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Wrinkled Leaves on Snake Plants — Reasons & Remedies

Wrinkled Leaves on Snake Plants — Reasons & Remedies

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Snake plants are very hardy, low-maintenance houseplants.

They can go without water for days (well, weeks even) and thrive under neglect.

Still, there are a couple of issues you might face as a snake plant owner eventually.

One of these issues is wrinkled leaves on your Sansevieria.

Let’s find out what causes these wrinkled leaves and discuss how to fix this problem.

Wrinkled Leaves on Snake Plants

One of the most common causes of wrinkled leaves on snake plants is overwatering. Another common cause is underwatering. However, root rot, improper care of the snake plant during the winter, and incorrectly applying fertilizer can also lead to wrinkled leaves.

Overwatering Snake Plants Can Lead to Wrinkled Leaves

Overwatering can seriously harm your Sansevieria and can cause wrinkled leaves on your beloved Snake plant.

Most people love to overdo watering, and as snake plants prefer the opposite, which is minimal watering, this can become a problem really quickly.

If you overwater your snake plant, it can become waterlogged, which makes it more challenging for the plant to get the nutrients and oxygen it needs.

So, how do I know whether my Snake plant is overwatered or not?

Take a look at the roots and the potting soil. If the soil feels damp, it is best to wait until the soil’s top inch is dry before watering the Snake plant again.

It is also a good idea to check the roots for any signs of rot. Root rot is usually caused by overwatering, you see.

Rotting roots will look somewhat black and feel squishy.

Rotting roots will also smell bad.

If the roots are rotting, get rid of any roots that are damaged and sterilize the other roots with antifungal treatment.

Underwatering a Snake Plant 

When considering why you have wrinkled leaves on your snake plant, you should know that the leaves of a snake plant are usually the first part of the plant that suffers from dehydration.

The snake plant’s leaves will develop deep wrinkles if you do not water your snake plant frequently enough.

So, how often should you water your Snake plant?

Watering your Snake plant every 2-6 weeks during the growing season is sufficient. In winter, reduce watering.

Wrinkled Leaves on Snake Plants

Root Rot May Cause Wrinkled Leaves

Wrinkled leaves are a common sign that your Snake plant has root rot.

Leaf yellowing is another root rot symptom.

In most cases, a wet potting mix causes this. A wet potting mix doesn’t allow the snake plant’s roots to absorb the oxygen, nutrients, and water it needs.

You might also have to pull out the plant from the pot to make sure the roots don’t have any sort of fungal infection or illness.

If you find that the entirety of the root system feels quite soft and looks black, the snake plant probably won’t survive, unfortunately.

However, if you find some white and firm roots, you can get your snake plant back to full health eventually.

How to Handle Root Rot

It is easy for root rot to go unnoticed, especially with larger plants.

Root rot’s early symptoms can be quite minor, making noticing root rot difficult.

If you are certain that watering the plant too much caused root rot in your snake plant, you should adjust the watering regimen immediately.

An antifungal treatment or charcoal powder can provide treatment for healthy roots and help to get rid of infected roots.

Applying Fertilizer Incorrectly Can Lead to Wrinkled Leaves

If you apply fertilizer to your snake plant incorrectly, it can cause wrinkled leaves.

Snake plants do not need fertilizer regularly. This is because it is a succulent plant.

I recommend applying fertilizer once a month or once every two months during the summer or when the plant grows rapidly from spring to summer.

Do not fertilize in winter.

It’s important to check for yellowing leaves. If you see yellowing leaves, utilize a fertilizer for houseplants to give the plant the nutrients it requires.

How to Deal with Incorrectly Applying Fertilizer or Too Much Fertilizer

I recommend removing excess fertilizer by rinsing out the potting mix with plenty of water.

Wait until the soil is dry and not mushy, then repot the plant.

It is ideal to utilize a fertilizer made for houseplants and one that is both all-purpose and organic.

Most gardening or home improvement stores should have this kind of fertilizer.

You should also make sure that you do not apply fertilizer to your snake plant too frequently.

The Snake Plant’s Leaves Can Wrinkle Due to Improper Winter Care

As previously mentioned, the snake plant does not require too much water.

During the winter, I advise that you only water your snake plant half as often as you would during the summer.

I also advise that you make sure the snake plant is away from any cold drafts. It is also a bad idea to put the snake plant close to the radiators.

One good idea is to get some neem oil mix and mist the snake plant with it occasionally during the winter.

I should also mention that you should not fertilize the snake plant during the winter, since the plant is dormant then.

The Potting Soil Can Cause Wrinkled Leaves

It is important to consider that the snake plant’s potting soil has to drain well since the plant can easily become overwatered.

The snake plant also needs fresh soil, as does every other plant.

If the snake plant’s leaves are wrinkled and none of the above factors are causing it, it might be a good idea to repot the snake plant.

Fresh potting soil can really help the plant.

Frequently Asked Questions About Why You Have Wrinkled Leaves on Your Snake Plants

What are the most common causes of wrinkled leaves on snake plants?

One of the most common causes of snake plants developing wrinkled leaves is overwatering. This is quite common since the snake plant doesn’t need much water. Another common cause is underwatering.

What should I do if the soil is too overwatered and isn’t helping the snake plant?

The soil may be too far gone. I recommend that you repot the snake plant if the soil is too overwatered and doesn’t help the snake plant anymore.