predator urine: Foxes, Coyotes, or Bobcats
  • Reflective Objects. Such as CDs
  • Physical Barriers: Mesh and Pebbles
  • Feeding Stations
  • Ultrasonic Devices

Sources: Thanos Home, Jesswattsrealestate, Predatorpee

The Best Squirrel Repellent – In My Opinion

The best squirrel repellent, in my opinion is cayenne pepper. The reasons are that cayenne pepper is cheap, you most likely have it at home already, and it is organic and non-toxic.

A downside of using cayenne pepper is that you will have to do it multiple times and refresh the scent once it is gone. It is only a temporary solution. The coverage area is also not huge, and you risk skin irritations if you have sensitive skin.

How to Stop Squirrels From Digging Up Your Plants

The best way to stop squirrels from digging up your plants is using chicken wire secured with paddle wire. SanAs Garden says this way, especially bulbs cannot be dug out.

Other successful methods are using plastic spoons, forks, and toothpicks around potted plants.

Why do Squirrels Dig in Flower Pots? Makes Sense!

Squirrels have good reasons to dig
Squirrels have good reasons to dig

Squirrels are known for digging in dirt. As squirrels are omnivores and eat insects, they dig in the ground for prey.

In addition squirrels are known to bury their food, such as nuts, to store excess food. This way, they can store food for winter.

Squirrels also mark their territory that way and look for nesting material. They like to explore and are known for their erratic behavior, especially when it’s mating season, says Wildlife Troopers.

The last Scare

Squirrels are cute animals, but you don’t want them near your potted plants. Luckily, there are several methods to keeping squirrels out of flower pots from using scents, a dog, as well as barriers and decoys.