The peace lily or Spathiphyllum is a genus of 47 species. Learn everything about Peace Lilies and how to care for these houseplants.
Peace lilies belong to the Aroid family (Araceae). They are flowering plants that produce an inflorescence consisting of a spathe and spadix.

The spathe is a modified leaf. It is confused as the flower. The flowers are tiny and are around the spadix.
These plants produce large green leaves and are grown for their erect flowers. They are among the most popular houseplants.
Peace lilies produce lots of oxygen.
Peace Lily Care Articles
8 Essential Steps on How to Revive a Peace Lily
How to revive a Peace lily – A dying Peace lily indicates that you need to change your care regimen. I often thought my Lillies were dying. But wilting and…
How to Divide a Peace Lily – The Best Guide!
How to Divide a Peace Lily? The peace lily or Spathiphyllum grows quickly. When it outgrows its existing pot, it is time to repot or propagate it by dividing it…
Root Rot in Peace Lilies — ID, Treatment & Prevention
Root rot in Peace Lilies. The peace lily (Order Spathiphyllum) has about 47 different varieties. It is one of the most popular houseplants due to its beautiful, shiny green leaves…
How To Save A Peace Lily That Is Dying? Follow These Steps
If you’re looking for a plant that adds a peaceful vibe to your room, then planting a Peace Lily seems the best option you’ve got. With proper care and loving…
The 13 Very Best Plants for Kokedama — Revealed!
Kokedama is a Japanese technique for growing plants inside hanging moss balls. The idea is for the plants to be exhibited without a pot for an extremely unique aesthetic. Usually,…
Can Peace Lilies Live Outside? — The Answer
Peace Lilies are tropical perennials that repeatedly bloom with proper care. They are stylish houseplants with pointy green leaves and flower bracts that are pure white, and they originate from…
Brown Spots on Peace Lillies: Here’s How to Fix It
With their glossy green foliage and graceful white spathes, peace lilies are a favorite houseplant for many enthusiasts. Unfortunately, they’re picky when it comes to their care. Changes in their…
How Long Do Peace Lilies Last – Let’s See
Peace Lilies, also popularly referred to as closet plants, are a famous contemporary choice for homes and offices. If compared to the other indoor plants, it is significantly easier to…
Do Peace Lilies Really Need Sunlight? – Revealed!
Peace Lilies (Spathiphyllum), also recognized as closet plants, are a common preference for workplaces and houses. Peace Lilies are not real Lilies at all but somewhat a part of the…
How Big Does a Peace Lily Get? The Answer!
Peace Lily is a striking beauty that produces lush green foliage and white bracts-like flowers. They are a famous species from the Spathiphyllum genus. After the appearance of the plant,…
7 Reasons Causing Crinkly Leaves on a Peace Lily
The Peace Lily plant needs little to survive and is known to thrive even in conditions that may not always be favorable. This plant is often grown for its unique…
Get a Peace Lily to Flower Again – Do This!
Also known as closet plants, the Peace Lily is one of the most popular indoor plants for offices and houses. Not only do they survive in low light and are…
5 Benefits using Coffee Grounds for Peace Lilies
Are coffee grounds good for Peace Lilies? Is it a good idea to fertilize your Spathiphyllum with the waste material of your daily brew? I tested it and can testify…
Dead Peace Lily Flowers – Do THIS!
Peace Lilies are lovely houseplants famous for their air-purifying properties and the cupped white flowers. Once the blooming season is over though, you need to figure out what to do…
How Does An Overwatered Peace Lily Look Like? The Answer
Grown in tropical regions of Southeast Asia and America, Peace Lilies are beautiful scented flowering plants. Commonly called closet plants, they have rich green leaves that blossom into beautiful white…
Peace Lily Yellow Leaves – 10 Reasons [+Best Remedies!]
Peace Lily Yellow Leaves? Look no further. I am going to tell y0u everything about the causes of yellow leaves on a Peace Lily and what you can do about…
When to Water a Peace Lily – 6 Important Factors
When should you water a Peace Lily? These aroid plants are water hungry. They can be very dramatic when underwatered and will sag visibly. But if you overwater a Sphatyphyllium,…
Tips of a Peace Lily are Turning Brown – WHY?
Tips of a Peace Lily are turning brown. Peace Lily is a must-have plant for those with a knack for beauty. It has graceful white-scented flowers and glossy green leaves….
Peace Lily Drooping – 7 Most Shocking Reasons
The Peace Lily plant is a common choice amongst plant owners. While you do not require a green thumb to care for it, you can still face several issues if…
7 Reasons Why Peace Lilies Stop Flowering & Best Remedies!
Why do Peace Lilies stop flowering? The Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum (Latin name) is easy to care for. This plant has beautiful spear-like green leaves that allow its main feature,…
Why Peace Lily Flowers are Green – Interesting!
Peace Lilies were first discovered in 1824 in the Columbian Jungles. Since then, these plants have been admired for both indoor and outdoor gardening. Peace Lilies are labeled as the…
5 Reasons Why A Peace Lily Turns Black
Why a Peace Lily turns black. Peace Lily, also known as Spathiphyllum, is not a true Lily but belongs to the Araceae family. They are easy to care for. But…
Will Peace Lily Hurt Cats? All You Need to Know
Will Peace Lily Hurt Cats? Peace Lilies (Spathiphyllum) are easy to grow. Note that Peace Lilies are not true Lilies. They belong to the Araceae family. But are they harmful…
How to Propagate a Peace Lily? This is How I do It
The Peace Lily is a well-known tropical Aroid that adorns living rooms and offices all over the world. The glossy dark green leaves, along with the magnificent white blossom, can…
Will A Peace Lily Root in Water (Spathiphyllum)? #1 Best Answer
The Peace Lily plant is grown indoors for its stunning green leaves and its magnificent white blooms containing a spathe and a spadix as all Aroid plants do. These flowers…
Peace Lily Plant Care – A Beginner Guide
Peace Lily Plant Care. Finding a beautiful houseplant to take care of can be a tricky process. Fortunately, the Peace Lily plant has been well-loved among gardeners for its easy…